


A/N: I changed Ryeowook's birthday here. hehe




June 27, 2012 -27 days left


“ So, Kyuhyun-ah, do you have a girlfriend? “ Ryeowook asked as he sat beside a startled Kyuhyun. Ryeowook just finished practicing his piece and they’re taking a little break.

“ Why do you ask? “ Kyuhyun awkwardly asked back.

“ I’m just curious. So tell me! Do you have one? “ Ryeowook bumped his shoulders to Kyuhyun. The other inhaled deeply and released with a sigh before facing Ryeowook and nodded. Ryeowook chirped and clapped his hands together. He then whispered a ‘Go!’, encouraging Kyuhyun.

“ I don’t have a girlfriend. “


“ I had a boyfriend. “ Kyuhyun finished.

“ You had? So that means ex right? “

“ It’s complicated. You see, we never really broke up so for me, we are still together. “

“ Oh I see. Tell me more then. “ Ryeowook inched a little bit closer. Kyuhyun’s heart beat quickened but ignored it. He turned his head to face Ryeowook and when he saw how close they are, he can’t help but miss the times where he will inch a little bit more closer and delete the gap that was between them. he shook his head to clear his mind.

“ Why? “ Ryeowook asked

“ Nothing. “ Kyuhyun smiled. “ Now, where are we? “


Kyuhyun ended up telling their love story, how they met each other and fell in love. He also, without the other knowing, described Ryeowook’s features exactly as he looked at him tenderly. When Ryeowook asked for the name though, he declined saying it and Ryeowook respected it.


June 30, 2012 – 24 days left

“ Happy Birthday! “ Kyuhyun greeted a startled Ryeowook who’s sitting on the floor with music sheets on his hands.

“ How do you know that it’s my birthday? “ Ryeowook asked, still surprised nonetheless happy. He never expected someone will greet him at exact midnight of his day. He smiled widely when Kyuhyun approached him holding a cake that has a candle on it. Kyuhyun told him to blow it and so he did.

“ You should make a wish. “ Kyuhyun said.

Ryeowook then closed his eyes and clapped his hands together before opening them again and stared at Kyuhyun.

“ I don’t need to make a wish. I just want to say thank you for giving Kyuhyun to me. “ Ryeowook said sweetly which made Kyuhyun blush bright red. He coughed awkwardly and Ryeowook laughed. They finally settled, sitting side by side on the floor as they eat the cake.

“ You still didn’t answer my question yet, how did you know that it’s my birthday? “ Ryeowook asked as he chewed a mouthful of cake. Kyuhyun stiffened but recovered quickly

“ I have my sources and stop doing that pouty face cause I’ll never tell you. “ Kyuhyun laughed evilly.


July 3, 2012 – 21  days left

“ Why are you holding an umbrella? “ Ryeowook asked. They are standing in front of the studio, ready to go home.

“ Because believe it or not, it’s going to rain. “ Kyuhyun said confidently. He looked at his watch and excitedly opened his umbrella.

“ Rain? It’s clearly not going to- “ Ryeowook stopped as Kyuhyun pulled him closer to his side under the umbrella as it started to rain.

“ How do you know that? “ Ryeowook asked, amazed and curious.

“ Like I tell you, I have my sources. “ Kyuhyun laughed it off. Ryeowook knows that there’s no point in questioning Kyuhyun so he just laughed along.

“ You truly are amazing. “

“ I know. “


July 7, 2012 – 17 days left

They are both lying down on the cold cement floor on the roof top, gazing at the stars.

“ Kyuhyun? “ Ryeowook said softly.

‘” Hmm? “

“ Had you ever felt something weird yet good? “

“ Huh? “ Kyuhyun looked at his side and his heart made a flip as he saw the other is looking at him.

“ Something like you’ve known this person for so long even though you just met? “ Ryeowook said, not breaking his gaze at Kyuhyun.

“ I think that’s what they call destiny.. “

“ So it’s destiny for me to meet you, right? “ Ryeowook smiled at him, blush visible under the moonlight.

Kyuhyun reached for the other’s hand and laced their fingers together. He looked at Ryeowook and nodded.

“ Then, I’ll leave it all to destiny from now on. “ Ryeowook said as he closed his eyes and squeezed Kyuhyun’s hand.

What he didn’t saw is the scared look on Kyuhyun’s eyes.

But I’m fighting with Destiny just to have you here by my side….


July 15, 2012 – 8 days left

“ Where are we going? “ Kyuhyun asked as Ryeowook dragged him to an antique shop. Kyuhyun looked at him, asking why here

“ I just feel like going here. “ Ryeowook shrugged. They both toured around the shop. While looking at things, Kyuhyun saw a clock pendant necklace. He picked it up and looked at it. Reality hit him as he remembered what date it is today. 15th of July, 8 days before it happened.. His grip tightened on the pendant unknowingly.

