OO7: Awkward Reunition part three

Poisonous Love

"But, Mr. Lee; I have things to do today,"

Naeun lied,

"Well then, I'll be down as soon as I can. Go, scramble."

LSM said and they all left, Everyone went ahead, even Jonghee; leaving Minho and Naeun behind. All was awkward until Naeun finally struck up a conversation,

"So, how's life?"

Naeun awkwardly said,

"Fine. Although it isn't the same anymore. You?"

Minho sighed as he put his hands in his pocket;

"It's fine, I guess. Jonghee bothers me a lot, but whats new."

Naeun chuckled, Minho joined in and finally they stopped walking in the hallway,

"I can so picture you swearing at her non-stop,"

Minho smiled,

"Why'd we stop? Aren't we supposed to go down, to the practice room?"

Naeun trailed off as Minho pressed his lips against hers,


She pushed Minho away and looked at him with an evil glare,


Minho looked at her with innocent eyes,

"You have a girlfriend, I'm not kissing you!"

Naeun screamed,

"But I love you, Naeun! I don't love YoonAh!"

Minho said, YoonAh overheard their conversation and hid back into the room,

"Time to plan revenge on Minho's little girly toy,"

YoonAh smirked,


YAY.. 3 Updates in a day,

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OMG, i hope Naeun will be ok!!!I'm really loving this fic!!! =)
This chapter is really great and got me wanting a lot more. So, write more. ;D
Me likey. I must be the best follower ever. :P update soon!
Damn girl, this story be too good for words.
I agree with you. All though, I might need to be Korean and know Korean music in order to audition for the Kpop industry. My dreams are ruined too. :(
All I ever wanted to do was sing. :'(
I like this story already. Lookie here, you found yourself a subbie! :D