Let's stop here

When You Were Mine


“Oh… why do you look so sad?” Eric Benet said as both of them approached him. They were able to get to backstage after the performance because a staff recognized Onew as a SHINee member. He quickly let Onew and Hwejin entered the restricted area to meet Eric Benet up close. It was Onew’s 2nd to see him while its Hwejin’s first time. “Hey… did you just make her cry?” He turned to Onew with a suspicious look.

“No. No.” Hwejin quickly responded. “I cried a couple of times because I was so into the songs you were singing. They were all sad and I felt your heart into it.” She praised. Benet smiled and nodded. “Could we take a couple of photos with you, sir?” He happily said yes to the two of them so they posed for few photos together with him.

“She’s a precious gem, buddy.” Benet patted Onew’s shoulder before leaving. He only smiled and whispered, I know.

“Let’s go?” He asked Hwejin afterwards. Onew was about to walk ahead.

“Jinki-oppa.” She called and Onew stopped. “I cried because I was really feeling the emotions of his songs. Not because of anything else.” She cleared.

Onew nodded and smiled. “I know… I was feeling the same.” He said and they started walking their way out of the area. “Do you want to eat somewhere before I take you home?” Onew asked before they entered the car. Hwejin shook her head, didn’t say anything. “Okay then… I think you’re too tired to even eat out.” He shrugged his shoulders and both of them entered the car.

There was an annoying silence inside the car as Onew drove her back to her home. Hwejin was looking away. Eyes blank as she stared out of the window, at the other cars that go on the opposite direction. Onew looked back at the road.

He wanted to say something… but what will he say?

He wanted to start a conversation… but about what?

He just wanted her to talk…but what should she say?

“You’re still thinking about the songs?” Onew took all the courage to start a conversation. It was still far away from Hwejin’s home so they have to talk about some things.

“Yes.” She uttered, not looking at him, but rather far away within her sight’s reach. “They say someone can get tired of loving a person that will never love her in return…” She looked at Onew with teary eyes. “But don’t you think it’s even more tiring to feel hurt and feel miserable? It’s tiring to pretend… to act like you don’t care… to tell everyone that you’re okay when deep inside you’re not… it’s even more tiring to wake up every freaking day having to put up a smiling mask. It’s never a wrong thing to be happy… but it gets to be it when you know it’s fake.”

Onew couldn’t say anything about all the things he just heard from her. He looked at the road and decided to stay focus. He needed to drive her safely at home so he tried to omit everything that she just said.

“Haiden. Do you think he will really make me happy?” She asked again. “I hope so. I’m looking forward to how he is going to make me happy… again.” She smiled bitterly.

He stayed quiet all the time, pondering upon her words. Thinking if what he wants to do will be a pro… or a con.

Those minutes were very crucial for Onew. Will he tell her he still loves her or will he allow her to let go and be with Haiden hoping to make her really happy at the end? Those were what kept on getting on his minds. Hwejin… does he want her back… or not?

After few more minutes, they were finally able to reach Hwejin’s house. “Thank you. It was such a nice concert. Please tell auntie I’m grateful for the free ticket. I’ll treat her the next time we meet.” She smiled and opened the door to get out.

“I’ll tell her.” He said.

Onew watched as Hwejin walked towards her door. He won’t leave until she finally gets inside. He was staring at her as she looked for the keys on her bag when something hit his consciousness again.

Man, you love that girl so much.

Onew opened the door and get out of his car immediately. “Hwejin-ah.” She looked at him with a surprise expression. Onew walked straight to her.

“J-jinki-oppa…” She uttered as she looked up at him. They were just few inches from each other. Eyes locked up together. It felt like there’s nothing more important in the world than the two of them.

Onew held her by the waist… and hugged her, tight so she won’t let go.

“Let’s stop… Hwejin-ah. Let’s stop here.” He whispered as he also let his eyes shed some tears. “I’m tired as well. I’m tired of telling myself I should give you to better hands. No.” He let go for a while and looked at her eyes. “He might be treating you better… but he can’t love you as much as I do. No. There’s no one that could love you more. You belong only to me… and I’m sorry if I’m being selfish right now but… please… stay with me. Come back to me… for the 2nd time.”

That’s when Hwejin started tearing up so hard. She cried her heart out, not because of pain. Not because of excitement. She was crying of relief. She was crying so hard knowing that here is Jinki in front of her, trying to get her back.. wanting to gain her love back… wanting to be with her again.

She couldn’t waste any more time. It’s tiring to pretend she doesn’t love this person anymore. It’s tiring to act like he’s nothing. He’s the person she loves greatly. That one person who can never be erased from her heart.

He had her before… he had her then… and he still has her now. They tried to change it. They tried to live their lives separately…

But what’s bound to happen will always happen. They were like 2 opposite poles of magnets. They resist, but faith insists that they should be together.

Hwejin looked at him and smiled while she was crying… she then wrapped her arms around his neck as she tiptoed to reach and hug him as tight as possible. She missed hugging this figure… the boy she used to hug before grew up to be a man now. A man whose arms are wide enough to hug her, and the man whose shoulders are broad enough to protect her.

// Now that we came to this point... Please say something... What do you think? OMG. I personally think this is really sweet if it happens in real life. I'm looking forward to your lovely comments now. :D

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HyunJane #1
Chapter 4: FINALLY. an amazing onew fic omg thank you. i'm a lucky mvp. thank you. you're amazing.
lovescomplicate #3
Chapter 50: This chapter is so sweet!they finally know each others feeling! Hope haiden understand!!
Chapter 81: Okay, I read this story in 2 days and I think my eyes are starting to get hurt. I can't stop reading your stories! I think you're very talented! Are you a novel writer? This story is really sweet, really cute, and I like it very much! Maybe I'm one of your fans, now. Do you have a fandom name? Lol. Good job, author-nim^^
leeontae #5
Chapter 81: Always really love u'r story authornim.....keep writing n good job,,,,I love more lee jinki :DDDD *thumbs up*
Chapter 80: this story just . . . .DAEBAK
really, love this story
it's not heavy but find it entertaining
you did a great job, thor
sorry i just comment here
because a read this marathon, non stop
Prosecutor_Princess #7
Chapter 80: wahhhhhhhhhhh daebak