Chapter One

The Sewing Club!

Hello~ I have finally written the first chapter!! Yaay!

Some of the characters will not be shown in this chapter, but in the next one! ^^ Please remember that English is not my mother tongue so I might have some spelling errors but please bear with me! :)

And I'm trying this new thing when I'm putting up a song to have in the background while reading! *I wonder how long that will last* I hope you'll listen to it!  And that's pretty much it! Enjoy reading!


{-: :-}

~One year ago~


”We’re going to start a club!” Park Ae Chan said while slamming her hand on the table and rose up from her chair. The girl, who sat beside her, Lee Kyoung Mi, looked slowly up from her computer screen at Ae Chan. Ae Chan clenched her fist and looked off in the distance with her eyes sparkling. “I, I feel I was meant to do this. It’s my call. To be a club leader!” she outburst. Kyoung Mi raised a eye brow , “Are you sure it’s not because of the special privileges the clubs gets, that showed you yesterday, like sponsoring from the school, that makes you want to make one? And that you don’t fit in another club, you feel the urge of making your own?” She said calculating.

Ae Chan placed her hand on her heart, like she’s just been hit by a bullet, and the other hands backside on her forehead. “How can you think so about me?” she said dramatically. “I’d never do it on that kind of reasons! I thought you knew me better!” She said and continued “Besides we don’t really need the sponsoring from the school, I have you!” Ae Chan said and attacked Kyoung Mi with a hug. Kyoung Mi had hard time breathing and tapped her hand on Ae Chan’s shoulder to get her of her. “Yes,” Kyoung Mi started trying to catch her breath “Good point”

Ae Chan nodded and smiled broadly, “Now we just have to fetch some members” she said and began to walk to the door.

“Wait” Kyoung mi said and Ae Chan stopped “What kind of club is it going to be?” she asked.

Ae Chan fell silent in deep concentration. “You haven’t come up with that yet?” Kyoung Mi said under her breath. Ae Chan looked over at her friend and a certain hair pin in her hair caught her attention, she remembered that Kyoug Mi had boasted about making it herself a couple of days ago. She clasped her hands together and pointed at Kyoung Mi, who stared blankly at her.

“A sewing club” Ae Chan said

“A what club?”

“A sewing club!” She said and looked like she had managed to climb Mount Everest.

“Sure” Kyoung Mi said and started typing on her laptop, but got interrupted by Ae Chan who had taken her hands in her. Ae Chan looked into Kyoung Mi’s eyes. “Please take care of me!” she said

“Shouldn’t it be the other way around, aren’t you the leader?”


{-: :-}


“Here you go” Aito Cheng said and held the ice cream bucket right in front of the crying guys face. The guy looked at the ice bucket surprised but accepted it. Aito sat down beside the guy and didn’t say anything. He didn’t ask why this guy sat and cried during the opening ceremony, even though thoughts like “wasn’t he happy he got in?” circled around in his head, he remained silent. Aito had seen him walk away in the middle of the ceremony and had later found him crying outside of the school. He didn’t know what to do at first but remembered his ice cream he had in his bag, he had actually saved it for later but this guy needed it more. Aito never really liked when people cry but he couldn’t just leave the guy alone, it would go against everything he stands for.

The guy stifled his sniffles and brushed away the tears from his face cheeks, he sighed and then yawned. He straightened up and looked at Aito, trying to smile but failed.

Here he said with a weak voice and handed Aito the half eaten ice bucket.

You can keep it Aito said, obviously lying because ice cream meant the world for him.

I saw you looking at it before like you wanted to eat it and honestly, I’m don’t really want to eat it the boy said and chuckled.

Aito laughed excusing and accepted the bucket. Thankshe said and flashed the guy a smile.

Their eyes met and Aito could not break away from the guys gaze. How could this person still look good when he was crying only minutes ago….? The boy smiled back at him before turning his head around. A teacher had called them in the distance and the boy rose up from the stone stair they had been sitting on.

