Article ④

Blitz Magazine - The Sidequel



Yunho and Young Mi started the lunch date appointment off by driving around, looking for somewhere to eat in town but found themselves sitting outside a convenience store eating mircowaved macaroni and cheese (Yunho) and snacking on a giant bag of gummy bears while drinking rice wine (Young Mi).


Initially, they had planned on eating proper food, but realising that virtually every shop was packed due to the lunch crowd, they decided to just get food from anywhere that didn’t require them to wait for a seat, so when they saw empty tables outside a convenience store, they both sighed at the same time and walked in.


‘How’s that gooey looking stuff?’ Young Mi asked the elder.


‘This is my first and last time eating something out from a microwave.’ Yunho made a face before walking over to the bin to dispose of the plastic container and utensils.


‘Want some?’ Young Mi offered the bag of artificially coloured gummies to Yunho who declined almost immediately. 


Yunho looked at his watch, ‘I don’t want to go back to the office.’


Young Mi doubled over in laughter, ‘Dad is such a teenager today.’


Yunho merely chuckled.


The ex-Fashion Assistant was about to speak when the expression on her face turned into one of confusion.


Yunho raised a brow, ‘What is it?’


Young Mi pointed in a certain direction and Yunho turned to look, ‘Isn’t that…Sumire?’


The 11 year old was supposed to be in school but apparently, she was now hanging out with a bunch of guys much older than herself. If that wasn’t enough to make Yunho's blood boil, she was wearing a tube dress that barely made it below her and paired with wedges.


‘Is that a Dior bag?’ Young Mi commented off handedly and Yunho frowned before signalling for her follow him to ‘confront’ the 11 year old.


Sumire didn’t show any sign of remorse when the two adults stood on front of her and her bunch of teenage friends.


‘Why aren’t you in school?’ Yunho asked.


‘You’re not my parent, so why should I listen to you?’ She gave an air of nonchalance as she purposely inspected her manicured nails before the elder.


Young Mi gasped, ‘How could you be so rude?’


Excuse me, but do I know you?’ She scanned Young Mi haughtily from head to toe, ‘I don’t think so.’


Young Mi looked up at Yunho helplessly but found the elder scrutinising the 11 year old.


‘My apologies, we mistook you for another person. But you should seriously be at school instead of hanging out with bad influences like them.’ Yunho then dragged Young Mi off.


‘As much as I would love to spazz over the fact that you’re now holding on to my hand with your hand, please explain why you would say we mistook Sumire for someone else!? It’s clearly her!’ Young Mi exclaimed.  


Yunho looked down at their entwined hands but made no attempt to let go, making him chuckle inwardly, ‘Keep this a secret from Sumire, okay?’


Young Mi frowned but gave in after a while and nodded.


‘I think…’ Yunho began.


‘W-What?’ Young Mi asked hesitantly because she was sure it was something she didn’t want to hear.


‘I think I need to make a call to the Director of Sumire’s orphanage.’ Yunho replied.


‘Oh no.’ Young Mi’s heart fell.


‘And ask if there’s something she’s hiding from Sumire.’ Yunho sighed.


‘About a…a…’


‘Twin.’ Yunho said flatly.


Young Mi bit her lip, ‘What a mess…’


‘I’m not the best parent out there, so… so if what I’m suspecting is true, and the probability’s at a staggering 95%, please help me.’ Yunho spoke softly.


‘Help? How?’ Young Mi looked up at the elder in surprise.


‘I don’t have a role model to follow since I already told you my family’s rather dysfunctional, and no matter how many parenting books I read, I just can’t be…kind and nice to Sumire, so… I’m hoping you can help her get over it and make sure she doesn’t go looking for that hooker looking twin of hers.’


‘You’re going to tell her?’ Young Mi gasped.


‘I don’t like keeping secrets.’ Yunho answered.


‘And you read parenting books?’ Young Mi broke into a grin, ‘How cute.’


‘I’m not…that word,’ Yunho looked away.


‘You are.’ With that, Young Mi reached up with her other hand to pinch Yunho’s cheek.


