Hairclips and Ribbons

Hairclips and Ribbons

At the sight of Yoseob turning away from him and turinging his computer on, he decided he should do the same. After waiting for his computer to load up, he asked Yoseob for help with his maths work that was due in in a couple of days. Sure asking Yoseob for help with his maths woek is not going to garante the correct answers, but Yoseob was definetly better with this sort of stuff then he was. Just as Yoseob was going to help him out, they heard the door to the room slam shut and in walked Hyunseung with Junhyuns arm drapped over his shoulders. With this Yoseob, completly forgetting that he was suppost to be helping Doojoon with his maths work, leapted up from his seat and launched himself at the newly arrived couple. If it wasnt for the fact that Junhyun had his arm around Hyunseungs shoulders, Yoseob would of clearly knocked him down.

"Hey seungie, how did the date go last night?"

At this question Hyunseung blushed a deep shade of red and Junhyun smirked.

"Thats for us to know and for you to never find out"

Junhyun said with the smirk still plastered on his face. The two walked over to their seats which were next to Doojoon and Yoseob. Yoseob had no choice but to follow the couple to their seats and except the answer he had been given.

Yoseob sat down with a pout clearly seen on his face sat down next to the now sulking Doojoon who was glaring at the work displayed on his computer screen.

"You know Doojoonie, that staring at your work wont make it finish itself"

"I know that, but its to difficult for me to understand and I seriously think my brain is going to explode seobie"

As soon as Doojoon said this he put his head on the desk in front of himself saying something about hating maths. Yoseob could'nt help but smile at the scene in front of him, but Doojoon needed help and he new he wasn't any better at maths than Doojoon was so he asked the one person he asks when he needs help with his own maths questions. When Dongwoon isnt around of cource.

"Junhyun can you please help Joonie with his maths work, he's having trouble with it and both you and i know that your the best out of us here"

"Cant you ask Dongwoon, he's like a hundred times better than me?"

"Junnie, Dongwoonie isn't in today remember? he is on a family trip with Kikwang"

"Please Junhyung, he really needs help"

"Okay fine i'll help him" And with a yay from Yoseob and a sigh from Junhyun, he made his way over to sit on the opposite side of Doojoon, this just happened to make him the furthest person away from Hyunseung. Letting out another sigh, he decided to poke the non moving Doojoon on the shoulder.

"Yah, Yoseob, you shore he hasn't died or something?"

"Well he did say something about his brain exploding.....oh my god! Doojoons brain has exploded noooo!"

Yoseob shouted as he continuously kepted shaking the older male by the shoulders.

"Dear god Yoseob, what the hell do you think your doing shouting so loud right next to mt ear?!" This made Yoseob stop his actions and become quiet, then procced to hug his boyfriend.

"Ah, Doojoon, I thought you had died due to not being able to understand your maths homework!"

"Well if I dont get any help I think it will"

"Well thats where I come in"

The sudden voice coming from the other side of Doojoon made him turn around.

"Junhyun, thank god I can count on you"

While Junhyun tried to teach Doojoon how to solve his maths questions, which were in fact quiet hard, making both boys wish that Dongwoon was there to help and not on vacation, Yoseob and Hyunseung were chatting away like nobodys business.

"What do you think I would look like with blonde hair, seobie?"

"It will look alright but you should stay with the colour you have now"

Hyunseung thought for a moment about what Yoseob had just said. He was right. Besides, there can only be one blondie in the group and that just so happens to be Yoseob.

"Ah, I almost forgot!"

Yoseob exclaimed as he picked up his backpack and placed it on the desk.

"On my way home from singing practice last night, I stopped by this new shop and they had all these items on sale, they are totally adorable and cute!"

Out of Yoseobs bag came many diferent types of hair accessories and stickers.

"Wow Yoseob, you must have spent a fortune on all these"

Hyunseung said as he picked up a hairband with a large pink glittery bow attached to the top of it. Hyunseung placed the bow on his head and then proceded to fix his hair. Yoseob thought the bow went well with Hyunseungs particular hairstlye he had going on right now.

"Yoseobie can I put a little pont tail in your hair, please?"

Hyunseung questioned, the pink bow adding to the cuteness he was portraying on his face.

"Sure you can seungie"

And with that the pair started putting on all different types of clips and bows, of all the colours of the rainbow.

"Finally I have finished my maths homework, thank you so much Junhyun!"

If Doojoon wasn't already dating Yoseob, he would of kissed Junhyun at that very moment in time. He was that happy. He turned around in his seat, ready to give Yoseob a kiss instead, only to come face to face with Yoseob wearing half a tone of clips and bows.

