I Hate Oppa

To the Beautiful You

Song for this chapter is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Up2ADJoXChI

Butterfly-Jessica & Krystal (HEY GUYS I'M BACK. Hope you enjoy this chapter, though warning it is not my best)

Please listen to the song while you read this chapter! :D


Left. Right. Left. Right, Left. Right.

You can do this Mitchi. Piece of cake. My legs felt like jelly as I walked down the long hallway of one of the SMtown dorms. Minji walked flawlessly in her heels, but me.

My whole week was filled with studying, I do have to say even if this position I am in I have some talent. Not only did I memorize all of SMtown's arists but also my co-stars, pluse my scripts, plus all of f(x)'s song. I am on a role. But just to say Super Junior should not have that many members. 

As I struggled down the hall in regular flats, I couldn't help but feel my stomach churn. Everything felt so wrong. My skirt was too short, my hair to scratchy, my face itched from the clay. You are not Mitchi but Sulli, so deal with it. For your future. “Why do we have to go visit their dorm.” I grumbled. 

Minji hissed at me lowly. “You need to be respectful to your co-stars. Understand? You can't be so rebel like it isn't attractive at all." Her voice was sharp and cold.

Glaring at the back of her head, I muttered under my breath how stupid this was. Minji quickly  let out another warning look. We reached a door and she knocked on it.

In no time a boy with soft brown hair opened the door smiling wide, Onew. Oh gosh, now I really feel sick. I smiled widely, Sulli time. “Hello there Minji Noona! Do you need Minho?” He asked happily. 

Minji giggled cutely and nodded. “Yes we do.” Onew eyes fell to mine and I felt like the world tilted, oh gosh. He is look right at me. He knows it’s me, that I’m not Sulli, that I am only doing this for my college. Oh gosh. Oh gosh I can't breathe!

“Sulli! Are you excited for filming?” Onew asked giving me a friendly smile. Oh... gosh stop over thinking everything Mitchi.

Minji turned and gave me a warning look. “Of course Onew Oppa!” I said in a higher toned voice trying to matching it like Sulli’s. “I’m just nervous.”

That’s when a deep laugh within the house appeared. A tall boy with black hair swished to the side strode out. He wore casual close but he made it look like he was a model.

Even if I hate to admit it, he was handsome. “Ah hello Minji Noona, are we going?” Minji nodded and we waved goodbye towards Onew as he softly closed the door.

Minho took his place by my side and smiled knidly towards me. “Sulli, why are you nervous?” Giving out an annoying giggle I nudge him a bit.

“Just because I’m working with you Oppa.” The word “Oppa” was acid on my tongue. Never have in my life called someone Oppa and I wish I didn’t waste it on him.

Minho gave me a nudge back and looked forward smiling. “Nah, just be yourself Sulli.” That almost made collapsed. Be myself? Oh Choi Minho if you only knew how much I want to be myself. Wait, I don’t think you do. Because if you really want me to be “myself” well I would be smacking your charisma-ageyo-pop-star-wannabe-

“Don’t you think Sulli?” Shaking my head I looked up and saw Minji giving me a look of are-you-an-idiot? Wait, did I just blank out? Oh gosh. Wow nice one Mitchi, nice.

“U-uh what U-unnie? Sorry I spaced out.” Giving another giggle hopefully to cover my mistake. Minji linked her arm in mine and gave it a forceful tug.

“Minho just asked you if you would like to see the set.” Minji said in a sickly sweet voice, “You sure need the break, you won’t need me right?”

Looking at her then Minho who looked rather hopefully. I nodded. “A-ah yes, Unnie. I think it would nice to go with Oppa.” Minho looked happy and stuck out his arm and I hesitantly took it. Minji pointed at my mouth and I gave out another Sulli winning smile.

Oh gosh, it isn’t even half of the day and I am already sick to my stomach.

Please someone help me!


What you wore:



WHOAAA where did all these subscribers come from??? 12 subscribers. I didn't think anyone would read this!

So really sorry I am updating realllly slow. I am trying to finish up this other story first, but don't worry it is almost finish then I can finish up this one after! But I hope I will at least have two chapters up before January 7th. 

I probably have to rewatch To The Beautiful You, I feel I don't really know Sulli, or the other co-stars so I have to do some research.


See ya guys next time <3


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minmin2 #1
Chapter 4: Please update when you can ^^
greentealover1315 #2
Chapter 3: Fighting~!! :) Happy New Years!!! :D
love_rivals82 #3
Update soon~