Stop with the teasing

When I First Met You


---A few days later---

Mikyong’s P.O.V.

                Well, it’s been a few days since I’ve been back and I can really say that the more I see Youngmin oppa, the more I think I like him. He’s cute, talented and protective. I noticed that Joey’s acting kind of weird these days though. I wonder what happened while I was gone because nobody would tell me. Except for Youngmin who was being all cute but still told me nothing. “Nothing, I just missed you lots my Miki.” I mean seriously? How cute is this guy? Today I was planning to tell Youngmin how I felt about him. I kept my deal with Kwangmin and I actually do have real feelings for his hyung. I hope Kwangmin has made ‘progress’ with Joey ;) I have a couple more free minutes left of lunch before I have to head on to class and I hope I can use that time to find Youngmin and tell him how I feel. Oddly, Youngmin and Joey didn’t have lunch with us today. Joey told me that she’d be studying for the test we’re gonna have last period during lunch in the library so I’m not worried about her. But Youngmin never misses lunch. He always has a big appetite and always sits right beside me while one of the Sistar unnies sat on the other side of me. But when Joey came, she started to sit beside me instead of one of the Sistar unnies. Without those two here with me today, I don’t really feel like eating. It just doesn’t feel right. “Miks? Miks? Mikyong?” I guess I was daydreaming during lunch or something. “Yes Hyunseong oppa?” “Are you gonna eat today?” “No… I don’t really feel like it. You can have my lunch if you want.” “Are you sure? What is it?” “My mom’s ramen.” “OOH! I LOVE your mom’s homemade ramen! Yeah thanks Mikyong! You should tell your mom to make a bunch so I can hide it in our room and eat it.” Hyunseong greedily takes my lunch and eats quickly. Oh how cute he is. But as friend cute of course. Every member of Boyfriend and Sistar are my close and best friends. I wonder how the boys’ room looks like though. I’ve known them for three years and I’ve never been inside their room. Well, it’s not like they’ve been inside my room either and I’d rather they not… “No need to fan-girl over me eating Miki.” Hyunseong jokes. Oh gosh, I thought they forgot about that. How awkward. Bora waves her hand in front of Hyunseong’s face and hesitates a bit, but slaps him lightly. “Hyunseongie! Miks has only been back for a couple of days so she’s still recovering so don’t because she finds it uncomfortable.” “No I don’t…” “Your face says a whole different thing.” Then Kwangmin cuts in. “Mikana?—“ “What the hell is ‘Mikana’?” Dasom interrupts Kwangmin’s thought. “It’s just a new nickname for Mikyong because I feel ‘Miks’ is over-used. A—“ “Ooh. A new nickname for Miks huh? And now you call her by her full name too? You never do that. I’m sensing something different about you Kwangmin…” Hyorin starts to tease. Again, it’s kind of awkward. “Can I finish what I’m trying to ask MIKYONG?” He makes sure to emphasize my name to assure the fact that there’s nothing going on. But knowing the four unnies, they would want something interesting to happen for once. And I know there have been quite some interesting things so far this year. “Yeah, go ahead PiKWANGchu.” I tease with the name calling. I’m not gonna be the awkward one out. “AWWW! PIKWANGCHU!” Soyu says shooting a dreamy gaze towards us. Soyu is such a sweet girl and a big romantic too. Kwangmin fakes a cough to make sure everyone would finally shut up. “So, did you eat breakfast this morning Mikana?” “Seriously? That’s the question you’re telling everyone to shut up for?” Dasom starts but I’m not gonna let her finish. “No Kwangminie oppa.” “Then you have to eat lunch!” “Yeah, if you skip two meals, you’ll faint in the middle of class.” Jeongmin jokes as he puts his hand to his forehead and pretends to faint onto the lunch table. “I’M FINE.” I answer to be very clear. Today, I don’t have much patience and I don’t want to deal with joking and teasing right now. I just want to go find Youngmin and clear my mind. “I gotta go…” I whisper and get up to leave. “Hyeongsu!” Kwangmin calls out to me. I stopped dead in my tracks but I didn’t bother to turn around to look at him. Did he just call me ‘hyeongsu’? “Jo Kwangmin! Did you just call Lee Mikyong ‘HYEONGSU’? As in ‘sister in law’? SPILL YOUR GUTS NOW.” I heard Hyorin shout. Damn it, if everyone finds out I like Youngmin, it’s your entire fault Kwangmin. Babo Kwangmin, babo. And with that I kept on walking. The Sistar unnies followed and caught up shortly. “Hey Miks, why did Kwangmin just call you hyeongsu?—“ “I don’t know, I don’t really care, where’s Youngmin?” “But Miks! W—“ “Where’s Youngmin?” “Should we tell her? Joey said--” I heard Soyu whisper to Bora before Hyorin cut her off with a loud whine. “Soyuuu!!! You at whispering!” “He’s studying with Joey in the library? Okay, no big deal. Just because I don’t choose to be with my best friend doesn’t mean others can’t. Well, later guys.” I say and run off to the library. So what if Joey didn’t let me study with her but let Youngmin? Who could say no to him? It irritates me a bit but I’ll get over it. As I was running to the library I passed a small dark hallway that was always empty. It seemed more like an indoor alley right next to the library to me. But today, something caught my eye as I was running past it. Just before I entered the library, I froze. What did I just see? I’m not really sure… I took a few steps back then stared into the hallway for a long time. Why would I just stare? Because I couldn’t believe what the hell I was seeing. No matter what, it just wouldn’t register in my brain. But it did register in my heart which just split. A tear rolled down my cheek and I ran to my locker to grab my stuff. I’m going home before anyone can catch the fact that I’m crying. I realized what a babo I am. Since I’ve been back I didn’t even open my eyes or bothered with anything. Why? Why did I have to see that?


AUTHORS' NOTE: We know our updates are kind of short now and we are very sorry, we're falling behind in our writing process with school going on. Who do you think belongs with who? Thanks for reading and keep reading, commenting and subscribing! <3

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Chapter 27: hmm I was re-reading the chaoter & even though kwangmin did make her cry, I think she would be a bigger jerk if she really believes that Miki said those things about her. -.-
Chapter 27: Omg Kwangmin is perfect for Miki!
She has a pile of pikachu's!!! :o
Chapter 26: Whats wrong with him? >.< I'm gonna have to say I'm liking her more with kwangmin than his brother xD
Chapter 25: Aww now I hope they can become mikwang they seem closer then they were before and they don't even notice that its so cute!!! xD
zyrazain #5
Chapter 2: so far it's ok... you are good writer-nim ^^
ChanChanyeol #6
So far I really like it!!
I want Youngmin to end up with Joey!!
Did you make the collage youself? haha I like it ^^ I'll start reading this tomorrow, I have other things to do tonight. :) I've upvoted though, because this seems really cute and sweet:) FIGHTING~!
Chapter 21: I really like the story ^^
First i wanted Joey to be with Kwangmin, but now when Youngmin is so sweet for her... i don't know anymore.
update soon~
Starship Ent
Lov em the best :)
waa it looks nice :D i was gonna sub last time i came across this fic but i didn't think i could read 21 chaps, but they don't seem very long and i like your foreward ^^ i will try and read all you have wrote so far when i can ^^ hwaiting with the story :)