Protective Hyungs

Dating Troubles

Changmin smiled rather happily, holding his boyfriend's hand ever so tightly. Right now, he was absolutely happy. His boyfriend hugged his right arm securely, giving him another one of those lovable and breath-taking smiles. There was absolutely no way Changmin could ever get sick of that kind of smile. Not that Changmin got sick of anything his boyfriend did or gave to him. They were in the hall, walking to the room in which his boyfriend lived. Changmin gulped, swallowing his saliva.

This is when Changmin began to feel nervous, and pretty much scared.

It was hard, very hard for Changmin. For he, Shim (Max) Changmin, the maknae of DBSK (TVXQ), was dating the maknae of Super Junior, Cho Kyuhyun. No, dating Kyuhyun was not the actual problem. Dating Kyuhyun was actually counted as a blessing for Changmin. The problem was just his hyungs. Dating Kyuhyun meant that he had to face 12 other scary hyungs waiting for him pretty much every single day. The moment he reached the Super Junior dorms to meet Kyuhyun, they would question where he was going, what he was going to do and who was he going to meet with Kyuhyun. And the exact same situation would happen after he took Kyuhyun back home. They would ask him where they went, what they did and who they met along the way. Changmin sometimes couldn't believe the questions they gave him and the way they were so insecure.

Kyuhyun looked up at his boyfriend, noticing he was spacing out again.

"Changminnie?" Kyuhyun called quietly, staring at his somewhat taller boyfriend. He really didn't know why, but Changmin would often start to space out every time they arrived at his dorm. Kyuhyun did ask once, but Changmin brushed it off as nothing. It seemed that Kyuhyun was oblivious to Changmin's fear of his other over protective hyungs.

"..." Changmin simply stared into space, taking slow steps.

"Changmin?" Kyuhyun called once again, and just like before, there was no reply.

"..." Changmin didn't really seem to be conscious, and it was starting to annoy Kyuhyun to no end.

"...Changmin-ah...~" Kyuhyun whispered into Changmin's ear huskily. Kyuhyun would have gotten a reply by now, but he didn't. Kyuhyun bit his lower lip in annoyance. Then, without really giving it must thought, quickly bit the right side of Changmin's exposed neck before quickly watching the reaction on Changmin's face.

"Ah!" Changmin then exclaimed, turning his head to see Kyuhyun looking back up at him.

"Finally, you aren't daydreaming anymore." Kyuhyun muttered slightly in a somewhat proud and victorious tone, holding Changmin's hand even tighter than he did before.

"Why did you do that?" Changmin asked with a somewhat annoyed scowl on his expression. Kyuhyun simply brushed it off and continued walking down the hall, not caring.

"You were spacing out on me again, Changmin-ah." Kyuhyun spoke with a somewhat soft and delicate tone, ignoring the irritated expression on Changmin's face.

"Then why didn't you just say my name?" Changmin asked, silently rubbing his neck.

"I did call your name, 2 times I said 'Changmin' normally. Then I said it directly into your ear, and that didn't seem to work." Kyuhyun told Changmin, a slightly mischevious expression on Kyuhyun's face.

"What excuse does that give you to bite me on the neck?" Changmin asked, trying to keep the smile off his lips. He questioned how easily Kyuhyun could make him smile.

"Well, you've done it to me plenty of times. Why can't I do it back to you?" Kyuhyun asked in an almost childish way, poking his tongue out at his taller boyfriend Changmin.

"... Because I don't want you to?" Changmin asked rhetorically, smiling at Kyuhyun and thinking how silly he was acting.

"What a lame excuse." Kyuhyun huffed rather loudly, a smile playing on his lips without any intention of it being there.

"But do you accept that reason?" Changmin questioned.

"... I guess." Kyuhyun muttered.

"Anyway, young master, you have officially reached home." Changmin spoke loudly, bowing to Kyuhyun in an almost 'mocking' yet playful manner. Kyuhyun let out a laugh.

"Wow, what are you now? Some sort of butler?" Kyuhyun asked rhetorically, hitting Changmin on the shoulder.

"If you want." Changmin replied with a smile.

"What do you mean, 'if you want'?" Kyuhyun asked with a somewhat twisted expression.

"If you want me to be a butler, I'll become one." Changmin clarified.

"Oh, really now? There's no way you would become a butler." Kyuhyun retorted, a smirk appearing on his face.

"I would, if you asked me to anyway." Changmin retorted. Kyuhyun simply smiled, wrapping his arms around Changmin's neck and leaned in. Changmin leaned in as well, hoping for a kiss. But just before their lips were able to touch, the door of the Super Junior dorm opened. They turned their heads, seeing Leeteuk standing at the door. And behind Leeteuk, scattered around the room like ants, we the other members of Super Junior. Some were sitting, some were standing and some were lying on the floor. But they all had one thing in common. They were all staring at Changmin and Kyuhyun.

