In Just Two Weeks Since I Moved Here.....

Social Science Class


Zelo POV

I have been studying here for two weeks, not more, but I have no more interest to study here.

C’mon, just two weeks, but I feel like I’ve studied here for centuries!

Nobody dare to bully me when I was at my school in USA, but, here, I get bullied every time they want.

The girls stalk me EVERYWHERE! Trying to flirt with me, asking my phone number, ask me if I would like to go with them, ask me to have lunch together, and even some of them confessed to me already. PUH-LEEZ, I just had TWO WEEKS here! But, they, those weird girls, already love me that much. I heard some of their friendship ruined because they’re fighting for me, and some others of them made a FANCLUB for me..... What the hell is this?!

And, of course the boys won’t let me “have fun” like that with my popularity between the girls. They bully me a lot, and I’m totally alone, since I don’t have any friends here. So, nobody, except teachers, school staffs, etc; will help me when I got bullied. I’m good at martial arts, but since they bully me in groups, my fighting skills aren’t really helping me.

ALL of the 7th grade student have their own teams, either hating or loving me. I have nobody to team up with, boys or girls. If I team up with the girls the boys will bully me more. And of course won’t let me join them!

Nobody’s feeling neutral of me.....When the boys  are hurting me, the girls will shout, scold, and mock the boys, and help me, but’s it’s more like they’re annoying me.

Except, one girl.

She always sits down silently or writing or reading  something, always achieves great scores (others say that she’s one of the smartest student in the whole school), also she wears a pair of glasses with thick lense. And if I observed more, looks like she’s the only girl without make-ups in grade 7, and the only normal person in grade 7. She also has no friends, just like me.

Even though she doesn’t apply make-ups on her face..... I think she’s still the most beautiful girl... in this school, maybe...


A/N: Hi~ So how's the first chapter? I know it's kinda boring, but I'm sorry, I'm still a rookie. The adventure will start soon~^^


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Chapter 2: UP TO THE DATE
when are you going to update? i h8 u. lol jk~
cmon, i've been waiting for ages because of this XD
Chapter 2: Livii~ Update soon please :3 Can you make the chappies longer too? Thankies ^^
Update soon
Vezalius #5
Nice main image ^^, Update soon!
Update soon~ XD
The plot seems interesting~ Hwaiting!
Vezalius #7
OMO! The plot is good so far :D
Update soon~!
Daerin-saeng, Hwaiting!