Bubble Tea LOVE


A story about a foreign girl who works part-time in a bubble tea shop and additionally attends a Korean school. She received a scholarship by an unknown person, who is it? And, what about that guy who keeps showing up at the bubble tea shop??



Niki is used to it, working at least three times a week in Coffetocia. And yeah, you guessed right, apparently it is the name of the small Bubble Tea Shop located in Junggu, Seoul, South Korea.
 With her 18 years, in Korea 19, Niki is almost done with school, already attending it for half-a-year and working all this time here at Coffetocia. To be honest, she really likes working here, because it is different compared to everyday school-life and also, the first people she met in Korea were her co-workers and her chef, who are really cool!


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