I should go, he’ll probably scold me for walking away He boy began I’ll go first so you won’t be scolded, and you Aito looked up at him Thank you The boy said and walked away.

Aito Cheng watched the guy walk away and waited until he couldn’t see him anymore before he moved. He walked towards some people he recognized from his old school but accidently bumped into a girl.

“Ouch” the girl said caressing her arm.

“Oh I’m sorry!” He said bowing.

“It’s okay-” the girl said looking up at the boy “You’re Aito Cheng, aren’t you?” She said and smiled. She definitely looked better when she smiled.

“Yes…?” he said confused not recognizing the girl

“I’m -”

Aito couldn’t hear the girl because the student suddenly started cheering but nodded and smiled as he had heard her.

“I think they’re calling for you” the girl said and pointed at some guys further away from them.

“Oh, Yes, Thanks”

{-: :-}


Lee Kira found herself walking through the halls of her new school. To her it was not just a new school it was a new beginning, a fresh start. New persons, new ways of thinking and new school uniforms which was super cute. She only had to make a few changes to make it her own, like making it a little shorter and putting on her sign on it. Now when she was walking trough the halls completely relaxed breathing in that new school smell, she could hear some laud voices coming from the far end of the hall. Kira, who got really curious, quickened up her pace. When she arrived at the halls end she could see two girls, a little older than herself, sitting on the floor with a lot of fabric around them. One of them sat and fixed with some beads and the other one was sewing something that looked a lot like a skirt but Kira was not sure.

One thing she noticed that was special about the girls was that their uniforms were very extravagant. Not at all similar to the original uniform, okay you could see that they went to this high school but the extra things that were on the uniform, was everything but something Kira would put on hers. The longer haired girl had a cape on her uniform that actually melted into the wine-red colored uniform and with different kind of patterns were sewn on it and her skirt. The shorter haired girl had different pins made out of beads hanging down on her left chest and had beads hanging down from her shoulders. She noticed something else there were a big stuffed bear sitting beside one of the girls, it had a red scarf around its neck and was almost as big as Kira.

“Um…” Kira said without really thinking “What are you doing here?”

The long haired girl looked up “Oh, It’s club activity time” She just said

“Club activity time…?” Kira mumbled “What kind of a club is it?”

A smirked formed on the longer haired girls face “I’m glad you asked!” she said and stood up with the other girl following her. “We are…. The sewing club!” They said at the same time.

Kira applauded unconsciously “Thank you thank you!” the long haired girl said

“I’m the club leader Park Ae Chan” the longer haired girl said and gestured at herself

“And I’m Lee Kyoung Mi, the sub-leader” the short haired girl said

“Ah, I’m Lee Kira, a freshman”

Ae Chan walked closer to Kira, she had spotted Kira’s sign and took a closer look at it. She touched it and then stepped back.

“Do you have a club Kira hoobae?


“She has potential” Ae Chan said to Kyoung Mi

“Indeed” Kyoung Mi said back to her

“Um, what are you talking about?”

“Then, Kira hoobae, I shall give you an offer you absolutely can’t resist!” Ae chan begun and gestured big with her hands “An offer no one else can offer you. An offer that is so magnificent you can’t even imagine. An offer-”

“Do you want to join the sewing club?” Kyoung Mi said ignoring Ae Chan completely.  

“Y-Yeah sure, why not” Kira said, she had though about joining one but no one had really caught her interests.

“Really?” Ae Chan had taken Kira’s hands in her hands and looked at her, her eyes beaming brightly at Kira.

“Yes! It sounds fun!”

“See, Kyoung Mi, I had everything under control”

“Yes you had but haven’t you forgotten an important part now?” Kyoung Mi said and nodded her head in the big bear’s direction.

Ae Chan gasped and clasped her hands together. “Right!”

“Kira hoobae, meet Secretary Kim” Ae Chan said and gestured at the bear.

