Liquid Flame

Liquid Flame

There is pool at the hotel that they are staying in. They, being Super Junior M.

During the day, when they actually are at the hotel, and not somewhere halfway across the city, doing god knows what, They could look out their window and the a veritable sea of tourists occupying the pool deck. But now, a little over an two hours past midnight, all the rooms were dark and the entirety of the pool and surrounding area was empty.

Except for one person.

Lee Donghae lay on his stomach at the edge of the pool and lazily drug a hand through the water, watching the ripples that follow in its wake. He glanced up at the windows of the hotel rising far above him, dark and unbroken by even one brightened window. After cautiously searching the pool area he looks back at the pool, and focuses  on the water.

He scoops a handful up and tilts his hand to let it drain back into the pool.  

If anyone had been around to see, they would have been amazed to see the water stop and shimmer in midair before it could touch the surface. Donghae sends a furtive glance back at the hotel, but grins.

It feels good to be able to play again. A flick of the wrist, a twist of the fingers, and really he doesn’t even need that, minuscule currents and tiny ripples of the pool resonating strongly in his mind, is all it takes for the floating droplets to dance into shape in front of him.

More water rises up out of the pool in small ribbons, entwining with Donghae’s fingers and caressing his skin. Donghae giggles a little at the exuberance of the liquid as it snakes up his arm,  a glistening glob breaking off to float in front of his face.


Donghae smiles guiltily. I’m sorry, I’ve been busy. How have you been? And sends his mind barreling along the flow of water, down the drain, farther, farther, until he reaches the sea, sinking down into the vast expanse  that greets him like a long lost lover.


Yes, yes, I know. I can’t let anyone else find out though, so its hard to get to talk to you.

Donghae sits up, pulling himself into a cross-legged position at the very edge of the pool, the undulating mass of water that whispers, cold, against his skin never retreating. The floating blob of water rubs against his face, leaving behind several drops that Cling to Donghae for a moment, before rejoining the larger one.


Donghae laughs and whispers, “Okay. So impatient.”

Donghae can feel anticipation reverberating through the connection.



And the water twists into the corresponding shape. Joy ripples over Donghae.


Donghae laughs again, and obliges. He continues for a while, happy to be able to interact with the element he’d been connected since birth. Water had always been his friend, happy to help him out, do as he wanted for as long as he could remember. 

He supposed it ran in his family, his mother, father, brother, having their own connections to their own elements, his mom and her plants, his brother constantly sparking electricity, but his father, his father sharing Donghae’s bond with water. 

It wasn’t something he spoke about, even amongst his family, a secret from the humans they lived with and interacted with on a daily basis.

Donghae pauses in his game. Well, they were human too, he supposed. Just… different from most. His mother had called them, the one time he had asked-



Donghae whips his head around and gasps in shock, the water collapsing back to the ground and soaking him.

. Someone had SEEN. They were gonna think he was a freak, they’d tell, he’d be sent off, he’d have to quit he’d-

“! Donghai. Breathe.”

Donghae shudders and gulps in a breath. He’s practically vibrating with fear and he can’t seem make his mouth work. “Zh-Zhou-”

Zhou Mi crouches down and smiles a Donghae, big and relieved.  “Donghai, calm down.”

“L-look, I can explain-”

“Donghai, I’m a Whisperer too.”

“I really can- you ARE?” Incredulity.

Zhou Mi nods, still smiling. “Watch.”

Zhou Mi holds out a hand, palm up, and Donghae eyes him warily as something sparks across Zhou Mi’s skin before flaring up into flames that dance through the air and along Zhou Mi’s hand.

He is a whisperer.

Donghae shudders, and goes limp, relief coursing through him. His hands shake as he rubs one across his face, and he’s not quite sure if he can stand right then. His legs would probably collapses under him. Dimly he can feel the water nudge at him. OkayDonghaealright?