"What have you done?"

Doojoon wasn't expecting Yoseob to be doing this while he was working, let alone look like he enjoyed doing so.

"Doojoonie look, arn't I just the cutest thing alive"

Yoseob was happy with his little pony tail.

"Look seungie gave me a pont tail, with a ribbon, do you like it?"

"It's lovely seobie, can we go to the bathroom please? I need to go"

Doojoon thought Yoseob looked every bit like the small child he secretly was inside.

"But Doojoonie you can go to the bathroom yourself, I don't need to hold your hand"

This protest fell on deff ears though as Doojoon got up and dragged Yoseob up with himself and out of the classroom towards the bathroom.

Once Doojoon and Yoseob had gone this left Junhyun and Hyunseung sitting with two empty seats between them. Junyung looked over to Hyunseung and saw that he had also decorated himself with a few of the items that he heard Yoseob had brought the previous day.Hyunseung still had the big pink bow in his hair, and a few brightly clooured clips positioned at the side of his head.

"Seungie, what did Yoseob do to you?"

Junhyun was now smiling and felt whater hate he had toward Doojoon earlier for separating him from his beloved seungie, completly vanish.

"Huh, oh he wanted to play with my hair since I did the same to his"

"Isn't the bow a bit much though?"

Junhyun liked the bow and it suited Hyunseung well, it was just a bit to big for him thought.

"You don't like it?, Yoseob said that you would though"

Hyunseung looked down at his desk. He felt silly and ashamed that he was wearing this really big bow to please Junhyun, yet he didn't even like it.

"No it's not that i don't like the bow seungie, it looks really good on you, I just thought it was a bit big at first glance, but now that i  have looked at it a bit longer, it seems to be the perfect size for you seungie"

Hearing this from his boyfriend made Hyunseung look up at Junhyun, who was smiling at him.


"Yes really, now how about we get going".

Hyunseung blushed at Junhyuns answer and said an okay to his question. This was there only lesson for the day and he had spent it messing around with Yoseob instead of actually doing any work.

Both of them turned of their computers and proceded to stand up. Junhyun held out his hand for Hyunseung to take a hold of, which he did. Just as Junhyun was going to turn around and lead them out of the common room and into the hallway,Hyunseung stopped him. Without saying anything, Hyunseung put a large bright yellow clip at the side of Junhyuns head. Junhyun just smiled and let him finish sorting out the clip and his hair before heading to the door. If anyone else had tried to do what Hyunseung had just done, he wouldn't of let them, Hyunseung has Junhyun wrapped tightly around his little finger, and he could do anything ro Junhyun without him protesting or complaining about it.

Yoseob had just finished acompanying Doojoon to the bathroom. They hadn't done anything, turns out Doojoon did need to go to the toilet. Yoseob took this as an opportunity to check out what seungie had done with his hair. A couple little bows and five or six brightly coloured hair clips. Lets not forget the little pony tail that Hyunseung had placed right on top of his head. Yoseob liked the way the colours went with his blonds hair and smiled at himself in the mirror. Doojoon had finished and was washing his hands. Yoseob was searching in his bag for something. Out came two clips with hears on the them. Yoseob turned to Doojoon.

"Uh, Yoseob what are you doing with those?"

"I was going to put them in your hair for you silly, what else would I be doing with them"

If Doojoon didn't want to be ignored by his boyfriend fo the rest of the day, he knew he had to wear the two clips.

Out of the bathroom came a happy looking Yoseob followed by an embarassed looking Doojoon.

"Come on Doojoonie, they don't look that bad, in fact they make you look cute"

Doojoon glared at the boy.

"Im not suppost to look cute, that's your job, I'm ment to look manly and intimidating, but instead I'm looking like an idiot with these fricking clips in!"

Yoseob didn't know Doojoon hated them that much and went to take them out of Doojoon's hair.

"What are you doing?"

"I was going to take the hair clips out since you dislike them so much"

"Just because I don't like them seobie doesn't mean I won't wear them, you looked really happy putting them in, and I didn't mean to make you upset by not liking them, I'm sorry"

Yoseob smiled at Doojoon this time around and Doojoon smiled back.

"Okay then I'll leave them be"

Yoseob stated as he made his way back to the common room. Sure Doojoon knew he looked like a fool with these hair clips in, but if it means that his seobie will be happy and smile, he would gladly give up his manlyness to look like an idiot anyday.

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Chapter 1: heheh funny story like it soo much
This is soooo funny and super cute!