Happy Birthday Yesung!!

Mafia Prince (For Yesung's Birthday)
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Title: Mafia Prince

Author: ilovesungyeollie

Pairing: Jongwoon + You

Genre: Romance, Action (kinda)



A shadow flew across the empty courtyard. It continued to the tallest tower and disappeared. A while later a dark patch reappeared but halfway up the tower. A single square of light was visible just above the dark patch. The dark patch moved swiftly and was silhouetted against the light for a second before it disappeared once again.


A guy, with short and wavy red hair and silver eyes with double eyelids, small perfectly shaped lips, somewhat high cheekbones, wearing a black wifebeater and black leather jacket without sleeves. Plus black skinny jeans which scrunch cool-ly at the bottom and black combat boots. He dropped lightly into the room. He looked at the desk in the large room and as he expected, the King was fast asleep on top of top secret papers. He glided across the room and stopped at the desk. He carefully slipped the secret papers from under the sleeping King. He folded the papers up and slipped it into a secret compartment in his combat boots. Then without further ado he took a few strides and jumped out the window he came in.


(PS. Don’t ask me why he is wearing modern clothes in a Russian royal era... :P)



"Your Highness, Jongwoon is in the main hall." a servant reported to the Princess.


"Oh.." the Princess replied unenthusiastically. Recently her father had been trying to find the right husband for her and suitors came every single day. But she was so sick of it. She really wanted to let true love run its course and find her. And anyway, all the suitors were so boring and really weren't her type.


Sighing again, the Princess slowly made her way to the main hall. She walked through the doors and stopped in shock. A man with a supremely good looking back was standing in the middle of the hall. He was wearing black tights with black combat boots and a black tailcoat.

His hair was one of a kind. It was red and wavy. Never before had she seen anyone with red wavy hair. Noticing her presence, Jongwoon turned around... and gave her a dazzling smile. in her breath, she took in his beautiful silver eyes and perfect lips. She could also see he had an amazingly fit body with how his clothes hugged his chest perfectly.


"Hello Princess Jess. I am Jongwoon, son of the Duke of Yekaterin. Pleased to finally meet you. And you are as beautiful as everyone said. Actually, even more so." *wink*


Princess Jess blushed and looked down. Even though she had heard that line a million times, the way this Jongwoon guy said it was just unexplainable.


"Nice to meet you too Jongwoon ." Princess Jess responded belatedly once she remembered how she was supposed to act.


After their first awkward meeting, Jess and Jongwoon got along quite well. Jongwoon seemed to have cast some invisible spell on Jess, she just couldn't stop thinking about him. Ever. Or maybe it was just his wavy red hair, dazzling silver eyes and perfect smile. But whatever it may be, Jess found herself falling hard for this Duke's son. Jongwoon also seemed to have the same amount of interest in Jess and was seen to be around the princess all the time. They walked through the garden on sunny days and stayed in the massive library on rainy days. When they attended parties, they danced with nobody but each other. All in all a perfect couple, and everyone was looking forward to the princess finally settling for a suitor.


While all this was progressing, someone watching from the sidelines, nodded their satisfaction. Smirking they congratulated themselves on how well their plan was turning out.


One day, during a peaceful walk in the gardens, Jongwoon and Jess stopped in a secluded section where there was a beautiful fountain and hedges. Without warning, Jongwoon got down  on one knee and pulled out a magnificent ring.


"Princess Jess, will you marry me?" He proposed, looking up at her with his amazing silver eyes, his wavy red hair catching the sunlight, glinting with gold. His perfect lips turned into the most charming smile he has ever shown.


Jess was stunned. Sure she had seen this coming, even wishing daily for it to happen, but it still caught her off guard. She stared at the ring. The band was made up of two separate bands twisted together - one gold and one silver. On the band was a diamond. shining brilliantly in the sunlight. It was the most amazing piece of jewellery the princess had ever seen.


"Of course Jongwoon." Princess Jess finally replied breathlessly. Still smiling dazzlingly, Jongwoon slid the ring onto Princess Jess's finger before rising gracefully and pulling her into a warm hug.


In no time, the wedding day arrived. Everyone who was anyone attended. Princess Jess was dressed in a beautifu whitel wedding dress. Jongwoon was wearing an equally stunning white suit.


As the wedding march rang out through the wedding hall, Princess Jess entered from the humongous double doors. Walking slowly up the aisle, she stared right at Jongwoon the whole time. Jongwoon's gaze was also riveted on Jess.


The same person in the shadows was in the pews with people in black surrounding her. She smiled as her plan unfolded perfectly.


Jess was still smiling when she reached the bottom of the steps up to Jongwoon. Just as she was about to step on the first step, a gun shot rang out loudly. Gasping, Jess felt her dad (ie the King) slump against her. Wide eyed, she didn't know what to do and looked about wildly. 


As soon as the shot rang out, Jongwoon had leaped into action and jumped down the stairs. He quickly pulled Jess away as another bullet barely missed her head. He pulled her along the aisle, her white wedding dress splattered with her father's blood and flowing behind her.


The person in the shadows scowled and shouted, "You betrayed us Yesung. You know what that means. Operation Silence."


Jess heard the shouting and looked back. She saw a person dressed in black and holding a gun, which was still directed to her father. Tears filled her eyes as she looked at her father. Suddenly she felt herself falling as she tripped on her beautiful wedding dress. Jongwoon caught her in his arms and picked her up bridal style and continued running without breaking his stride

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Chapter 1: huehue this was cuute. :>