Behind the scenes: The making of Mr. Simple

Behind the scenes: The making of Mr. Simple



My alarm clock woke me up from a good dream. I groaned as I shut it off. Why not wait until my dream is over?! It was the perfect dream!


I was surrounded by shrubs and shrubs of flowers! Rose pedals fell around me. It was night time and the shrubs were also covered in lights. I was wearing a silver short baby doll dress. my hair was put up in a curly waterfall. I was smiling.

Then.....a man walked up to me. He was wearing a black tuex with a grey tie. He was tall, slender, and handsome. He had dark hair, slanted eyes, and plump lips. He was my ideal man. 

He walked up to me and he grabbed my hands. Then......he mouthed the words

"You're my everything"

Then he leaned in, inches away from my lips. 


Then the goddamn alarm clock woke me up! Just my luck! And there's no way i can find a man like that....NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS! I'm just a nerdy girl with red curly hair, freckles, and green eyes that are being covered my giant bifocals. I bet a handsome asian guy like that would want an attractive asian girl. Not a ginger! Never!





It was a cold, sunny Los Angeles morning. I put on my seatbelt as I my car. Yes, it was time for me to go to work. My job is I am in charge of making sets for music video. I've made sets for music videos for Rihanna, Beyonce, Christina Aguilera, Usher, and many popular artists. And will be my big day! I am finally being recognized around the world! I was hired to make a set for a Korean boy band! If I am successful, many more Korean artists would hire me and maybe different countries would too! This could be my career's big break!


I pulled out of my parking space at my apartment complex. As I made my way out of the apartment parking lot, I fiddled with my radio, looking for some good songs to hear on the way to work.





High notes! Low notes! I sang out of key and silly as I drove to work in the heavy Los Angeles traffic. Damn this traffic! So heavy! Who knows if I'll make it on time!


I honked my horn at a car who cut in front of me. "HEY! YOU ALMOST HIT ME, !"


I slammed on my breaks as the traffic went to a complete stop. Dammit! I'm totally going to be late! I am supposed to be designing new room concepts for music videos! This is supposed to be my big break! Where I make a room for an international group! 


I sighed as I looked out my window. I eyes widened as I saw a man in the car next to me. He couldn't stop staring at me. 

He had dark hair and slanted eyes. His lips were plump and he was in great shape. At least, from what I can see. 

He smiled at me. I couldn't help but smile back. 


Then.....traffic began to move. Damn! 



Who was that mysterious guy???


He looked awfully familiar. It was like I've met him before.....why does he look so familiar!? Oh what the hell....I'm never going to see him again. 




I zoomed into a free parking space as I took my seatbelt off and packed up my belongings that fell out of my bag with the sharp turns I made to  make it to work on time. Once my car was in the space, I immediately turned off the car, stuffed everything into my bag, and exited the car, locking it behind me as I ran to the entrance. I can't be late for this opportunity!

I ran passed the front desk as I flashed my pass. The receptionist nodded as I ran to the elevator. I needed to go onto the fourth floor! I pressed the elevator button as many times as I could before the doors opened. I rushed in as a few men brushed passed me to get out. I pressed the 4th floor button a few times before the door began to close. 

Suddenly.....I saw an arm squish between the doors. The doors slowly opened, revealing a man. He was tall, slender, had slanty eyes, dark hair, plump lips.......wait it's the guy I saw in the traffic! My eyes widened. I felt my face burn up as he walked into the elevator. He stood next to me, not pressing any of the buttons. Is he going to the 4th floor too?! 


"G-going to the 4th floor?" I asked, trying my best not to sound nervous.

"Yes, Miss." He said.


I tried my best not to look at him. It was awkward enough in the traffic!


"You look familiar" He said as he poked my arm. 


I gasped and looked at him with widened eyes.  He chuckled. "Sorry, i didn't mean to scare you. But you do look very familiar. Have we met? What's your name?"


I cleared my throat, trying to get rid of the lump. "W....Whinnie." I mumbled. 


"How cute. Kind of like the bear, From disney?" He chuckled. 


"I guess you can say that, sir." I said with my head down. I always hated that name.....


"I'm Siwon. name sound familiar to you? Because I know i saw you somewhere! And not just in the traffic"


I looked at him with wide eyes. I was hoping he wouldn't remember that......


"You're cute when you're angry." He said with a smirk. 


I stayed silent. I wanted to run! My face burned with his talking! Why is it taking so long to get to the 4th floor!?


Suddenly, the door slowly opened. Without realizing it, I ran out of the elevator as fast as I could go! I ran towards my office, where I am supposed to meet with my Boss, who runs the music videos my company produces. 


I unlocked my office door and shoved myself inside, slamming the door as fast as I could. i pressed my back against the door and I stood still, only hearing my heavy breathing from the running. I stood there for a few seconds, before hearing a knock at my door. It felt like my heart stopped. It is Siwon?! Slowly, I turned around, fixed myself so I look like nothing happened, and opened the door with confidence, revealing my boss.


"Hello Whinnie. You are ten minutes late." He said.


