The F4 Girls

Girl's Before Flower Boy's -Apply OPen-

The Business Women

(Uzzlang Jang Hae Byeol is taken)


Name: Gu Micha


Parents: Gu Jun Pyo & Geum Jan Di

Position: Like her Father, She is the Leader of Inheritance F4.

Persoanlity : Being the Daughter of  Jun Pyo and also the Next  Inheritance of Shin Hwa, then  Holding down a Whole school, It's kind of hard for people to understand Micha , she took both her father and her Mother traits, she is really stubborn like her father but she also has a soft heart, it might not be as soft as Jun, but it's soft. and she sometimes can be a ditz. Micha also has a hatred for her grandma but would never dare to show are tell it.

Background: Micha sometimes Cries in her room at night in fear of Never being able to meet up to the "ShinHwa" Standers that her grandma keep's feeding her.

Behind her parent's Micha's Grandma, has always been there telling Micha what she has to do to live up to her Purpose of taking over the "ShinHwa" Company, and she also never forgets to remind Micha that life would have been better if she was a Boy, Because  boy's can control a business better then a female can.

But on the good side Micha's Aunty Goo Jun Hee, is just like a sister to Micha, every time she comes over she takes Micha on a Aunty and me girl's day out, where they talk about any and everything.

Out of Inheritance F4 Micha's Best Friend is Jun.

What she Truly want's (Secret): Even tho she would love to Inherit  the Family Business, Micha want's to become a Model and travel around the world, but she doesn't dear tell her father.





The Dreamer

(Uzzlang Do Hwae ji is Taken)


Name:  Yoon Jun


Parents: Yoon Ji Hoo & Min Seo Hyun

Position: Like her Father She has a Since of touch with her Musical side. She Play's the Violin, Piano, Harp and the Flute.

 Background: Jun was a Mistake that should have never happened, even tho her father tells her time and time again that she is the best thing that ever happened in his life, she always knew she was a mistake.

First thing that gives you a clue that she was a mistake. Her Mother, Her mother is  Min SeoHyun, Her fathers first love, but she married a rich guy from out of states, she came back to Korea for One of JiHoo's party at the Music Hall. Let's just say they had one to many drinks and in 2 week's SeoHyun showed up on JiHoo's door with tears in her eye's. It was a sin to sleep with a man that was not your Husband, but it was even worse if your Pregnant with your first child and it's not your Husbands child.

For the Whole 9 Months SeoHyun stayed in Korea and told everyone that she had a very busy Schedule sh had to take care of. As soon as Jun was Born, SeoHyun quickly got out of the Hospital bed, changed, and got on the first Flight back to Her husband. Not Once has she contacted to see how her Daughter has been. The Only people who know this is F4, Inheritance F4, and   Micha's mom. What other people Know is that her "Mystery" Mom was a English Women who passed away when she gave birth to Jun.

Personality: Jun is not one to show her feeling's she can always be seen with a relaxed face, are how the school likes to say it "Charisma". But this is only a shell she wear's, inside her feeling's are tearing her apart, her hate for her mother is one of the things that tearing her apart. And she also tends to take on her friends Problems sometimes which is not really good, because then she becomes burdensome as well.This is why she loves quite places.

What she Truly want's (Secret): Even tho she is suppose to Inherit the Music Hall, But she actually want's to become a Writer , she Knows she has the Imagination to do it but she Knows how much her father wants her to follow in his footsteps.





The Mobsters

(Uzzlang Lee Da Som)


Name: Song Jae


Parents: Song Woo Bin & ?????

Position:  Just like her father being the Don Juan of F4, Jun Even tho he wished she didn't, has picked up on his technique and has bee claimed The Flirt in Inheritance F4.

Persoanlity :  Jun's has a very Charisma air around her when she is not around her friend's, But once she is with her friends she turns into a little Prankster/ Joker of the group, Jae never likes to be side, Nor does she want's to ever fall in love, she consider herself as a free spirit that does not need anyone to love her in a boyfriend/husband matter.She also Knows How to fight.

Background: Jae never meet her mother, Nor does she ever want to, It During the time when her father went out for Holiday, he meet a girl of course and she fell for him.

At least they dated for along time before she got Pregnant, but when she did, that's when things started to go down hill form there, she found out about her father's business along with the Rumors about the Mafia, so after Jae was born, and named as soon as Her mother could, she was out and was never seen again.

The rumor for her mother is that, she was part of another Mafia and WooBin her her mother are like Romeo and Julieta. Which is not true, the truth is that her mother was just scared.

In F4 MinHee is her Best Friend

What she Truly want's (Secret):  What Jae Really wants is to become a Lawyer and a world Activist. The Lawyer is a good part, but her father does not know about her wanting to be a World activist and travel to Countries that need's help, he would flip a lead.




The Potter

(Uzzlang Song ah ri)


Name:So Min Hee

Parents: So Yi Jung & Chu Ga Eul

Position: Just like her Father,  She is a skilled potter, but also is Labeled the Casanova (Play Girl) of the group. But also like her mother, she never gives up to easily.

Age:17 (just turned)

Personality: MinHee can also be as stubborn As Micha which sometimes causes them to bump heads on more then one occasion, and seeing that she is the Baby of Inheritance F4, she sometimes feel likes she needs to keep reminding the other girls/ other people that she is not that young , seeing they were all born in the same Year.

Background: At the age of 4 Everyone Noticed how good she was with her hand's, she knew she was not suppose to mess, are even go into her fathers Pottery Office, but she was just curious and knew she could do anything her dad did, but she almost Peed her Pant's when her dad walked in, But what she didn't know that her dad almost died from over Joy.

Little 4 year old MinHee had Created her first Min Clay pot.

Ever since then MinHee had started to spend more "Daddy and me time" With her father helping him with pottery m sure it was fun when she was younger, but as soon as she found out about  fashion and Photography, she tried to drop the Pottery act. which was unsuccessful, so know she's trying to Drop it little by little without her father noticing.

She loved to listen to her mom tell her the story of how they fell in love, but the thing that she would never tell her mom are anyone else, she's afraid for someone to Lover her, are never be loved by anyone.

What she Truly want's (Secret): Instead of Being a Potter MinHee rather Become a famous Fashion Designer and Photographer.

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Will post a quick update


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Chapter 9: don't they have special F4 class room
shelinta_ #2
how can i apply to be a sibling???
Chapter 2: wait... so the main charas are already all chosen? o.o
Chapter 1: i'd like to apply when the application comes out ^.^
good luck with the story!
Chapter 7: please update soon
Chapter 6: did i get accepted??
Chapter 7: Haha, I like the chapter! :3 good job!
Chapter 6: Awww...Thanks for updating (:

It was a good chapter...I liked how mad she was when she came home :p
Chapter 6: uupppdddaattee please~~~~~ and ill aplly soon .... btw can i post the app here in the comment box