Dark Side of Seoul (2/2)

Havoc in the Heart


Youngwoon sat on the hood of the car and looked over the wasteland he was in. Unlike the rest of Seoul, this place didn't have any kind of trees - just a few abandoned buildings and run down houses-, which was sad to him. He was also bewildered. How did such a place even come to existence? Shaking his head, he looked up at the door where Jungsu and G.D. were having a conversation, after they kicked him out.

"How are the gangs getting involved in this?" Youngwoon asked.

G.D. narrowed his eyes at Youngwoon, "You a cop?"

He froze at that comment. Luckily, Jungsu just let out a chuckle, "You think I'm stupid enough to bring police here?"

G.D. didn't seem amused, "He's giving off vibes like a cop," He continued scrutinizing the fidgeting Youngwoon

Jungsu remained silent and turned to Youngwoon, "Step out for a while,"

Youngwoon gave a confused look at Jungsu, who pushed him out of the apartment.

He sighed. Youngwoon wanted to badly know what they were talking about. Guess he would have to wait till Jungsu told him everything.

After what seemed like half an hour, Jungsu stepped out with a dazed look on his face. Judging from his tensed expression, Youngwoon could tell that whatever G.D. had told him, it wasn't good news.

Jungsu stopped on the middle of the staircase and took out his cell. He dialed Hankyung's number and put it to his ear. At the first ring, the call was answered.

"Already got a lead? That was fast," Hankyung said with an amused tone.

"I don't know if you would call that a lead, but it sure as hell isn't candy for us," Jungsu said. He leaned against the weak metal railing and looked at Youngwoon, who was seated on the car.

When Hankyung didn't say anything, Jungsu continued, "There isn't one person who isn't aware of the drug. Kwang-Ho made sure that news traveled and everyone knew about it before he brought it here. Some buyers have already placed their bids on it,"

"I don't see the problem in that. Won't it become much easier if many people are involved in the deal?"

"Not if opposing gangs are planning on sabotaging it. The Chinese Ying and the noob Hellbreakers are already trying to get the location of the drug. This is so ed up. How the hell are we supposed to get the information without going on their radar?" Jungsu ran a hand through his hair and exhaled, trying to calm himself.

Jungsu heard Hankyung sigh, probably from exasperation, "I see. I'll inform Kibum about this. Meanwhile, I think you and Mr. Kim should go ahead and try to achieve your objective. Be careful though. If the Ying have sent their men on a dog hunt, they won't play nice,"

Jungsu murmured his thanks and was about to cut the call when Hankyung spoke, "And one more thing. Don't tell Mr. Kim about the gangs. He might try to involve the police in this,"

Jungsu gulped nervously and glanced at the unsuspecting Youngwoon. Things were already a mess between them. Would it be right to hide things from him?

But you can't trust the people he's working with, Jungsu's conscience told him.

Youngwoon had seen Jungsu speak on the phone with a frustrated expression. As he approached the car, Youngwoon slid off the hood.

"So?" He asked.

Jungsu looked at him with a poker face, "So?"

Youngwoon nodded towards the apartment, "What did he say?"

Jungsu shrugged, "Just something about there being a lot of anticipating buyers..." He trailed off.

Youngwoon could tell by Jungsu's averting gaze and quiet voice that he was lying. But Youngwoon didn't press it. He didn't want Jungsu to be pressured into telling him things that he didn't want to. In this case, Youngwoon thought it was better if they kept him on a need-to-know basis.

To kill the awkward silence between them, Jungsu took out his PDA and scrolled through the list of possible info-sources.

"Let's drive to the skateboarding arena, I know a few guys who could help us," Jungsu said and went over to the driver's side of the car. But Youngwoon obstructed his path.

"I'm still driving. Just tell me the directions," Jungsu threw up his hands and stomped over to the other side.

Few minutes later, they drove out of the apartment district - as Jungsu called it - and took a rockier lane towards what seemed like to be the southern area of the wasteland.

"Jun- I mean Leeteuk," Youngwoon said and Jungsu, who was busy going through the list and crossing out sources which would either be dangerous or useless, looked up from his PDA.

"This place..." Youngwoon thought about how to ask the question, but Jungsu understood what he was trying to say.

"How does this kind of place exist?" Jungsu asked with a small grin. Youngwoon nodded.

"Three years ago a Thai gang named Horvejkul and the Song gang had a 'conflict of interest' and they literally had an all-out war here. Luckily, word reached to us before any damage was made and we managed to evacuate this whole area,"

Youngwoon looked skeptical, "Narcissus has that much man power?"

Jungsu raised an eyebrow, "What? You thought that the only agents were the ones you met? Then you have yet to go through the whole building,"

Youngwoon wanted to make a snarky comment about the number of vigilantes increasing day by day, but he liked the neutral ground they were both standing on and didn't want to piss of Jungsu.

"Anyways, during their fight we managed to wipe out the Horvejkul gang, but the Song gang managed to escape,"

Youngwoon narrowed his eyes at Jungsu. Did wipe out mean that they killed the whole gang? Was Jungsu capable of that? He bit his lower lip nervously.

"Well, since no civilization was here back then, this place became a flat out gang/mafia hangout,"

"I don't understand," Youngwoon said as he approached the skateboarding arena, "If such a big gang war took place, why didn't word reach the police?"

