Used To


"KeyBer! MinStal! OnToria! JongNa! TaeLi!" yelled the fans. Key and Amber's couple name, Minho and Krystal's, Onew and Victoria's, Jonghyun and Luna's and Taemin and Sulli's. They hugged and did a cute pose in front of their fans. This concluded their joint performance. When the curtains fell, their arms separated from the warmth each other gave and they went their separate ways. Without even looking back to see each other. But they knew, yes, they knew it from the very start. It wasn't just a couple name for fans to use in fanfics. It wasn't just a friendly affection. No, they knew it. SHINee and f(x) new it. SHINee Effects was indeed something. Yes. But, to be more specific, SHINee Effects, used to be something.

"Great work everybody. Now, go back to your dorms." their respective managers said, oblivious to the tension rising in the air. They were used to it, yes, they were used to the usual silence that errupts whenever SHINee and f(x) were together, but, they didn't mind it. For them, it was just a misunderstanding. Unfortunately, it isn't. It never is. It never was. It never will.


my first fic (that's not an apply fic). It's kind of angsty but, there will also be fluffy scenes and some cute scenes. My younger sister, Ana, will be co-authoring this with me. She's not a user here, though. She said she's not planning on making an account, yet. She's 13, if you're wondering. A 1997-er.

Anyway, please read.


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totoro_fan #1
u should tag this shinneffects
Kekeke123 #2
shinee effects :D love them! can't wait for ur first 1st chap!! im a 97er too!
Hey. (:<br />
I subscribed xD<br />
Can't wait for the first chapter ^-^
Wow!! Cool!! Go 97-ers!!! Haha!!! This is Ana, btw~ I'm typing up chapter one...<br />
☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆<br />
がんばって 加 油
nisyaz #5
The same age w/your sister O: I'ma 97-er too~ <br />
Good luck! As long as there's Ontoria I'm forever heree~ XD