Zhou Mi moves from his crouch to take a seat beside Donghae. They sit in quite for a while, but eventually Donghae speaks. “Ah, Zhou Mi?”

Zhou Mi looks at him curiously, “Yeah?”

“Why are you out here so late at night?”

Laughter, maybe at the abrupt change of topic? Donghae deosn‘t know, but he‘s not quite reading to talk about what they had, both, just discovered.

 “Kuixian often stays up late playing games, Its hard to calm down enough to fall asleep at times, so I often take walks to wind down. I happened to look out the window and see you down here.”

 Zhou Mi looks at him sharply. “You should be more careful Donghai, if I hadn’t been the one who had found you, it could have been big trouble.”

Obviously Zhou Mi has no problem talking about it though.

Donghae nods miserably. “I know, but I could hear the water calling me all the way from my room, we’ve been so busy lately, this is the first time in WEEKS, I’ve had a chance do anything.”

Zhou mi nods in understanding. “I know the feeling. Do you know how hard it is to find a decent sized fire, without looking like some sort of psycho?”

“No, I don’t. I’m a Water Whisperer, not  a fire whisperer.” a pause, and then quieter. “ I didn’t even know there other whisperers besides my family.”

Zhou Mi smiles, “I haven’t met any besides my family either, but here you are… hey! maybe you’re like my long lost cousin or something!”

Donghae shoots him a look, and after a moment they both burst into laughter. After a moment it tapers off, leaving a surprisingly comfortable silence behind.  They sit for a while before Donghae breaks the silence.

“This is kinda odd.”


“I think this is the most I’ve spoken to you outside of work in a long time, Zhou Mi. and who would have thought you’d turn out to be a whisperer like me? I mean how many of us ARE there anyway? we never talk to anyone about what we are, and yet two of us managed to end up in the same idol group.”

“We never really talked have we?”

Donghae shrugs, “No not really. It’s kinda odd when you think about it, we hang out with all the same people.”

“We both like to annoy Kuixian.”

“We both like to bug Kyu. And for some odd reason he likes us.” 

“We both find Henli cute.”

“Mochi-ah is very cute, it’s true.”

“We both drag Han Geng Gege to go shopping with us.”

“I just like exploring with hyung, You go for the clothes though.”

“Granted, But still. So why don’t we talk more?”

“Why don't we talk more?”

“Did we not have anything to talk about?”

“ we have something to talk about now that’s for sure.”

“Well, we have to talk more from now on.” Zhou Mi nods decisively.

Donghae grins at him. “Definitely.”

After a little longer Zhou Mi clambers to his feet, and offers Donghae a hand. “We really need to get to bed if we want to be able to function tomorrow.”

Donghae grabs it and is pulled to his feet. After yawning he starts towards the door. He looks back over his shoulder. “Coming Zhou Mi?”

Zhou Mi smiles brightly and follows after him. 

Before long they’ve made it back to the floor where their rooms are located and they split up, Zhou Mi to head to the room he shares with Kyuhyun, and Donghae to his own room. Donghae fumbles with the card key for a moment, but unlocks the door. Before he can enter his room Zhou Mi calls out to him. 


“Yeah Zhou Mi?”

“You can just call me Mi, or Mimi.”

“Oh, um, thanks M-mimi.”

“No problem Donghai.” a beat of silence. “Good night!”

Donghae laughs as he enters his room. “Goodnight Mimi.”


Donghae rubs his eyes sleepily as he waits in the hotel lobby for the others to show up. He’d definitely cut it close on the “able to function tomorrow” amount of sleep he needed.

His band mates trickle in, Siwon, who was already there, and then Henry, and next Zhou Mi.

Donghae greets them all as they take a seat, but Zhou Mi tosses him a bottle of water, his smile twisting into an almost fox-like smirk. Donghae looks down at his water and rolls his eyes. “Whats the water for?”

“Thought you might be thirsty,”

Donghae raises an eyebrow and ignores the curious glances of Siwon and henry as he twists the cap off and takes a swig.