Yunho immediately released her hand from his grasp and ran way ahead to stop her assault on his cheek, but the younger just kept calling out his name and chased after him.



Sumire’s heart raced when she got into the car after school and felt this very weird vibe in the air. She turned to Yunho, whose eyes were now focused on the road, and wondered whether she should ask if she did anything wrong.


She was sure her classmate didn’t rat out on the fact that she had busted his front tooth a week ago by stupidly talking bad about Blitz Magazine during lunch loudly to his bunch of cronies. She had kicked him off the bench but hadn’t anticipated that he would fall flat on his face…with his mouth wide open as he made impact with the canteen’s floor.


The classmate promised not to report the incident to anyone, especially her Daddy Yunho, after Sumire threatened to tell the principal on him bringing magazines of girls without clothes on (she doesn’t know it’s called ography yet) everyday to school and sharing it around with his friends at the back of the class during class. 


Erm, Daddy? You’re being awfully quiet…’ Sumire crossed her fingers secretly under the bag on her lap.


‘Isn’t that normal?’ Yunho drawled.


‘Yeah, but…in this silence, I can almost hear things…’


‘How oxymoronic.’ Yunho had a crooked smile on his face.


Sumire gave an uncertain laugh and nodded her head.


‘True,’ Yunho glanced at her for a spilt second before looking back on the road.


‘What is it? It’s got nothing to do with school right?’ Sumire asked.


‘Did you do something wrong in school?’ Yunho sighed inwardly.


Well…’ Sumire began uncertainly, ‘Not exactly…’


Yunho knew she was hiding something but he wasn’t going to hunt her down because he wanted to cut her some slack after being grounded on and off for the past 7 months.


‘I’ll tell you once we get home.’ Yunho stated.



Sumire felt less tensed up when she saw Young Mi in their apartment watching the television with her legs casually crossed on top of their coffee table.


‘Oh crap,’ she jumped out of her seat like a cat in shock when she saw Yunho and Sumire at the front door, ‘I’ll wipe the table immediately.’


Yunho waved it off, ‘Don’t worry about it.’


Sumire ran over to hug Young Mi tightly and started babbling about how much she missed the elder and how Yunho was severely ineffective in understanding girl problems such as crushes and boys peeping at girls in toilets.


‘Did you tell your teachers about those peeping toms?’ Young Mi gasped.


Sumire pushed Yunho out of the livingroom and when the coast was clear, she jumped onto the couch beside Young Mi and whispered into the elder’s ear, ‘Telling the teachers isn’t good enough, they only get detention. I forced those boys’ heads into toilet bowls still filled with urine.’


What!?’ Young Mi’s eyes went wide, ‘You’re such a bully.’


‘Why are boys so dirty minded?’ Sumire pouted, ‘Most of them in my class like looking at girls.’


‘I think you need a change of schools.’ Young Mi concluded while shaking her head in disapproval at those classmates of hers with raging hormones.


Sumire simply shrugged, stole the remote control from Young Mi’s grasp and flipped the channels so she could watch a music programme.


‘Sumire, I’ll have to unfortunately tear you away from watching boys and girls perform on stage because Young Mi and I saw you on the streets during lunch hour.’ Yunho had changed out of his signature suit of black and into a simple tee shirt and bermudas.


Oh? But I was in school the entire day,’ Sumire frowned and added secretly in her head: Eating in class and getting into an argument with her Math teacher about getting someone else to do her homework (Yunho did complete it for her but Sumire’s skills in counter-arguing got her out of having to sit for an impromptu test).


Young Mi switched off the television and spoke softly, ‘Yunho suspected something and…called your orphanage back in Japan.’


‘, I don’t want to hear anymore.’ Sumire cupped her ears with her hands.


Language, Sumire,’ Yunho frowned, ‘And so, the bottom line is- You have a twin.’


Sumire started puking out her lunch.



Young Mi volunteered to clear up the vomit while Yunho carried and placed Sumire on the chair in the dining room while urging her to drink loads of water so she would feel better.


Err, Dad?’ Young Mi had a rolled up carpet in her hands, ‘Dry cleaning or hand washing?’


