Days left: 12 - Hoping for the best


By the way, writing in Italics is Yuri's or Ashleigh's thoughts depending on where that part of the story is.


Oh's house

Yuri still hadn't got her mum to say yes. She was going to die if she didn't go and she knew Ashleigh had a guaranteed seat already. Yuri was getting desperate, but she knew that if she stressed her mum about it, her dreams would be shattered. There was nothing for her to do about it. Unless... If I snuck out, like Ash said, how would I get the tickets? Mum has serveilance on my every move on the internet. She'll know straight away that I was on there I need someone to buy them for me... but who? Yuri was again hopeful of her way... she just need to find...

"Yuri, what are you doing? Aren't you supposed to be finishing your homework?" Justin had entered the study, grabbing his textbooks and chucking them in his bag. I need someone with independance and is close to me! Like Justin. It's perfect!

"Hey, Justin." Yuri putting her best aegyo on for him. When Justin saw it, he knew Yuri's intentions.



"What do you want?" Sighing briefly as he cautiously munched on the last cookie he had. 

Yuri smiled sweetly as she spoke, "Justin, you know you're the best brother I could ever ask for..."

"Hurry up and tell me what you want." Justin eyed her expressionlessly.




"Well, you know the concert I was talking about earlier..."

Justin sighed deeply, "You want tickets, don't you."

"Yep." Yuri was over the moon. She was going to get the tickets... now just for transport.



Meanwhile in preparation for the SHINee World Concert 2 in Sydney...

"Come on guys! We have to practice the dances"

Taemin pouted, as the other four members got ready to dance again. And again. And again.

"Why can't we just have a break?"



Over the phone...

"Oh my gosh...are you serious?" Yurie inhaled carefully.

"Yes!! I can go!!" Ashleigh happily chatted to Yuri through the phone.

" did you convince your mum? I mean, I'm alright, I'm sorted." Yuri awkwardly tried to ask her question and explain her situation at the same time. She was having troubles with talking to Justin about it because her mum was on full alert.

"I'll explain when I see you." Ashleigh gave a laugh.

"Well...we have to be at the airport by tomorrow, so see you? In front of my house, because I called for a cab," Yuri spoke, as she smiled to herself. They'll be finally going to the concert: SHINee's World Concert!

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VerOnew #2
LOVE it so far!! can't wait for the updates ahead!! :D
lol, a picture of a cookie...ummm...
Therealsin99 #4
YAY!!! I updated!!!
Therealsin99 #5
Maya, I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!!! :P jks... Anyways... soz for the delay I was having trouble find time to fit in my writing to credits to DinoIsMine for finishing off the 2nd chapter... I finish the 3rd chapter asap!!! hope you enjoy!

Please subscribe and give us ideas on our fanfic if you want :D
Therealsin99 #6
herrow this is maya on ashleighs account lol
LOL yurie u have 2 do my main picture
ooohh what'll happen ooh ooh ooh
So this is 2Min?
/facepalm NO DER STUPID ME uh i knew it was 2min the whole time ok o_o.
Lmfao nice ✌
I'll wait for updates or whatever lmfao
as soon as you guys get less obsessed with asianfanfics, ill be bored again. i have no life you see
아.. 아랐어. 나 바보
I've done the poster! The author will write up the next chapter as soon as she gets her internet back~

-DinoIsMine (Co-author)-
Therealsin99 #10
yeh kidapotato. I'll be adding 2min in as soon as I can