Kira reached her hand out and shook Secretary Kim’s hand “Pleased to meet you” She said seriously

Ae Chan looked excitingly back and forth between Kira and the bear and then at Kyoung Mi.

“I think he likes her”

{-: :-}

“I-I this may come sudden b-but I have to tell you…. I-I like you! Please be my girlfriend!” A very nervous boy with sweaty hands reached out a packet towards Je Yoo. She raised a brow over the sight she was seeing, it had only gone a week since she started this school and this was the 10th one who was confessing to her. She looked down at the boy, did he really think he could get with her? He was not only ugly but shorter than her, seriously did he really think that it would work?

“Um, no” Je Yoo said and walked away, leaving the guy alone. She walked past a couple of students who watched her in amazement, she tossed her hair over her shoulder and ignored all the stares she got from the male students.

Je Yoo walked up to her secret place she had found on the rooftop, she came here to clear her mind and avoid the erted boys who always watched her. She shrugged still feeling their stares even though she was alone. She knew she was pretty but she’d wish they behave like normal people. Je Yoo lied down by her hide out until the bell rang that said the club activity was about to start. She sat up and stretched her arms and yawned, she thought about going home. She didn’t belong to any group and honestly, she wasn’t really interested in being in one.

Je Yoo walked towards the exit, she opened the door and on the other side a female teacher stood. Je Yoo bowed slightly and made her way past her.

“Student, you shouldn’t walk with such short skirt” The teacher said with a harsh voice

“And teacher, you shouldn’t smoke” Je Yoo said not bothering to turn back.


“Where am I?” Je Yoo muttered for herself. She looked around in the hall way and could not see and end of it. Why does this happen too me? Je Yoo sighed and started walking through the endless hall. She heard voices coming from the far end of the hall. Finally she thought and walked faster. As closer she got Je Yoo heard the voices clearer and she finally saw three girls and a big bear sitting at the end of the hall. She frowned upon the sight. The girls were surrounded by long pieces of fabric. And one of them, the obviously shorter one, was trying to get the thread into the needle.

The girl tried it once, and failed. She tried it a second time, and failed. The girl shrugged and breathed in before she tried again, she failed.

“Ahhhh!” The shorter girl exclaimed and threw the thread and the needle to the ground “It doesn’t work!!”


“Do not fear, Hoobae, I’ll fix it” The girl who sat beside her said and took up the things. The new girl that had spoken up, who had a cape on her uniform, tried to get the thread into the needle, but failed too.


Je Yoo could not hold her laughter in, she burst into laughing. The girls looked up at her, they had only now noticed her. Je Yoo bended her upper body forward and her hand covering , trying to stop laughing but she just couldn’t.


“Yah, why are you laughing?” the shorter girl said


Je Yoo muffled her laugh, and cleared “Oh, nothing don’t mind me” She said waving her hands. She was about to leave but she couldn’t get these question out of her head.


“Why are you sitting here? What are you people?”


The cape-girl looked up at Je Yoo with her eyes sparkling, “I’m glad you asked” She put her finger close to her eyes and winked at Je Yoo. “I’m -”


Oh no, weirdoes Je Yoo though and turned around only to not be able to lift her foot up from the ground. She looked down and saw that the girl that had just spoken clinging around her left foot.


“Please hear me out! I’m Park Ae Chan, Leader of the sewing club and”


“Yah what are you do-”


Je Yoo felt her other foot getting attacked, the shorter girl sat now around her right foot, holding tightly. Je Yoo tired to lift her feet up but couldn’t. She was just about to scream when the other girl, who had been quite for a long time, spoke up.


“Park Je Yoo” The girl spelled out walking towards her.


“H-How did you know?”


“A new freshman, one of the prettiest girls in this school, had her 10thconfessor today, she has had good grades in her previous school, knows how to play piano and is the daughter the million sealing business Park Furniture Designs.” The girl said and was now standing a meter away from Je Yoo.