‘None,’ Yunho replied, ‘It’s time to buy a new one anyway.’


Sumire, whose eyes were darting back and forth her Daddy and Young Mi, now surprisingly had a smirk on her face and softly suggested, ‘Why don’t you both go get a new one? I need some alone time now.’


Yunho eyed the 11 year old closely, ‘Did Jaejoong’s plan rub off on you?’


Sumire pretended to look utterly confused, ‘What has Jaejoong got to do with the carpet?’


Yunho sighed, ‘Forget it. Fine, I’ll leave you alone, but make sure I still have a house to come back to.’


‘Sure, now goooooo,’ Sumire pretended to go back into her melancholic state and tiredly strolled towards the livingroom to lay down on the 3 seater sofa.


When Yunho quickly changed into something decent enough to go shopping in (unfortuntately another entirely black outfit) and left the house with Young Mi, Sumire immediately sat up and whipped out her iphone.


‘Hello, my favourite child,’ Sumire could almost see Jaejoong’s blinding smile from across the line.


‘Hi, Jaejoong! But isn’t your baby supposed to be your favourite!?’ Sumire giggled.


‘Not when that little monster’s constantly dripping disgusting fluids all over the fabulous me,’ Jaejoong winced as he recalled his flawlessly white neck and expensive Ermenegildo Zegna blazer smothered with sticky snort and drool just yesterday.


Sumire laughed, ‘Daddy thinks we’re working together on your little matchmaking mission.’


‘Yunnie is right, as usual,’ Jaejoong chuckled, ‘Don’t ever tell him that or he’ll ground you.’


‘I’m not a dumb blonde,’ Sumire pouted.


‘Nice one. You’re growing up so fast, my dear.’ Jaejoong smiled like a proud mother uncle diva Jaejoong.


Sumire simply hummed gleefully in agreement.


‘I need to go soon, my dear,’ Jaejoong pouted when Louise came in to remind him about a meeting, ‘Anything else you want to tell me?’


‘Right…’ Sumire sighed, ‘It seems I was separated from my twin somehow.’


There was a pregnant silence.


‘Jaejoong, are you still there?’ Sumire asked.


‘Yes, yes I am.’ Jaejoong answered, ‘For Cashmere’s sake, are you sure?’


‘Daddy told me.’


‘, that’s totally ed up.’ Jaejoong muttered.


‘Oh, speaking of which, no one has explained to me what ‘’ is yet.’ Sumire huffed.


Jaejoong laughed, ‘It has 2 meanings actually. But what it usually means when I use it is something like a more aggressive version of ‘’ or ‘damn'.’


‘Oh!’ Sumire smiled and nodded in understanding, ‘Okay, thanks Jaejoong.’


‘You’re welcome, my dear. That aside, you don’t seem shocked over the twin thing- hold on, my dear- SHUT THE UP LOUISE! I’M ON THE PHONE AND YES, I KNOW THERE’S A ING MEETING IN 5 MINUTES BUT TELL THEM KIM JAEJOONG IS THE EDITOR IN CHIEF AND HE LOVES BEING FASHIONABLY LATE- Sorry for the interruption, my dear.’


‘It’s okay,’ Sumire laughed, ‘Well, I was initially shocked but the more I thought about it, the more irrelevant it seemed to be to me. I mean, it’s not like as if that information is life changing or anything…’


‘But if you’re depressed or whatsoever, just give me a call, I’ll do anything to make sure my favourite child is happy.’ Jaejoong promised.


‘OKAY!’ Sumire beamed, ‘I love you, Jaejoong. I’ll hang up now so you can go for your meeting.’


Jaejoong sighed dramatically, ‘I am so not looking forward to hearing about boring numbers…’


‘Then skip the meeting.’ Sumire replied.


‘Good idea... Hey, are you free right now?’ Jaejoong sat up in his seat.


‘Yeah, why?’ Sumire asked.


‘Want to go spy on some Yunmi action?’ Jaejoong giggled like a child.


‘ yeah!’ Sumire cheered.



