Behind the scenes: the making of Sherlock


I decided that i am gonna make a new segment! 


Every Tuesday(if I can) I will make one shots. And they are all gonna be named "Behind the scenes: making of_____"


if you want a oneshot based on a kpop music video, inbox me your suggestion!  Make sure to choose who the love interest is too!




For this one, I am gonna do one of my favorite music videos! Sherlock!



And the love interest? It will be Minho!


So please enjoy!


I hid in the bookshelf! I didn't want him to find me! I didn't know he was going to come after shooting to grab something! What did he leave?! It don't matter! He might find me! 


"Is someone there?"



Oh no! He suspects me there! I must keep silent! As silent as possible!






Then a beam of light shined in my face as the bookshelf opened, revealing my hiding spot. I closed my eyes, waiting for Minho to ask what I was doing and make the whole situation awkward. Instead..........he rested a hand on my shoulder. 


"I had a feeling you would be here."




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that was pretty unique. a whole lot unique from what everyone usually writes. :] gj