“ Do you like that? “ His trance broke when he heard Ryeowook on his back. He put the pendant back immediately and shook his head.

“ Let’s go? I’m hungry. “ Kyuhyun said, Ryeowook nodded. When Kyuhyun walked out of the shop, he picked up the pendant and smiled.

“ Do you like that one? “ an old lady asked beside Ryeowook which startled him.

“ It’s beautiful. It’s not for me though.. “

“ It’s for that guy you’re with? “ the old lady asked and Ryeowook nodded. He paid for it and before he’s out of the shop, the old lady said to him

“ That guy really loves you. You’re so lucky. “

“ I know. “ Ryeowook smiled before completely going out and went to a hungry waiting Kyuhyun.


July 20, 2012 – 3 days left

Ryeowook is practicing his piece beautifully as Kyuhyun watched him. Ryeowook turned his head to look at him and smiled. Kyuhyun stiffened as visions of Ryeowook’s funeral came flashing inside his head. Shaking his head, he excused his self to get some water. His coat was left on the piano unguarded and Ryeowook took this chance to put the pendant on its pocket.

“ I’m very sure he’ll like this. “ he said to his self, smiling widely. When he put his hands inside, he touched a piece of paper. Curious, he pulled it out and read what’s written on it. His eyes widen when he saw his name and the word died.

Kyuhyun just came back with a water bottle on his hand but stopped on his track as he saw what Ryeowook is holding.

“ What is this? “ Ryeowook asked shakily.

“ I can explain. “

“ Do you think this is funny? “

“ No! Let me explain first! “

“ That what? That I’m gonna die? “ Ryeowook said, throat dry. He picked up Kyuhyun’s jacket and stuffed the paper inside the coat. “ Get out. “ he said sternly.

“ But it’s true! And I’m gonna stop this from happening! “ Kyuhyun  desperately said but the other Is not listening.

“ Just get out, please. “


July 23, 2012

Kyuhyun got a call from his mother telling that his sister will give birth tonight so he went to the hospital that morning until late night. He wore the same coat that day and when he reached inside his pocket, he felt something. When he pulled it out, it was the pendant necklace that caught his attention at the antique shop. He opened it and saw the time strikes 10:45 pm, therefor he bid good bye to his parents and sister’s family.

This is my only chance..  were his thoughts as he jog down on the streets of Seoul, going to Ryeowook


Ryeowook sighed as he finished fixing the studio. Kyuhyun’s words were still running inside his mind and part of him is scared. Shaking his head, he dismissed his thoughts about it and closed the lights. Before walking his way home, he took out his music player and plugged in his earphones. He set the volume to high for him to distract the negative thoughts. He was singing along with song when he reached the stop light. He waited for the pedestrian light to turn green and when it did, he crossed the street.


Kyuhyun is running towards the street when he saw Ryeowook was about to cross. He looked at the side and saw a car that moving too fast. He shouted for Ryeowook but the other didn’t hear it. Without thinking twice, he runs faster and pushed Ryeowook.


Ryeowook didn’t saw the car that was coming to his direction. He was surprised when someone pushed him from the back and a loud crashing sound is heard. He stiffened and reluctantly turned around. He saw Kyuhyun, lying on the ground, bleeding. And not far away is the pendant that he gave to him. Tears started to fall as he reached for it and clutched it near to his heart. He shook Kyuhyun as he called his name repeatedly wishing that he’ll open his eyes. He starts to cry harder and hugged Kyuhyun’s body..

“ I love you Kyuhyun.. I love you.. Please don’t go.. “ he keeps on saying until he heard sirens around him.


3 days later..

Today was the last day of Kyuhyun’s funeral. He hugged Kyuhyun’s portrait as he sat on the second row of bench at the church. Without knowing, a tear fell down from his eye. He stared to nothing as he remembered Kyuhyun’s memories.

Don’t cry love, I’ll wait for you.. Live well until we see each other again..

He heard a faint whisper on his ear and he knows already who it is. He closed his eyes, nodded and smiled.

“ Till we meet again, Kyuhyun. “



A/N2: I don't know how to end this.. sorry! :((

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chiibiiluna #1
This is beautiful though the ending is sad.

Keep on writing author-ssi!! Fighting!! ^^
chaiiiii #2
AAWWW. This is awesome!
Another chance :)
I love where this is going :)
Please update, author-ssi ^^
chiibiiluna #4
I love that song author-ssi ^^

The girl on that MV is beautiful indeed!! OMO! But at the end of that video, Hongki.....

Aigoo!! can't wait for another update :))
wow! the summary itself sounds interesting! update soon! ^^