Chapter 2: Collide

My Lucky Charm Pt. 2


I am in work right now, and I'm really busy. I forgot already ro visit Jiyeon's mother, and well, right now, I have to finish all my work before I could go somewhere else. I worked and worked, and I don't even eat, I work and work, cause that's the only reason why I'm alive.

~2 hours later~

2 hours passed and I'm the only person left in the office, well everyone leaves at 7pm and right now it's 10:30pm so I guess I need to go home. I fixed my things and I locked the office like always. I was hurrying to go home so I can still eat something.

While I was running, I bumped into a man, I hit his so hard, I fell on top of him. "Ahg!" The man wiined in pain. I'm so sorry, I said. I quickly stood up and I bowed. I didn't see the man's face too well because he was wearing his cap to low and it's covering his face. After I stood up, I said my sorry and I ran again. It was really imbarassing, my face turned all red.

I ran inside the house, and I saw Jiyeon in the couch. She was watching Television while eating Mac'n'Cheese. I grabed a fork in the kitchen counter and sat beside her. I ate some of the Mac'n'Cheese also. She was laughing at me, and I was being the old good Jieun again. Hahah! Jieun-ah! did you hit your head or something? Jiyeon said. Well... I kinda hitted a man on the way here, I said. Chincha!!! Chincha!!! Jiyeon said. What's his name? Jiyeon asked. Well... I don't know, I kinda ran, I said. Oh man! You should have introduced yourself, maybe he could bring the old Jieun back, Jiyeon said. Well, if you want to the old Jieun back, There is only one person who can remind me who I was back then, I said. Wooyoung? Jiyeon said sadly. You need to get used to the new IU and that old Jieun will never ever come back, and you know who to blame, I said while standing up from my seat and going up to my room.

I changed my clothes and I got ready for bed. I went to my book shelves to get my diary and write about what happend to me just now. While I was getting it, I saw my Jewelry box.

I went to my bed with the box, I tried to open it, but I forgot where I put my key for it. I looked everywhere, I looked at my drowers and my tool box, my key holders, everywhere. "Where did I put that key?" I said to myself. Then it heit me, "The tree house!!!!" I said and hurried to the backyard. I went inside, and some memories came back to me in my childhood.

~Memory 1~

Young-ah Young-ah??? Where are you hiding again, Jieun said. Then Wooyoung tried to scared her, but Jieun has a very sharp eyes and cought Wooyoung before Wooyoung cought her. Young-ah!!!! What are you going to do again huh? *tap* your it!! you it, Jieun said and she started to run, and Wooyoung chased her.

~Memory ended~

Aish!! Why something like that comes back anyway?!?! I shouted to myself. I went to my "Toy Box" and there I saw my "Key Box" Well, you also need to open it with a key also, so I have to find the key to open this box and to get the key in the box.

I went to my room again and I tried to find the key to my key, {wow! that's kinda wired} I opened to my drower to find a botton key {Well, if you know the movie Coraline, you know what Key I'm talking about} I found it under my Book. I opened the key box, and I took my key inside the box, and I opened the box I found earlier.

I opened it slowly and I saw there my Lucky Charm, I mean my Necklace. I don't call it my Luck Charm anymore, I just call it my nacklace, but still, it is really important to me, it's just not lucky to me anymore. I wore it and well I acted like a child and wished that Wooyoung would come back, and well in my mind it's really silly, but in my heart it's saying "hope it works" After that, I fell asleep.

Wooyoung's POV

Arg!!! That clumsy little girl that bumped to me early gave me a pain in the neck, really, she gave me pain everywhere, even if she was light. Huh! I shouldn't listen to my gut to go out, I should have listened to my brain to sleep, but somehow I felt that I need to be out here foe somereason, ahh! I know the reason, the reason is that girl that bumped to me earlier is to wake me up, huh! why am I doing this to me, I should just go to Nichkhun right now and sleep in his bed, I mean his guess room's bed, hehe! hope you didn't think something nasty there:)

I'm staying at Nichkhun's house until my thing's are in my house, and well, that would take 2 or 4 week, hehe! what are Best Friends are for.

I jumped at my bed and I didn't even changed my clothes for it. I can't sleep again, ahhh!!! why? why can't I sleep? I stood up and went to get my backpack. I took a little box and I opened it. My Lucky Charm was in there. "I can't sleep so, you will sleep with me tonight!" I said while wearing the most important thing that I have right now. After that I felt sleepy and I finaly fell asleep.


Sorry For the corny and short chapter, but I hope you liked it:))

They finaly saw each other, umm... not really.... ummm... maybe:D




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Ruhaiii #1
Chapter 2: Please please author update soon
WooU1630 #2
Chapter 2: Please Update Soon
Chapter 2: AHHHHHHHHHHHH......
wish they will reunite soon..:))
Chapter 2: Ahhhhhhhhh
SO cute!!!
Update soon pls.
shumz456 #5
Chapter 2: plz update soon :)
Luckyhair_woou #6
Chapter 1: awww, so sad and interesting..
Please update soon..^^
shumz456 #7
Chapter 1: Pls update soon :)