Zhou Mi perches on the arm of the couch Donghae is sitting on, and Donghae laughs to himself. Apparently all he’d needed to finally break the ice with Zhou Mi was the revelation that they were both some kinda mutant freak.

“So Donghai.”


Zhou Mi comes to stand in front of him. “Does this outfit look okay? I asked Kuixian before I left, but I can never tell if he’s just being sarcastic or not.”

Donghae looks at him, for the first time really LOOKS at the man, skinny jeans that cling to his long legs, Boot that give him even MORE height, and shirt that accentuates his slender build nicely, and mentally takes a double take. Zhou Mi looked fine. Donghae'd dare to say he looked more than fine.

“Ah, You look good Mimi.”

By this time they have been joined by everyone but Han Geng and Kyuhyun, meaning  that they get a fair number of surprised looks at the way Donghae addresses Zhou Mi. It was common knowledge that Donghae and Zhou Mi didn’t really talk, for all the attempts of Han Geng and Ryeowook to make everyone comfortable and get along with each other. However before anyone can comment, Their missing two members enter the lobby, and Zhou Mi Nods to Donghae with a smile and walks over to Kyuhyun, as everyone stands to go.

Han Geng speaks out “Alright everyone, we have a busy schedule today, we need to hurry and meet with our manager, so we aren’t late.”

Everyone nods, and are on their way out the door in a few moments. Donghae trots along towards the back of the group,  and so catches sight of Zhou Mi as he looks over his shoulder and grins at him, before returning to his conversation with Han Geng. 

Donghae laughs to himself. Maybe having his secret slip out like that would turn out to be a good thing.

Siwon and Henry, lagging slightly behind everyone else once again watch the exchange of the two men in curiosity. After a moment exchange a glance.

Something had changed between the Donghae and Zhou Mi.


As promotions went on, something in the atmosphere changed, growing lighter and easier. Maybe it was the fact that everyone was settling back into routine of promotions for Super Junior-M, or maybe the was the shattering of the last bit of awkwardness between the members as Donghae and Zhou Mi settled into the new friendship that other members watched unfold in front of their eyes.

Sure Zhou mi still hung out a lot with Kyuhyun, still help long conversations with Han Geng, and sometimes Siwon in Chinese, still did everything he used to do.

 And sure, Donghae still hung all over s, and hung out with Ryeowook and Henry, still begged Kyuhyun for help with all his electronics.

But now it wasn’t and unusual thing to see Zhou Mi flop down next to Donghae while they were waiting and throw a arm around his shoulder and strike up conversation. Donghae went as much to Zhou M for help with Chinese as Han Geng.


Donghae plops down and digs his toes in the sand. It was nice to be able to visit the beachm even if it was only for filming. The production crew hadn’t all arrived or set up yet, so Donghae and and the others had wandered off to amuse themselves.


He can hear the ocean calling out to him, and he closes his eyes and lets the calming sensation wash over him. After a moment hears a shuffling in the sand and fire is flickering at the edge of his consciousness. 

“Hey Mi.”

Zhou mi sits down next to him, close enough to touch, and then proves that fact by wrapping an arm around Donghae.

“What you doing?”

“hmm… the ocean is so loud.” Donghae laughs and winks at the taller man.

Zhou mi smiles and nods in understanding , that Donghae’s not talking about the actual sound of the waves. “I wonder what it’d be like to love the water like you do.”

Donghae grins and leans inot Zhou Mi for a moment. “Well then I wouldn’t be the “fish” anymore would I? We’d have to call you Gentleman Fish, or something equally ridiculous.”

Zhou Mi frowns in thought. Donghae turns to look at him. His eyed widen  at the expression on Zhou Mi’s face. “Oh god, you aren’t actually thinking about are you?”

Zhou Mi merely hums and looks away. 

“You are aren’t you!”

“I’m just kidding!”

“You had better be.” Donghae slaps him playfully. 

