


You set down the box labeled 'Books' and cut the tape using your car keys. You started to take out the books and organize them on the new built bookshelf. You found yourself staring at the different titles, thinking about each plot and what you loved about each one. Although it took longer than it was supposed to, you finished placing all the books on the shelves and using a box cutter, collapsed the box and threw on the stack of flat moving boxes. 

With a sigh, you looked around the living room of your new house. It didn't exactly look like what you had imagined in your dreams as a little girl, but it was close enough. 

"This is the last box," you turned your head towards the voice that was coming from down the hall, "Hull~ Why did you have to pack so much stuff?"

"Yah! Most of this stuff is yours!" you yelled at the owner of the voice when he entered the room and placed the box on the couch.

"No it's not. Who's the one with a whole box for their K-Pop CDs?" he mocked.

"Yah! Cha Baro!"

"Yes, Cha ______?" Baro asked in a sweet voice as he wrapped his arms around you, looking into your eyes.

You tore your eyes away from his and focused on the collar of this shirt. You still hadn't gotten used to that, being his wife, Cha ______. You two had just gotten back from your honeymoon a couple of day ago and were now moving into your newlywed house. You face started to turn red as you thought about the fact that you were actually married to Baro. 

"Aigoo, my wife is so cute," he cooed, snapping you back to reality. 

He laughed when you lightly slapped his chest and pointed to the box that rested on the couch, "What's in that one? I don't remember putting that one in the car."

"I think it's from our parents," he said as the two of you sat on the couch. 

You placed the box on your lap and opened it. On the top your saw a bunch of 'his and her' things. Towels, cooking aprons, coffee mugs, you name it. You both laughed when you read the card and it said that your dads had bought these things for you two.

"I'm pretty sure our dads didn't buy these for us," you laughed and took out all the couple items from the box and handed them to your husband to place on the couch beside him. 

Both your parents had actually been really close friends before you and Baro even started dating each other. They would always joke about how amazing it would be it they were in laws. Even though they never pushed it when the two of you were growing up together, you always had a feeling that they were hoping you two would end up getting married. You were a little more convinced when they were jumping for joy when you and Baro told them that you were officially dating during high school. And you suspicion was proven fact when you saw the tears of happiness in their eyes when Baro announced that he proposed to you and you accepted. 

After taking the items out of the box, Baro noticed something laying on the bottom.

"What's this?" he said a pulled out a photo album from the bottom of the box. 

It was a simple looking photo album with plain cover and the words Forever & Always written in gold script on the cover. Baro opened the cover and both of your gasped in shock. The first picture was of a little boy and a little girl. The boy had his arm around the girl's shoulder, a huge smile on his face, while the little girl was holding a half eaten ice cream cone, smiling just as big as the boy. There was also a caption under it that said 'First Meeting - 6 Years Old'.

"That's us!" Baro laughed as you hugged his arm and pressed your cheek against his shoulder, a smile on you face, "I remember that day!"

The six year old you was crying, tears streaming down yout face.

"What's wrong?" you heard voice ask you.

You turned around to see a boy about your age staring at you with a worried look on his face.

You sniffled and pointed the ground while trying to wipe away the tears from your eyes. 

Baro looked at the ground the see an ice cream cone covered in dirt. He then looked at you, his little heart breaking at the sight of you crying.

"Here!" he held out his own cone of ice cream, "Take mines!"

You looked at him, hesitating whether to take it or not.

"Go on," he said with a smile, "Take it!"

"Thank you," you whispered, taking the cone into your hands.

"I'm Cha Sunwoo, but everyone calls me Baro."

"I'm ______," you said softly while taking a small bite of ice cream, a small smile on your face.

The two of you continued to look at the pictures that your moms have collected over the years. There was pretty much a picture from every memorable event or milestone that you two went through together, each one with a caption saying the event and age. There was a bunch of birthday party pictures, Christmases, and summer vacations.

But there also was a picture of you two watching a movie together on the couch in his living room (Caption: First Stay-At-Home Date), one of you holding a humongous teddy bear and Baro giving the camera a thumbs up (Caption: First Valentine's), and Baro tying a corsage around your wrist (Caption: Prom Night). They even managed to get a picture of the two of you kissing at your family's New Year's party during both of your junior year (Caption: First Kiss).

The two of you laughed and reminisced as you flipped through the pages of photos. You flipped past graduation, your first overseas vacation together, and finally, your wedding. But when Baro turned to the next page, it was empty. Actually, all the pages after the wedding page were empty. All there was, was a post-it note stuck to the first empty page.

We have collected photos of you two for years. Now, it's your turn. Fill the rest of this book with memories that you want to remember Forever & Always. ~your top two fangirls 

"Hmmm I guess our moms don't want to take pictures of us anymore," Baro said and pouted jokingly. 

"Well than have been doing it since we met," you reminded him with a laugh.

"That's true. Well, let's start now," he said as he look out his phone from his pocket.

He wrapped his arm around you and lifted the phone so the two of you were on the screen.

"How does 'Caption: Moving In' sound?"

"Sounds great to me," you smiled up at him.

Baro smiled back down at you and took the picture.

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jopm93 #1
Chapter 1: this is just really sweet ♥
Chapter 1: You really have the best one shots I ever read <3
barooya #3
Chapter 1: ♥
Chapter 1: awww....
DeullieSa34 #5
ouo ohmaigassh this is so cute ! :> I love it <3
I love all the oneshots you make! They never fail to make me smile, seriously. They're so cute. I love your writing style! :D