Chapter 1

The Dream High!

Soo: No, Yuri if its a bad idea? What happens if everythings wrong?

Yul: Come on Soo this isnt your dream? You dont want to lose an oportunity at S.M Entertainment? What will you lose if you are very good at singing and dancing, dont give up.

Soo: Yuri we cant go there we dont have enough money to pay a taxi, this is a crazyness

Yul: Come on Soo! Were not you the one who always said *kid voice* "Follow Your Dreams, dont listen to others, follow your heart"

Soo: *With head down* Well yes but you!!, were not you who said that you dont want to be a superstar?

Yul: Well I am!!

We both laugh
Yul: Now being serios i dont think i have posibilities, Soo im not good
Soo:*Surprised* WHAT!? Are you crazy! You are very good like, if you dont come with me i dont go, *crossed her arms and close her eyes*

Yul: *Convinced* Ok but with a condition

Soo: Which one?

Yul: That we never separate, that the fame ever separate us!
Soo:*I laugh a little bit* Dumb! Always we are bestfriends!

Yul: No is true i dont want to we to change

Soo: Ok :)!
Jumping and shouting *Making a ridiculous dance*
-Mom of Sooyoung *Toc Toc Toc* Girls anythings wrong? why you scream a lot, can you shut up?
Soo: Nothings wrong, thanks
They were thinking a little bit
Yul: Now the problem is to saying it to our parents
Soo: Right o.O what are we going to do? 

Yul: I dont know maybe we can say that you were robbed and im going to save you like the good friend that i am 
Soo: Kekeke you are crazy, i think its better to say the truth, i hate lies so lets go for the good side i think that they will be proud of us
Yul: Ok now you start!

Soo: Oh you dont trust me, my mom will be proud of me. LISTEN!
She went to the living room and her parents were watching Television, i wa looking and stand almost at the door
Dad of Soo: Daughter is Yul going to stay here at night.. cause its late its better that she goes to her house 

Soo: Mmmm... yes dad i have to tell you something, i want you to give me a permission to do an audition
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Tefa-sone #1
Too nice
Chapter 3: It's nice so far :3 it's kinda funny to see emoticons in a story "o.O" XD
crazy4SHINee #3
Chapter 1: WOW!!
So far good! :D