They both quiet again for a moment before Zhou mi speaks again. “Still I think it’d be cool to see it from your perspective.”

Donghae looks out sea again. “I’ve heard that you actually can if…” he trails off.

Zhou mi waits for him to finish his statement, but he never does. “If what Donghai?”

Donghae is startled out of whatever he’d been thinking. “Oh! Eh, its nothing.”

They’re called back to the set before Zhou Mi can pursue it any farther.


“Hey Mimi!”

“Yeah Donghai?”

“You want eat?”

“Close Donghai, you’re getting better. Try ‘Do you want to go eat’”

Donghae slowly sounds out the Chinese. “D-do you..want to go… eat? With me?

“Very good! And yes, I’d love too” Zhou Mi beams at Donghae who grabs his hand happily and drags him towards the door, chattering in a mixture of rapid Korean and fumbling Chinese.

Kyuhyun wanders over to where Siwon and Henry had set up, Henry with his DS and Siwon with a Korean newspaper, both peering, quite obviously over the top to watch Donghae and Zhou Mi.

“Something is going on with those two.” Kyuhyun notes.

Henry rolls his eyes. “You’re just now noticing hyung?”

Kyuhyun rolls his eyes right back. “Of course not. I’m surprised you picked it up, clueless brat.”

Henry pouts, “Hey! Don’t pick on me.”

“You’re the maknae, I’m allowed.”

“you never let the others do that to YOU.”

“I’m a cooler Maknae.”

“What the hell? How can you be a ‘cooler’ maknae. A Maknae is a Maknae.”

“Not if you’re named ‘Kyuhyun’”

“Okay you have GOT to stop spending so much time with Heechul hyung.”

“Guys! I’m trying to read.”

Kyuhyun and Henry both chorus “Sorry hyung!”

And Siwon sighs in annoyance and the smirk that the send each other.



Donghae watches in fascination as Zhou mi flicks long fingers and small flames dance into intricate patterns above him. 

“Are you sure you aren’t going to catch my bed on fire?”

Zhou Mi looks over from where he is laying on his back on Donghae’s bed, arms stretched out above him, and legs flung all over. “I’m sure.”

Donghae drags his eyes away from the fire for a second to meet Zhou Mi’s eyes from his position laying on his side. “Alright. I’ll trust you.”

Donghae bites his lip after a moment, and a quick glance at the toher man shows that the attention is no longer on him.

Donghae doesn’t know what it is, the joy of having a new friend, the relief o being able to share his secret with another person, the comfort of knowing he isn’t alone, but something draws him to the tall, smiling man.

He was nice, and funny, and, Donghae admits drop dead gorgeous. The more Donghae gets to know him, the more he’s drawn like a moth to flame. 

Water and fire are supposed to be polar opposites, but Donghae thinks that this particular fire is far to magnetic to resist.

Donghae thinks for a moment, should he, should he not? And then scoots closer to Zhou Mi until he’s able to rest his head on the others shoulder.  Zhou mi smiles, sunshine and light, and they remain in that position for several minutes.

Eventually Zhou Mi shifts. “Hey, Donghai?”

“Yeah Mi?”

“Sit up for a moment, I wanna show you something.”

Donghae raises an eyebrow but complies, and moves to a cross-legged position. Zhou Mi mirrors him, the flickering flames moving to sit in one hand, and Donghae can feel the heat beating against his skin as Zhou Mi faces him.

“Hold out your hand”

Uncertain.” Mi?”

“Please Donghai? It’ll be fine I promise.”

Donghae hesitantly reaches hand, palm up.

Zhou Mi brings the hand of flickering flame up to his faces, where it jumps and rubs against the Chinese man’s face like a cat. He whispers in Chinese and Donghae struggles to make it out.

“Friend… nice…don’t…”

Donghae frowns slightly and has enough time to think he really needs to work on his Chinese before Zhou mi looks back up at him and holds out the hand that is covered with leaping flames.