"Ahem." Leeteuk coughed purposely, staring at Kyuhyun and Leeteuk. Changmin let a strained sigh escape his lips, this happened every time he walked Kyuhyun back to the dorm. Before he was able to kiss his sweet boyfriend, the door would open and reveal 12 other of Kyuhyun's hyungs waiting for him. And this is why Changmin would always kiss Kyuhyun when he had the chance, because there was no way Changmin was going to kiss Kyuhyun in front of the other hyungs with their sharp gazes.

"Jungsoo Hyung." Kyuhyun smiled in the greeting of his hyung, quickly unwrapping his arms from around Changmin's neck. Leeteuk smiled back at the Super Junior maknae before turning his head to Changmin.

"Since when were you there?" Changmin asked rhetorically, pretty much knowing already. He knew, Leeteuk was probably watching them from the door ever since they had arrived.

"Since now." Leeteuk muttered..

"Ah, I need to go now. Bye Changmin-ah, I'll call you later." Kyuhyun said, waving to Changmin as he quickly walked inside and left into his room. Changmin gave a nervous smile.

"Bye." Changmin waved back.

"..." And the moment Kyuhyun's door closed, there was a strange silence awakened. Changmin gulped once again. He knew well, all to well, Kyuhyun's hyungs were especially protective of their maknae. They knew after all, Kyuhyun was easily hurt and frightened by the simplest things. Almost to the point of being considered weak, Kyuhyun had some insecurities of his own. The Super Junior members must have known that by now, considering how many times Kyuhyun would call him in tears. He could understand that they wanted to know things about his and Kyuhyun's relationship, that was reasonable. Changmin knew that, but he simply couldn't understand why they would question him about every little thing. After all, they were all trainees together. Why on Earth were they treating him like some sort of stranger?

"...So..." Changmin began, he decided it would be better to just start quickly and end quickly instead of beating around the bush.

"Where did you go with Kyuhyun?" Eunhyuk asked suddenly.

"I went to the park." Changmin replied.

"Did anyone else go with you?" Siwon questioned.

"No." Changmin answered.

"What did you do?" Hankyung asked,

"We walked, ate food and looked at the scenery." Changmin answered calmly, he had lost count of how many times this had happened.

"Anything else?" Kibum asked.

"Um..." Changmin thought for a while.

"Did you guys kiss?" Leeteuk asked Changmin.

"... Yes." Changmin replied rather hesitantly.

"With tongue?" Heechul suddenly questioned.

"..." There was a slightly awkward silence.

"Heechul-ah, I think that question isn't very appropriate." Leeteuk spoke.

"What? It was just a question." Heechul replied.

"Yes, but I don't think Changmin-ah would like to tell you the details." Leeteuk added, Changmin sighed slightly.

"...Fine." Heechul muttered.

"Did you touch each other inappropriately?" Kangin asked.

"Huh?" Changmin couldn't believe some of these questions.

"Did you touch Kyuhyun inappropriately?" Donghae questioned.

"Um... No." Changmin replied.

"Really? Okay." Siwon muttered.

"...Why do you seem surprised by that fact?" Changmin asked rhetorically.

"...I don't know." Siwon shrugged.

"Anyway... any other questions or requests before I leave?" changmin asked the Super Junior members.

"...We have a concert in a couple weeks. Could you make sure not to give Kyuhyun a limp? We can't have our main vocalist and one of our dancers injured on the day." Leeteuk uttered.

"...I can't guarantee anything. Bye." Changmin waved, ignoring the multiple screams of frustrations and calling of his name. He quickly ran down the hall, pretending he couldn't hear their words of annoyance. Suddenly, he heard his phone beep. It seemed that someone had texted him. Changmin smiled slightly, pretty much knowing who the person was.

To: Changmin
Changminnie, I have something important to say! I meant to tell you this before! I forgot to tell you when you walked me home just before and when my hyungs came out, I love you~ ^^
From: Kyuhyun

Changmin read those words and a gentle smile graced his lips.

He wasn't the sort of person who would deal with this trouble.

But for Kyuhyun, he didn't mind.

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Chapter 1: Over protective SUJU? Always the best xD love your story!!
maedeh #2
chulli, kangin and hae are real prev and they has high request and thanks for fun story
so cute and heechul question made me laugh ," by tongue ?? " hahahahaha
Aw so cuute :D Thankyou for updating and writing more stories so quickly! Another wonderful story!
LovingKyu #5
aww~ hahaha it's so cutee~ love your stories! keep writing :D
kekeke so cute the ending~ <3 it
4everkyuhyun #7
'"With tongue?"' Oh that cracks me up. Heechul is the only one who could say this things without being embarrassed. Thank you for updating this story:) Poor Changmin couldn't kiss Kyuhyun in his own will. Kyuhyun' hyungs are all er haha. I hope you would write more Changkyu stories. I'll be anticipating more for your stories!!^^
Whooot can't wait! This looks like it's gonna be hilarious :DD Please update soon!
sashi91112 #9