
An Arranged Marriage To A Jerk

i went in the main hall with dong woon and my family, many people walked towards us greeting us. my mum introduced me to many people that i think ive met before? At a luxury event like this yoon family should be here. i kept peeking over peoples shoulder hoping doo joon wouldnt show his face. Honestly i want ot see him, but yet i dont want to... aghhh hes making me crazy. i have a feeling my plan of breaking his heart will fail, i cant give up now. think of those poor girls.theres  no sight of their family so far. im safe wait.. maybe he hated me? maybe hes too drunk to come? maybe his parents doesnt want him to come? maybe..... just stop it ye rin. Dong woon walked towards me with a glass of champage, 'what are you thinking panda? Daydreaming?', 'nothing' I replied trying to avoid his questionings. 'Why a flower?', dong woon asked nonchanlantly, leaning on the table. 'huh? what flower?' i  said trying to not be obvious that i was thinking abt him. 'What if he liked you?'.. i stood there blankly looking at him and it just hit me, 'NO NEVER! ew ew ew' i slapped dongwoons arm and pushed him away. i continued talking to dong woon steering him away from doo joo. Someone just entered the hall. I saw mr and mrs yoon, and du jin  (doojoon's elder sister), 'what if he likes you?' dong woon's words played in my head. what am i suppose to do? If doojoon come, do i act normal? or should i play along wiht him? my mind was everyehere whats plan b? he cant see me looking like this i have to run and hide. where should i go? what to do what to do? shoildve thought of s back up plan


I got too nervous i ran out of the hall not knowing where im going. I ended up in the toilet. i locked myself in a cubicle.. Dont do this to yourself, you shouldnt be afraid of him. You should be strong ye rin, Go against him he is just doing this to play with you. hes nothing but a player and a jerk. everything he does is a lie. but how does he know my favourite flower? i didnt tell him before. ahh whatever not like i care. im just gonna go out, i need to continue my plan. i sorted out my mind, I stood up and straighten my dress, went out to wash my hands. I saw a image of a guy in the mirror, OMG its a . wow these days have good taste. In the count of three turn around and hit his crown jewels, run away and call for help. People will hear me, sounds like a good plan. 1....2....3.... '!! HELPPP!! ANYONE OUT THERE?!!!HELPPPP!!' i screamed as i keep hitting him with my bag. 'im not a . stop it. youve been mistaken. stop it.' he keep begging me to stop but i wouldnt. Seriously in a place like this why isnt there anyone out there?. 'ITS A MALE TOILET!! STOP HITTING ME!!! IM INNOCENT' he screamed out loud of fustration. what? i stopped and look around at my surrounding. i blinked. and blinked again. () This cant be happening to me, this IS the male toilet. i looked at him and blinked again and ran out. 


I ran back to the female toilet and quickly texted dong woon. 'At ladies!! 119!!'. The next thing i heard was the soor slamming open. 'YE RIN!' dong woon called out. 'Im here, Why are you yelling for.' 'Code 119. What happened? You ok? YOur periods here? you need pads?'. 'Relax woonie. nothing serious happened. Is doo joon out there?'. DOng woon looked at me blanky. 'is that why you called me out for? and no hes parents said he wasnt here but they were looking for you.' I let out a relief sigh, 'no it was 119 cause..... can you check if anyone is in the males?', Dong woon walked out and came back in. 'no one, you looking for someone?', 'Oh its nothing, lets go.' , 'Nah youre staying here till you tell me what happened' Dong woon insited with his arms folded.. 'what if someone walks in.' i gave him the puppy look. Dong woon replied with squinty eyes. this isnt getting anywhere, i gave up 'OK fine ill tell you, Iaccidentallyranintothemalesandmistakenlyhitaguyandcalledhimrapist.' i said it really quickly. 'You did not just do that. Do you know who he is? hahhaha that poor soul' Dongwoon laughed as he walked out from the toilet. 


I went back to my family, my face was still pale from that incident. I looked around this time not for doo joon but for that , i will be emabaarassd for life if he is a guest here. Suddenly all the light was switched off, whats going on? I was confused, the the middle stage lights came up. The fashion parade started, that scared me for a while. Wow the dresses, cant believe Seo Ji designed this. Im so proud of her. The last model came, seoji was following beside her they reached at the end of runway and took a bow. Everyone was clapping for her and the lights switched on, everyone  continued socializing. i was with Dong Woon greeting people. I saw a guy in the corner of my eye and he was smirking widely walking towards me, 'Oh no. no no no no no.' I keep saying staring at him with wide eye, 'Dong Woon.. Turn around... Its him.' Turning Dong Woon around.




I'll try to update every week now :)

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Chapter 7: Gargh~ Pallie update~~~~ X) Can't wait for Doo joon POV~ X)
b2strockz #2
Chapter 7: Update soon...
Chapter 6: A new update!! So happy that you are continuing it! :DDDD
Congrats for ending your exams! ^^ Let's celebrate!! ;) Fighting!
Boring?! nahhh! Getting Interesting, yes!
Really want a Doojoon's POV!!
I don't have a clue about what is pink and fluffy.. Maybe a teddy bear!? Or maybe Ye rin?! hahah My imagination ~~ Anyways i'm preparing myself for a jelous Doojoon! (¬‿¬)
I'm really really enjoying this fic! ^^ Fighting!
aww doojoon's pov please! ^^
I love this story!! Hahaha it's kinda funny! Do continue ^^ all the best!
update soon! ^^
JayTOP #8
UP. DATE. !!
think I'm more nervous than Ye Rin! hahah :D This is getting interesting with every chapter!! ^^
Btw im going to faint if he is the -slapper! Am i guessing right?