And before Donghae can flinch back, the fire jumps from Zhou Mi to race up Donghae’s arm and curl around Donghae’s neck, at his face. Donghae braces himself for pain, but after a moment all he can feel is a comforting warm dancing around him.

Donghae pries his eyes open and the first thing he sees is Zhou Mi’s face, Gentile eyes and earnest smile. And Donghae gasps, and he doesn’t think Zhou Mi realizes the exact meaning of what he’s done, and this changes everything.

Donghae, in the corner of his mind that the water usually occupies hears a faint whisper in an unfamiliar voice


Donghae thinks that maybe this fire is one he doesn’t mind letting consume him.


Its back stage waiting for a performance and Donghae and Zhou Mi happen to be the first ones done with the stylists.

“Ready for this?”

“Of course I Am”

“You Chinese is improving Donghai.”

“Hah! You messed up!”

“I- What?”

“Your! Not You!”

Zhou Mi narrows his eyes at Donghae. “Donghai.”

“Yeah Mimi?”


“oh .”  Donghae shoots up off the couch but before he can make it far , Zhou mi’s long legs have reached him and arms are wrapping around him from behind and fingers are digging into his ribs and it tickles an d-Oh god can’t breathe.

“Mi- haha! Mimi please hahaha! Stop!”

Donghae can feels Zhou Mi grin against his ear, and his breath tickles him as the taller man says “Not until you apologize”

“Ahahaha! But it was true!”

“you should respect me for teaching you the difference!”

“Zhou Mi!” Donghae reaches out an arm, twists, and Help me please!

The water from a glass of on a nearby table rises up and splashes Zhou Mi, who yelps and lets go of Donghae.

Donghae snickers when catches sight of Zhou Mi, who is standing awkwardly due the fact that the back of his pants from to knee wet, and soaking through to the skin.

Zhou Mi sends Donghae a glare. “My pants!”

Donghae quiets down as he sees that Zhou Mi seems to be genuinely upset. “Ah, Mi, I’m sorry, I-”

“You got me wet!”

“Ah- I’ll fix it.”

Donghae holds out a hand. Come here please.

The water from Zhou mi’s pants moves in a few seconds, leaving the Chinese man dry once gain, and Gathers in a ball in Donghae’s hand. Donghae directs it back over to the cup that had come from and channels it back in.

Zhou Mi crosses over to Donghae,  who backs up until he hit’s the couch. “I’m sorry.” 

Serious eyes gaze at him, before breaking out into sun and a foxy grin. “Got cha.”

Donghae wrinkles his nose and pushes at Zhou Mi, but ends up unbalancing himself and falling back onto couch. Zhou mi wastes no time and pounces., pinning Donghae to the couch.

“Now. Apologize for earlier.”

“No! Never! I’ll never surrender!” Donghae laughs.

“I will defeat you Donghai!” Zhou Mi grins, and holds on tighter as Donghae struggles to get free.

“you guys need to get a room.”

Donghae and Zhou Mi look over and see “Ryeowook?”

Ryeowook shrugs. “Hey! Take a look at yourselves before you point fingers at me”

Both Donghae and Zhou Mi flush as they realize that in his effort to keep Donghae from getting up Zhou Mi has straddled him and is pinning him to the couch. Zhou mi jumps up as if electrocuted, and Donghae buries his burning face into his hands.

Henry pokes his head out of the dressing room. “Were they flirting again?”

Both Donghae and Zhou Mi squawk “We aren’t flirting!”


Zhou Mi curses as stumbles through the smoke filled halls of the building. Smoke, fire, Not a problem to him, but falling debris isn’t something he can handle., and its NONE of it is something that the others , can deal with, Namely Donghae who no one can find.

Stupid building for not having faulty smoke detectors, stupid faulty wiring and stupid STUPID Zhou mi for not paying enough attention to what his connection to fire was telling in time to stop this from happening.


