Day 1

Suicidal Tendencies


I've lived I an orphanage since I was 4, my Mum died and my Dad got a new girlfriend who wanted her own children, so I was sent to an orphanage, I wouldn't say I was the 'rebellious' type but my attitude did let me travel around the Country a lot.


Today I was moving yet again but just schools as I was picked as part of a transfer program with about 20 other girls, we were sent to an all-boys school from an all-girls school as an experiment group to see how well we mixed with the boys and how the boys changed academically and socially.


We were supposed to board there as it was pretty much in the middle of no where according to our coach driver.


I had a window seat so I didn't have someone leaning over me to talk or anything, I wouldn't say I didn't have any friends, just none of them happened to be chosen to go, apparently the pick was random but it didn't seem like it as the Queenka group was here, the library babies and a few new students who seemed to have grouped together and not want to speak to anyone else then there was me, lets just say I wasn't the best academically and not the most polite when speaking to people, especially boys.


Eventually after about 3 hours of Pop music playing from phones and tinny speakers, we pulled up to a big old building with a clock tower in the centre above the main entrance.


Our Class President (or Queenka to you and me) went into the main entrance to find out what was happening and to say we had arrived safely while everyone else retrieved the bags from the boot and piled them next to the entrance, I just had a backpack but some of the other girls had massive wheeled suitcases fit to burst, but then again all I own can fit in my back pack, necessity wise.


After a short wait the Queenka emerged followed by three boys in the school uniform.


We were lead to our dormitory area which was a short corridor with two rooms on each side and one at the end, it was supposed to be four to a room but as everyone stuck to their groups it was a bit difficult as there were two others with the Queenka, then there were the five library babies who took two of the rooms, then the six new students divided in two and took two rooms then the 4 others who were left went in the last room, I was left in the corridor with my bag.


I decided to go in with the new students and went into the closest room to where I was, they had already claimed the beds, and even though there were four beds they had covered the fourth with clothes and their bags, I left and went in the other newby room, they had put their clothes away and had claimed beds, they turned my way when I walked in.


“Can I sleep here?” I asked in a rather bored voice. They slowly nodded and one pointed to the free bed by the window.


“You can have that one” she said before turning back to her friends, I decided I wasn't invited to there conversation so I left to go explore for a bit.


After a few flights of stairs up and down I reached what seemed like the cafeteria, it was relatively big, opposed to dining tables and chairs it was more like coffee tables and comfy chairs, one wall was covered in photographs, opposite this wall was a long table, stained with soup and food that had made circle marks where it had fallen on the table, like a coffee cup stain, I went in and wandered round, when I got to the end of the room I turned round to go back but there was a lady is a maid uniform, not one of those insanely short skirt ones with fishnet tights.


“Would you like some coffee, Miss?” she asked,


“Um, I don't drink coffee...” she looked slightly saddened that she couldn’t help me so I continued “...if you have any juice, that would be great” I smiled at her,


“What flavour would you prefer, Miss?” she replied.


“I don't know, surprise me” I said, in my head I was screaming at myself for not asking for something a little more upper class as she was the first person to call me 'Miss' in my whole life, she scurried off looking worried, probably thinking which flavour juice I wanted.


As I waited, I sat down in a comfy chair in the corner of the room with my back to the door but from the volume of timber used to decorated this room on the floor and the walls, would amplify the sounds of anyone in the room.


Suddenly a guy sat down opposite me, that’s funny I didn't hear him whereas I could clearly hear the maid women walking over, I looked at him with one eyebrow raised, waiting for an explanation as to why he was there and couldn't go sit at another table, he gave an evil looking smirk when the maid came closer and put my drink on the table, I watched her put it down and said thank you, I looked back up but the guy had gone.


I shrugged my shoulders and put it down to him not wearing shoes so he could sneak away quietly and drank my juice, when I got to the pulp at the bottom I couldn't help but notice my eyes drooping.


I tried to stand up but fell back down in the chair giving into my tiredness. I felt a pair of large hands gently pick me up bridal style but I couldn't open my eyes so I snuggled closer to his chest, it didn’t feel as though he was walking as the jolts expected with each step never came, it was like he was flying.


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