Jungsu's jaws tightened, "Cause the police didn't want to give a about it,"

Youngwoon bit the inside of his cheek to refrain from saying anything. Maintaining the neutral ground was harder than he thought.

He parked the car somewhere off a distance and stepped out. Jungsu put the PDA in the dashboard and got out as well.

All of a sudden, a distant gunshot ran out through the air and both of them froze. They exchanged glances and ran towards the arena, guns in their hands.

They lessened their pace and hid behind the wall. Jungsu sneaked a glance. There were about five men in black suits with intricate designs of rings tailored onto their backs.

Ying, Jungsu thought. They were pointing their guns towards the head of Yunho, who had kneeled down with hands behind his head.

"," He muttered. Youngwoon leaned towards him and whispered, "Someone you know?"

Jungsu nodded. He was going through the possible attack plans, but all ideas came up with someone being shot. Youngwoon looked around.

"Stay here and don't move until I tell you so," He said and dashed towards the high wall.

Jungsu was too surprised to say anything. Muttering under his breath he focused back on Yunho.

He better have come up with a good plan, Jungsu thought. The one with the gun, a person with long black hair, pushed the gun onto Yunho's head and Jungsu flinched.

Just then, a bullet whizzed through the air and hit the man in the leg.

"Now!" Jungsu heard Youngwoon's voice and got out of his hiding place. The men were too slow to react and Jungsu shot two of them in the chest.

The other took out their guns and shot at Jungsu. The latter rolled down on the ground and went back to hiding. He could hear the powerful bullets on the wall as they aimed at him. He peeked from his left side. Yunho was nowhere to be seen. The two men were coming towards his hiding spot stealthily.

Jungsu frowned. While he carried a Colt, the men had standard M4s. It meant that they had more ammunition than him and better vantage. Jungsu changed into a crouch position and held his gun tightly. He planned on attacking the person on the right and then defeating the next. It was risky and the chances of getting shot were impeccably high.

Few seconds later, Jungsu jumped out of his hiding spot and shot the man, according to his plan. The other's reflexes were good, so he quickly pulled the trigger.

Jungsu felt the bullet graze his arm and he staggered. The man now lay on the ground with a gunshot in his back.

Youngwoon crept out from behind the high wall and saw Jungsu holding a bleeding arm. Ignoring the carcass on the ground, he ran to Jungsu and inspected the injury. He sighed in relief to know that it was only a flesh wound.

"There's a first-aid kit in the car," Jungsu said while holding down on his arm to apply pressure. Youngwoon went away for a while and came back with a box. He seated Jungsu against one of the concrete slides and helped him take off his jacket.

Youngwoon took the time to look at Jungsu's physique while bandaging his wound. Last he had seen him, he used to be very skinny. Now his arms and body had gotten broader and were well defined. He had been working quite a lot then.

Jungsu looked at Youngwoon who was carefully wrapping the bandage. Feeling a pair of eyes on him, Youngwoon looked up and his eyes locked with Jungsu's. They both sat there, staring at each other with unsaid words beneath the silence.

Jungsu looked away first. He forced his mind to block out thoughts of Youngwoon. They had been together once and it wouldn't happen again. Jungsu couldn't let it happen.

Youngwoon looked around, "I thought your friend was here,"

Jungsu groaned, "He must've escaped. But we have got to find him first," He stood up and stretched out his arm. He immediately regretted it when pain shot through it.

Youngwoon covered his eyes and tried to look through the sunny land, "Can't we just try some other sources?"

Jungsu shook his head, "No. If those men were threatening to kill him, it means he knows something. And we've got to get to him before someone else does,"


Heechul had come from the garage and was on his way to meet the CEO. There were things he wanted to discuss with the man, and some doubts he had yet to clear.

He went up to the mahogany door and raised his hand to knock when he heard Hankyung say, "And one more thing. Don't tell Mr. Kim about the gangs. He might try to involve the police in this,"

Heechul stared at the door with a shocked expression. Was Hankyung now trying to hide things from them? A scowl forming on his pretty face, Heechul wanted to barge in and demand an explanation.

But he was able to maintain his calm. If Hankyung wanted to hide things from them, then so be it. Heechul glared once more at the door and walked towards the elevator. It wasn't like Heechul couldn't come up with a plan either.



Commenters/Subs/Readers--------> a never ending THANK YOU. I hope there are no mistakes, will correct if it comes on my radar

Scholarly Jungsu as I imagine him



y   Agent Leeteuk


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im coming back....;;


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xspecialxsjx #1
Chapter 9: R u already give up with this story , please don't your story is amazing I don't know why you're not continued please don't give up fighting dear
ayumuhide #2
i hope you update this story soon, author-nim~ i miss it ;;
ayumuhide #3
Chapter 22: Everytime this story updates, I ahfggdsajhdsh. It's just so great. ;A;
Chapter 21: Who did Leeteuk lost? Really want to know. You'll tell me soon, right? I really love this story. Keep on updating, I'll keep on reading. Fighting! <3
ayumuhide #5
Chapter 20: This is really one of the fanfics which has gotten me hooked. Keep up the great work!
Mindstring #6
jungjungjung #7
leeteuk! <3
Chapter 14: Vicky-chaaaannn~ kangteuk love??