Zhou Mi mentally screams No! Don’t burn! Before turning down another hallway.

He mentally shoves a feeling of Donghae at the connection, water, bubbly Donghae, cool and warm and moving and calm and Donghae

This man. Find this man, don’t hurt him. Remember friend? Find friend.


Yes! Find friend!


Zhou Mi pauses and tries to see through the ever thickening smoke, before the groaning of the roof over his head sends him moving. 


Zhou Mi nearly collapses in relief. “Where?!”


Zhou Mi knows, in a way he doesn’t quite understand, but takes off down the hall, and after a few twists and turns, stepping right through a pile of burning wreckage andPlaywithme, fire caressing his skin and tugging playfully at his clothes, before he reaches a door. He tries the handle and finds it jammed, and not to touch, and without hesitation he slams into it with a shoulder.


Huddled in the far  corner of the room, as far away from the flames the at walls and ceiling as he can get. The flames don’t advance, but Zhou Mi is still worried, The fire itself is only one of the dangers present.


Donghae looks up sluggishly,  and Zhou Mi’s gut clenches at the glassy look in the reddened eyes that meet his.

“Zhou-” a cough.” Mi.”

Zhou Quickly reaches him. “Donghai, we need to get out of here. Can you stand?”

Donghae Nods hesitantly, and clambers to his feet, but sways dangerously. Zhou Mi bring Donghae to lean against him, before speaking again. “Donghae do you trust me.”

Donghae’s breath comes in short gasps, “Y-yes. Of course.”

“I’m going to get us out of here, just focus on staying with me okay?”

Donghae nods, and Zhou Mi reaches out again, to mentally exhausted to communicate non verbally. “I need you to stay away from us until we get out of here! Can you do that?”


“Not right now! Friend needs help!”

Friendhurt? HelpFriend.

“Right! Stay away from me and Friend so we can get out of here okay?”

A moments hesitation, and Zhou Mi worries, fire has always been one of the more volatile elements, even for a Whisperer. But its for naught.


A surge a relief and happy and thank god.

“Thank you!”

Zhou Mi turns to Donghae, “Alright lets go.”

They make their way out of the building as fast as the can and Donghae can hear the groaning of the building as the fire ate away at its support, and a counterpoint offriendhelpfriendhelpfriend that is NOT his beloved water, as fire curls out of his path and snakes away from them.

Eventually the reach the exit, and then there are people Han Geng, Siwon, Ryeowook, Henry , Kyuhyun, and worried voices, too many hands, and Donghae feels his knees finally give way and he sags to the ground. 

A medic quickly makes his way over and a oxygen mask is slid over his face, and its better, but he still can’t breathe well, but there are others to be worried about and Donghae nods when he’s asked if he’s okay. He’s fine, and then medic I gone to tend to someone else.

Zhou Mi clutches Donghae to him and shudders at the gasping breaths that his- his- 


Han Geng reaches out a hand pats Donghae’s face, and the hand slips down the linger on his shoulder. Zhou Mi looks around, everyones eyes are worried, Donghae the only who has been inside long enough to have picked up anything more that a few smudges of ash.

“Donghae. Zhou Mi…”

Donghae smiles slightly behind the oxygen mask. “Its okay hyung. You couldn’t control this.”

Ryeowook fusses about them all, and suddenly Kyuhyun lets out a snort. “Gees hyung, I really don’t think we need FRIED fish, you cut it close there didn’t you.” 

Ryeowook glares at Kyuhyun and hits him. “Kyu!” He sniffles. “Don’t even joke about that!”

Kyuhyun has the grace to look embarrassed. “Sorry hyung”

Ryeowook sighs.

Henry looks around. “Wait till E.L.F. find out.”

Everyone lets out a weak smile at the thought, oh the hysteria that was about to commence, but Siwon freezes. “Leeteuk.”

Han Geng’s eyes widen in horror. “Oh . How am I supposed to tell Leeteuk that I nearly got his babies hurt!”