"I'm sorry..." I said while scratching the back of my head. "Traffic was horrible. I tried to rush as fast as I could, but-"


"Don't worry" He smiled. "It's Los Angeles. You're bound to be late sometime." He rested a hand on my shoulder. "Anyways, the korean boy band are here, ready to shoot their music video. Their song is called 'Mr. Simple." Crazy band, they are. They have a total of 13 or so members."




"But some went to military duty. So.....I can keep count but go see them and make sure the room is in good shape."


"got it, sir!" I said with a smile as I walked passed him to the set.


There are 10 floors in the building. The 4th floor is the floor with the sets that aren't complex. Like box rooms kind of. While the higher floors have the more complex sets. 

I entered the room with the set my team and I made for the Korean group. On the door it said "Super Junior" That must be the name of the group! I smiled as I walked into the room, only for my smile to disappear. I saw Siwon. He was reading a book in a chair. He is a part of......Super Junior?! I let out a sigh as I walked towards my team, who was discussing things about the set. 


"hey guys!" I smiled. "How are things looking? Did you guys go by the sketches I made?"


"yes and no" A guy with a red cap said. "Your sketch was good, but this part on top was hard to build. We tried, but the frame won't stand up. So we tried a different style. Is that ok? How does it look?"


"It looks good! Good job for the improvising!" I smiled at the team. "Now, lets get this music video started!"


The team and I clapped and whoohooed as we all began to walk off the set. Unfortunately for me, I turned around right into Siwon, who was smiling. "Hello Whinnie!" he said. 




"I think I figured out why you look so familiar!" He pointed at me. "Please come talk to me after this? it's important." 


He walked onto the set, along with the members of the group. They took their positions, getting used to the set my team and I created. I pushed up my glasses as the boy band began to lip sync and dance.




The whole time, I couldn't help but watch Siwon the most. His face.....the way he moves......his voice.....why is he familar!? Why is he so familiar that I'm semi obsessing about it?! I need to clear my mind of Siwon. 


I looked over at one of my team members. he was wearing black, thick rimmed glasses. "It's a wrap! The shoot is over! Want to go out for drinks?" He asked.


" thank you. I'm kind of tired today. i think I will go home. But thanks!" I smiled.


He shrugged his shoulders and walked off with the team, who were cheering for a job well done. 

It really was a job well done! The set that we made stayed put, even with the dancing of the men! And nothing fell apart! It was a huge success and I'm hoping this will be my big break!

"Whinnie, good job!" My boss approached me and hugged me. i giggled and hugged him back, only to see Siwon across the set, looking at me. I cleared my throat and pulled away from my boss. 


"I need to start leaving now." I said. "I have a few errands after work I wanted to do."


"But Whinnie..." he said. "I left a few bits of paperwork on the table over there. I want you to file them, please. Shouldn't take long."


He walked off. I looked over at the table, which had a small stack of papers on it. I sighed as I grabbed the stack and headed back to my office, ready to file them. 




"w...........x................y...........wait...." I talked to myself as I placed the papers in their order. But Z is missing! I looked around my desk and the floor for the missing paper. Nowhere in sight. Damn.....did I leave it on the set?!

I growled at myself as I headed back to the set. I unlocked the set doors. But to my surprise, it was still unlocked. I was hesitant...but I opened the door, only to see the set lights on. It showed the set my team made. Maybe the lighting crew forgot to turn it off....I shrugged my shoulders as I walked over to the table that the boss put the papers on. There it was.....the goddamn missing paper. I grabbed it in my fist and I began to walk off.




I stopped in my tracks. I slowly turned around, to see Siwon standing on the set. 


"I wanted to talk to you." He said. "I figured out why I know you."


I stared at him through my bifocals. 


"Please....join me up here."


i took baby steps. I was nervous. My heart raced. My face burned. My palms felt clammy. 

When I reached Siwon, he immediately grabbed my hands. I looked towards the ground, blushing a thousand shades of red. 


"I know you from a dream." he began. "you were wearing a silver baby doll dress. Your hair was up in a curl of waterfalls. You were smiling as the room was lit with lights."


The room lit up with lights around the room's border.


"Rose pedals began to fall"


Rose pedals landed on my head, his shoulders, and all around us. 


"Then I appeared, in a Tuex with a grey tie." he chuckled. "I don't have any of that to wear."


I giggled as I continued to look at the ground. 


"I walked up to you, grabbed your hands" He gently squeezed my hands. "And I mouthed 'you're my everything.' Look at me Whinnie"


I was hesitant. I was nervous. I had a mix of emotions! I slowly looked up at Siwon, who had a small smile on his face. Then, his mouth...'you're my everything'




He began to lean in towards me, his eyes slowly began to close. Mine closed, waiting for his plump lips to meet mine. 


Then...i felt the soft, warm lips touch mine. It was gentle. it was sweet. It was romantic. 


My dream...............and his dream.................


came true




I hope you guys liked this! It was so fun to write!


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sarang hae!

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iheartsuju16 #1
OMGGGGGGGG liv this story plzzzz make a sequel!!!!!!!!!