“How can you know all that? Are you a stalker or what?” Je Yoo exclaimed


“Stalker?” The girl chuckled “I’m worse”


Je Yoo felt chills down her spine and just wanted to run away. Had the hallway gone darker or was it just her?


“And wouldn’t this particular girl, who has this image of being that cool ice princess, be quite worried if someone had her laughing picture and was not afraid of spreading it out over the whole school” the girl continued showing a camera which she had taken out from no where.


“As expected of Kyoung Mi” Ae Chan said her fake beard.


“When did she have time to -” Je Yoo tried to say but got cut of.


“I’ll give you an offer, and only one offer.” Kyoung Mi said “Would you join the sewing club?”


“And what if I don’t want to?”


“Then I’ll just have to spread the pictures and you’re image will be ruined forever, and all the guys would come straight out to you and confess and you’ll have to spend your day hiding from your fanboys and you’ll never have a normal life anymore.” Kyoung Mi said casually.


“What’s in it for me?” Je Yoo said and started feeling like this girl was blackmailing her.


“You’ll be our model, so several days of wearing absolute gorgeous clothing and you’ll have special permission to wear your uniform in anyway you want and a special hide out, you’re old one will soon be discovered so this is better”

Je Yoo didn’t bother asking why this girl knew about her hide out she just wanted to get out of their grip.


“Okay then! Just let me go please!”


As soon as she said that, the grip around her legs loosed up and she was free. The girls stood up and the shorter one reached out her hand.


“I’m Lee Kira”


“And I’m Park Ae Chan!”


“And I’m Lee Kyoung Mi”


“Um, yes, Lee Je Yoo” She said confused over the sudden change of mood.


“And this is Secretary Kim” Kira said and carried the bear to Je Yoo.


“Hi” Je Yoo said, not really thinking that she was talking to a teddy bear. 


“Now we finally can get a room! Ae Chan said with excitement.


“What you guys didn’t have a room? Is that why you’re sitting here?”


“Yes” Kira begun “You have to be at least four members to have a room, and they said they couldn’t count Secretary Kim as a member…” 


“I-I see…”


“Yah, Secretary Kim” Kyoung Mi suddenly spoke up “Stop thinking erted things”






There! It's the first chapter! hope you liked it! and I haven't really reveald the partners yet ehe~

The new students will have their chapter of their own so look forward to that!


And I have to say that I have this big assignment that is due to Friday, so I want to concentrate on that before writing anything so the next chapter will come somewhere in the beginning of the next week >.< Hope you can forgive me, but school is important!

And that's it! ^^ Bye bye <3

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Update soon
I keep finding roleplay fics yet I still have NO idea how they work, XD
Minjonglover #3
WOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW! FINALLYYYYYYY! I have missed this fic so much *-* Ahhh~ I want the partners to be revealed! Me really excited again! <b>Blommon hwaiting</b>! <br />
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<marquee>I love this fic! I love this fic!</marquee>
Sevaouna #4
OMG I LOove Ae Chan she so freaking hilarious.. they had like one rule and then like questions she was like no fine we done hahhaXD then like can you tell about aitos situation she's like what?? haha soo funny and then like I just thought he was a member of nananananna haha then the game an perfect explanation of everything or you don't even have to explane the name says everything<br />
oke enough with the randomness hilarious update so update soon and peace~
@Tillie loving your spazz! XD ja men du är ju roligast att skriva om x3 och lovely citat du tog ut ;D älskar själv det där med reglerna :D<br />
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@B1A4-GJSBC must say that I love B1A4! <3 hehe kira is awesome ! hehe the game >w< stupid people or what?<br />
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"Illumination They will come soon :3 Thanks <3
Illumination #6
Can't wait for the partners to come. <3 Great story.
@ur_girl022 Why thank you ^-^ I will now when I have more time to write!
LoL ! This is like the most hilarious yet awesome fanfic I have read !<br />
Update more :)