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Chapter 17: It's funny or weird of Youngmi to fangirl when Yunho already be mistaken as a thief :D Youngmi is surely weird to play that game with Yunho but it's funny when they were playing the game! Jaejoong is still the same and the moments of the Kim household make me funny especially how Jaejoon grow up and calling his father names :D Really enjoyed this sidequeal that I started shipping the Yunho and Youngmi couple! Really curious on the reality drama so off now to read the sequel :D
Chapter 16: Jaejoong surely when bored, never failed to take out his boredom to Yunho! It's amazing how Yunho was able to be used to it but who wouldn't blame him? Jaejoong may appear like that but he can be sweet and caring too :) Will read the last Chapter you updated :)
Chapter 15: It's cute of Jaejoong to be jealous that Yunho chooses Youngmi's choice rather than him but go back to his old self after seeing Youngmi's gift to Yunho which is kitten :) It's sweet of Youngmi to give the kitten as a gift to him but it's funny that she forget buying a cat food but it's a relief that Jaejoong, a cat lover, is there so the kitten didn't suffer hunger :D Kimchi and Jaejoong expecting an addition to their family! Really hoping that Jaejoong will be a responsible father rather than how he is to Jaejoon. Kimchi and Sumire greeted Yunho a happy birthday and it's funny how Yunho thought of sending her to Yoochun to be disciplined and how she pleaded :D Jaejoong beg but at least he decided to go back to Korea so the couple had an alone time! So cute of Youngmi to apologize uniquely and how they forgot to buy cat food again! They are really becoming alike! Will continue reading to know what will happen next :)
Chapter 14: That's so sweet of Jaejoong to go visit Yunho to greet him and give him a gift for his birthday! They are surely cute together! I really like how Jaejoong look like a proud mother when she told Youngmi about Yunho being able to answered his teacher's questions and how he's proud of the change in Yunho being able to kiss a girl many times initiated by him! Youngmi is surely a cute girl even though she's klutz but unfortunately, she can't conceive :( Wouldn't be lovely if she and Yunho will have a child in the future hoping it'll be possible... Will continue reading :)
Chapter 13: The couple is so sweet especially how Yunho gives her that bracelet as a gift to her birthday! Their relationship is surely getting better each day especially Yunho! I find Youngmi cute when she gets jealous or hate the way the girls looks at Yunho when they had a cook out! Yunho is getting addicted to kissing her ;) Will continue reading to know what will happen next :)
Chapter 12: So I was right that Hao is Yunho! So funny that Yoochun came to love to babysit Jaejoon compared to its father :D Sumire and Jaejoong's interaction in the Chapter is really a unique and different one! Yunho kissed Youngmi again! Really curious on what will happen next so will continue reading :)
Chapter 11: Like the moments of Yunho and Youngmi in the Chapter :) They are such a cute couple! Who could be that hao who always chat with Sumire? I do have someone in my mind but I'm not sure if I'm correct so will wait for the revelation. Will continue reading :)
Chapter 10: Sumire is back and I surely miss her interactions between Yunho! It's sweet and cool of Yunho to gave her ticket to Super Junior's concert! If it's really true, I'll feel envy to Sumire since I'm also a fan of Super Junior, sorry for the randomness :) Yunho and Youngmi will stay at Massachusetts together? I really do hope they'll end up together or get married in the end because I do ship and find them cute and compatible as couple :) Will continue reading ;)
Chapter 9: It's sweet of Yunho to come back early on his trip because he was worried of her because she's babysitting Jaejoon :) I do pity her for having a hard time taking care of Jaejoon. It's funny when Yoochun babysit Jaejoon and may have grow fond of the baby and how Jaejoon do a mischief to his father :D It's sweet of Yunho to comfort her and I really like their moments together in the Chapter ;) Will continue reading :)
Chapter 8: When they just started their relationship, they already away from each other :( but at least they were able to contact each other even though their conversation turns out weird ;) Jaejoong's been being nice because he's scared of Yunho getting the company away from him even though the latter doesn't care :) But Jaejoong plan to have a date with Kimchi but it ended up Youngmi taking care of Jaejoon which not makes her happy but be annoyed! Really curious on what will happen next so will continue reading :)