
When You No Longer Have A Heart
Babump. Babump. Babump. The heart beats at it's normal pace, but it's not mine. It's Yongguk hyungs heart. It beats like everyone elses heart, and a bit faster when he's excited. Yongguk hyung has a different heart, it was mine, but now it's been replaced. He never gave it back, and it seems his heart I had, died. So as I lie my head on his chest, I listen quietly. His chest heaving in and out. A small snore slipping past his plump lips. This is the only time now I get to be close to him. Babump, babump, babump, babump, babump. His heart picks up. 'Himchan..' he mumbles, with a hint of a whimper. One more night I hear the name. I feel the tears coming out of my eyes. I have no heart to feel the pain, but I have the mind to make me understand that I am hurt. Sitting up, I walk to my bed. I don't feel the rush of blood in my veins. I don't feel the pulse in my wrist as I press my finger against a scar. I am living with no heart. And with no heart it's easier to walk along in life. When living without a heart, you learn, walking on the road instead of the side walk is right. Eating with your knife instead of your fork is proper. I close my eyes, waiting for my heart rate to slow down to sleep, but I can't. When living without a heart you come to realize, sleep isn't needed anymore. -------------- A/N; Ick. This was . I am editing it, please look forward to a better version.. Sorry this . ~Author Taylor.
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wow I love the whole idea of this
it hurts so much TAT
damnit yongguk. my zelo is hurting himself?
I haven't seen any Bangzelo drabbles/oneshots/stories lately.
u haven't seen the Banglo momenzt on weekly Idol?0_______0 Bang was totally jealous over Younglos apple game 0______0