
Beastly Heroes


Doojoon awoke in a cold sweat. He sat up, glancing at the wall clock that hung near his bed. 11:30 am. Ugh. After the chaotic night before hand, Doojoon found himself sleeping in 2 hour intervals. It was lucky the boys had a day off, but Doojoon couldn’t help but think about everything that happened the night before.

As he ran his hands through his tangled bed head, he couldn’t help but take another look at the back of his hand. The strange, almost alien, symbol puzzled him. He had already accepted the strange, new reality he had been handed but had no idea if he had really been blessed with a super power. He didn’t feel any different than any other morning.

He glanced over at the empty bed next to his. Strange. Hyunseung woke up before me? He was about to lay his head down to catch a few more winks when he heard a loud, ear-shattering scream from the Dongseob bedroom.

Within an instant, Doojoon jumped up and took off, arriving in the boy’s room in half a millisecond. He stopped in the doorway and stumbled a bit, “W-what the hell?”

After recovering from his trip at light speed, he looked at the vocalist, who sat stunned on his bedroom floor. “Yoseob! What is it! What’s wrong?”

Yoseob pointed a shaky hand toward the maknae’s bed and Doojoon turned his head, eyes widening. Dongwoon was no longer lying flat on his bed but was suspended several meters above it.


“Hyung! Get me down!”

“How’d you even get up there! How are you flying?” Doojoon yelled.

“I don’t know! I woke up in the air! Now get me down!”

“What’s going on in here?” Junhyung walked in, rubbing his eyes as Kikwang followed.

“Holy !” Kikwang yelled. “Dongwoon! You’re flying!”

“Thank you, Mr. obvious,” Dongwoon remarked sarcastically. “Now get me down!”

“Ok,” Kikwang smiled. “I’ll get you down.” Kikwang held out his hand and, out of thin air, a tomahawk appeared in the dancer’s palm. Everyone’s eyes widened as Kikwang cocked his arm back and threw the weapon at the maknae.

Dongwoon narrowly dodged as the tomahawk lodged itself in the wall behind him. “PABO! ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?!”

“Hmm. I thought I could scare you down.”

Doojoon, Yoseob and Junhyung all hit the dancer on the head.

“Ok, Dongwoon. Calm down.” Doojoon spoke. “Let’s try and figure this out.” He looked around at the other members. “Where’s Hyunseung?”

“Right here, Hyung.” Hyunseung voice came from behind him.


“Right here!”

“Hyunseung! Where are y-” As Doojoon spun around, looking for the doe-eyed boy, he felt his hand collide with a solid but invisible surface.


Doojoon felt a swift punch to his gut from an invisible force. “Ngh!” He stumbled backwards and looked in front of him. “H-Hyunseung? Is that you?” Doojoon stepped forward and started feeling around the invisible surface in front of him as the other boys watched.

He felt a slight shiver. “WHERE ARE YOU TOUCHING?!” With a swift impact to the crotch, Doojoon fell over in pain. “What the hell is wrong with you!”  Hyunseung yelled.

“Hyung! You’re invisible!” Yoseob finally spoke up.  

“I-I am?” Hyunseung replied. “But how?!”

“That must be your power.” The vocalist answered.

“H-How do I become visible again?!”

“Good morning.” Yoonjae entered the hallway with a sleepy expression in her face. She stepped over the leader in his fetal position and yawned. “Did I miss something?”

“Dongwoon can’t get down, and Hyunseung’s invisible! Do something!” Yoseob panicked.

Yoonjae walked over the floating boy. “Ok, Dongwoon. You need to relax. Flight is controlled by thoughts and emotions. If you stop panicking, you should be able to lower yourself safely to the ground.

Dongwoon took several deep breaths and concentrated. Soon enough he gently descended, placing his feet firmly on the ground. Yoonjae nodded and walked over to the invisible dancer. She stared at the space where Hyunseung occupied for a moment then lifted her finger and flicked the boy in the head.

“Ow!” Within an instant, Hyunseung became visible as he scowled at the girl. “What was that for!”

“To bring you down to earth.” She giggled. “Like Dongwoon’s powers, yours are controlled by thoughts and feelings. To stay in control of them, you best not let you mind wander.”

“He’s doomed,” The other 5 boys said in unison.


“Ok. Now that we have all of that settled, let’s get some breakfast. I’m starving.” Yoonjae commented as she led the boys out of the Dongseob bedroom and into the hallway.


Doojoon remained in the hall and took a moment to think. So I have super speed. I wonder. Without another thought, he dashed down the hallway, passing the other members at light speed. He smirked to himself before turning toward the living room. Before he could stop himself, Doojoon’s foot caught the edge of the sofa and he flipped over it, colliding with the wall behind it. “Ow…”


“Hyung!” Dongwoon jumped up and immediately flew over to Doojoon, pulling hi, up until he was sitting in an upright position.


“Take it easy, Doojoon.” Yoonjae commented. “You have a physical ability. So you have to get used to the speed.”


“Now you tell me,” Doojoon rubbed his head.


“What can I do, Yoonjae?” Yoseob bounced next to the girl. “Huh? What can I do?”


“I told you, last night! I don’t know. Calm down. Geez, is he always this hyper?”


The other members rolled their eyes before entering the kitchen. Hyunseung began cooking breakfast when the sound of, Yoseob’s “Caffeine” echoed from Doojoon’s pocket.


Doojoon reached in his pocket, pulling out his vibrating smart phone, and answering the call. “Yoboseyo.”


The room grew quiet as the other members tried to eavesdrop on their leader’s conversation. “A little privacy, please,” Doojoon shooed the other members away as he continued his conversation after a moment a slight grin appeared on the leaders face, but he kept it hidden from s.


 “Alright, Hyung, I’ll tell them.” He hung up and took a moment to compose himself. He knew his news would excite the other members but he decided, rather than excite them right away, he should tease them a bit.


The Yoon leader turned toward s with a mock solemn expression on his face. The other members, as well as Yoonjae, gave him a look of concern.


“Hyung? What’s wrong?” Dongwoon asked worriedly.


Doojoon looked up at his group with sad eyes. “Guys. Y-you know I love you, right?” 

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Finaly updated. I promise the next chapter wont take so long


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ILBYJH712 #1
please update it...
shujun #2
Chapter 5: Had to keep myself from laughing out loud ! Thats too much of a prank..haha~
Updte soon..hwaiting !!!
Hello there!
sorry to mess here,
check out my latest vampire love story
"Dear my Hara,don't come closer"
leave some comments as you wish,so i can improve :)
gomawo ^^
link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/430101
shujun #4
Chapter 4: What is he up to? Anyway, he's cute when he tries to troll them..at least i think so..haha.. Please update soon.. Hwaiting !!!
uliyaa #5
Chapter 4: yah,what happen??please update
Chapter 4: Por fin!!!! You need to update this more frequently!
Chapter 4: Omg! You updated! x3 *impatiently waiting for your next update* hwaiting! ^^
Chapter 3: I guess how they want to figure out their own power in funny way... Kekeke.. Update soon!