Anniversary pt.1

The only one.


You woke up all exhausted and tired because of what happened yesterday with L.Joe and Taemin~

You wake up and look at the time to see that its almost 12pm. You jump out of bed and scold yourself because you were supposed to be up earlier.


Ah I can’t believe I’m going to be late meeting up with them and I'm the one who planned the whole thing ash!!

You run across your hallway immediately turning on the shower water and taking a quick shower, then after that you can call Byung hun (L.joe) and Taemin.


Few minutes later~


After the shower, you quickly run back to your room in your towel and locked your door then put on a nice pair of shorts and a blouse.


You look at the time once again and its like about 1:30. You look at yourself in the mirror while brushing your teeth to make sure you look good, for your anniversary with your best friends. You were about to put on makeup and other items but then suddenly...




You looked over to see your phone ringing, you hopped over your bed and got your phone and answered it.


“Hello” you said.

“Hello, Channie?”

As soon as you heard “channie” you knew it was L.Joe.


“BYUNG HUN-AH” you yelled on the phone.

“Haha hello umm I just called to let you know that me and Taemin are at your front door.”


Your face immediately changed after you heard him say that.


(WAHHHH, how can you guys be ready that quickly I'm nowhere near done), you thought to yourself.


There was a long pause on the phone…


“Channie, you are ready, aren’t you?” L.Joe asked.


“Uh… yeah psh of course I am.” You said lying to him.


“Okay then well, we’ll see you in a few I guess.” He replied.




Click. You hung up on him and didn’t even say bye to him because you weren’t ready and you just totally lied. So now you were freaking out even more.


You hadn’t done your hair correctly and you still looked like a mess.. all you had on was shorts and a blouse so far.


Blow-dried your hair really quickly and made sure it looked good. Didn’t bother to leave it out since it was still puffy and frizzy so you decided to put it in a messy bun.  You looked in the mirror one last time and grabbed your Choco-cat bookbag, cell phone, and keys with your wallet and left out your house. You were outside of your house now and looked around but no one was there. You were confused because L.Joe said that him and Taemin were here already.


You tilted your head slightly and took out your phone to call L.Joe.




“Hello the person you calle-“

The answering service came on and you clicked off your phone.  You frowned a little until you heard someone call your name. You turned around and look to see Taemin and L.Joe smiling at you while walking towards you.


You started walking towards them and when they opened the arms for a hug you ran up to them and punched them playfully in the arm.  Both of them.


“Ouch” they both said.

“What was that for?” Taemin asked.


"You guys’ lied to me", you told them.


“We’re sorry but it was just a joke, we just wanted you to be outside before us because we know that you’ll take a long time to come down.” L.Joe explained.


“Fine”, you said to them still frowning.


They both hugged you.


“Now let’s not be all pouty because today is our special day, okay?” Taemin said while motioning a smile to you.

You smiled back to him and nodded.

All of you walked down the street; you were in the middle, Taemin on your left side and L.Joe on the right.

You knew that you were going to have a good time today. And that it was going to be great because you had two of the most important people with you…..


Your best friends.


☂  notes from the author 

Ahh... that little trick they did on you... you didn't like not one bit but of course you forgave them because you love them both and they make you happy, plus theyre your best friends. So you're all about to head down to the special place you speak of... but of course its a surprise so just wait and it'll be in the next chapter.. c: I hope you guise enjoy this :D bye for now!!

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