Zhou Mi lets out a weak smile. “Ge. Its NOT your fault.”

He leaves his next thought unvoiced.

If anything its mine


A few weeks later, and several hospital visits, Donghae had no permanent damage to his throat or lungs, thanks god., and SJ-M is back on their feet and back into promotions.

Zhou Mi and Donghae are even closer than before, Zhou Mi constantly hanging around Donghae, as if he’s afraid he’ll disappear. 

There is something, something different that Zhou Mi ca put is finger on. He likes Kyuhyun , He likes Han Geng, but Donghae, Donghae is different.

He puzzles over it, and Donghae just smiles and “Ge! Mimi! Hey I have something I want to show you.”

Zhou Mi follows Donghae to his room, and raises an eyebrow when he shuts and flips the lock behind him. Donghae crosses the room to stand by the window. 

“Mimi, do you remember back a few weeks ago, you did something with your fire, you let me hold it?”

Zhou Mi nods slowly “Yes. Why Donghai?”

Donghae is quiet, and frowns. He picks up a cup of water from the table, and hands it to Zhou Mi.

“Mimi, can you listen to this, like you listen for your fire? I want to see something.”

“Wha? But I’m not a wat-”

“Zhou mi. Please, for me?”

Well as if he can turn that down.

Zhou Mi closes his eyes, and listens. Its quiet, no fire for him to connect to, and hes about to give up when he hears it.  Its quiet but - there!


The water swirls up out of the cup and coats his hand,  writhing and pulsing like it does for Donghae.

Zhou Mi turns wide and Confused eyes to Donghae. “Donghai?”

“Do you know, its impossible for whisperer to be able to understand or control more than one element? Or it would be except for one thing.”

Zhou Mi, gulps and looks at Donghae, the shorter man’s gaze spilling a surprising amount of heat as he advances on the taller Chinese man. This time it’s Zhou Mi who loses his balance and thumps back onto the bed.

Donghae come to stand in front of Zhou mi. “Did you know, that the only way for a person to have a connection to more than one element, is if they a have a very…special, relationship with another Whisperer. “

Donghae his head to the side. “Did your parents ever tell you about this?”

What is Donghae getting at? “No, my mom is the only other whisperer, I know and she never said anything like this. What kind of relationship?”

Donghae looks at him, his gaze open and he gives a bright smile. “Like this.”

And leans in, and then Lips are on Zhou Mi’s and Oh, thats why Donghae is different.

 Zhou mi presses back, but Donghae pulls away all too soon, backing up nervously. 

“I- uh.” Donghae stutters.

Zhou Mi stands up from the bed and  towers over Donghae. 


“Y-yeah Mimi?”

“Did I say you could stop?”

“Pay up”

“You don’t know if they’ve hooked up.”

“Hyung they’re locked in their room and you can HEAR whats going on.”

“Kyu is right hyung.”

“But Ryeowook!”

“Siwon, you might as well pay up.”

“Henry you too?”

“What?! That’s what you get for betting against Han Geng Ge. He’s had to have picked SOMETHING from Heechul by now.”

Han Geng Grins as Siwon hands over the money, still grumbling. “One of these days I‘m going to find out how you win EVERY single one of these things.”


Zhou Mi and Donghae exit the room a while later. Donghae catches sight of Siwon sulking on the couch, and and Han Geng smirking over the top of his book.

When Siwon sees the pair he stnads up and stalks out of the room, but not without hissing "Traitors. you couldn't have held your hormones in check one more week could you?"

Donghae looks over at Zhou Mi after Siwon leaves. "What was that about?"

Zhou Mi shrugs and laces his fingers with Donghae's. "Dunno."

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Chapter 1: So nice!! Because of you I'm a Donghae and Zhou Mi shipper now keke !! Awesome story !!
oh~~~~~ not a shipper of hae and mi but im interested! ^^ update soon!