Chapter 3


Changmin dragged a chair to sit near her bed. He sat, then propped his chin to stare at the beauty in front of him. Changmin reached to fix her disheveled hair, she’s still so pretty even when wires connected to her body.


“There was a lot of work today. Cruel.” He began his story.


“I went to college after lunch, and thank God the lecturer said that my thesis didn’t need any revision.” She kept on putting that smile, day and night.


“And I think I’ll be promoted soon. Ah, I can’t wait to have my own room. You can wait there when you’re on your day off. I’ll hang our the picture of us on the wall. Or maybe put it on the desk ?” Changmin knew this was going to be a monologue, but he went on.


“How are you ? Sleeping too much isn’t healthy, you know.” He tighten his grip on her hand, though she didn’t hold him back.


“When will you wake up ? I miss you so much.” Tears threaten to fall, and he didn’t even try to hold them.


“I love you.” He bent down to give her a goodnight kiss, then looked down because of the pain that started to fill his chest. The same pain that he felt six months ago, when Sooyoung decided to rest in a long, deep sleep.


“Hello ?”


“Hi ! It’s me.”


“Hi, darling. What’s up ?” He put down the pen and chose to give his wife the full attention.


“I want to have lunch with you.”


“Alright. At one ? I’ll pick you up.”


“Okay. I love you.”


“Love you too. Bye.” Click. He hung up.


Minutes later, he remembered that he still had to fix a few things in his thesis. He had procastinated this for quite a long time, so he decided to do it right away.


“Hello ?”


“Babe, where are you ?”


Changmin slapped his forehead. “Ah yes, I’m sorry ! I’ll be there soon.”


“Where are you now ?”




“I’ll be waiting outside. Don’t be late.” Click. Sooyoung hung up.


He rushed to arrive on time. The man drove quickly, but when he stopped in front of her company’s building, there was a scene. A car went on the sidewalk, people was surrounding the victim.


“The victim’s a woman ?!” He heard someone shouting. He decided to call her, asking where she was. Changmin held his phone close to the ear while trying to see the victim.


He heard her phone’s ringtone, but she’s nowhere in sight. Finally, she answered him.


“Hi, babe. I’m outside.”


“Sir, I’m sorry. This is-“


He turned his head, it’s the guy beside him that answered him using her phone.


“Who are  you ?! Where’s she ?!”  Changmin clutched on the man’s collar, but he pushed him instead, breaking the crowd.


She’s there, Sir.”


There she was, laying on the pavements, with her white blouse turned red.


“Sooyoung !”


Sooyoung was hit by a car, it was driven by  a drunk. He didn’t even know why people could get drunk at shouch hour. The car lost control and going full speed towards the sidewalk, where Sooyoung was waiting for Changmin to pick her up.


Doctor said that there’s no certainty when she decided to be in this kind of sleep. The ratio was fifty-fifty. Fifty percent that she’d wake up and fifty percent that she’d continue to sleep until her last breath.


Changmin looked at Sooyoung with a bitter smile. He shouldn’t have prioritize himself first id he had known that it’d be like this.


Changmin laid his head on her bed, near where her hand placed. He did it like that, in case she wake up when he sleep. How pathetic, still hoping that she’d wake up even when the doctor had spoken.


He whispered faintly. “See you in my dream.”


Sorry to all who has cried, I don't mean to T_T Here's virtual tissues *giving out virtual tissues*

I love you all ! Good night everyone :*

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Chapter 6: Write more
DearTalullah #2
Chapter 7: awww.... I wonder if this will happen if they really do get marry someday
Chapter 7: omooooo they have a daughter?
sweet ending XD changmin why are u so _______ lol
Chapter 7: "She is really hungry. Poor her, I drank a bit of her part."


Thanks for this!! :D It was really nice ^_^
shotblade1510 #5
Awww love it soo much...pls write more changsoo couple story..
Chapter 7: all hail y Changmin LoL even in front of his daughter?!
love the ending ^^
Chapter 6: its their child! right? :3

update sooon ^_^
Chapter 6: the she is their daughter ^^v
Chapter 6: A ChangSoo's baby!
shotblade1510 #10
Chapter 6: I bet that she is their daughter??