From the Beginning

넌 내마음이 들리니? [Do you hear my heart?]
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Teen Top - Angel


A week before Teen Top’s Comeback [continued]

                You watched in the dressing room just in case a fan or any other staff that was not from T.O.P. Media would see you. You sat down on the couch as you patiently waited for the shooting of their comeback stage to be finished.

                *I forget that their stage performances are sometimes pre-recorded* you thought as you reflected in the thousands of screams of the many Angels. Their pre-recording session of music Core today would be broadcasted within a week, a day after the release of their new comeback album. And you also decided to mentally prepare for the mini-fanmeeting session that would follow. Yet you couldn’t help but clasped your hands and opened your ears.

                Though the sounds were blurry from the stage all the way to the room you were in, you tried your best to hear both Teen Top and the Angels. Somehow it just gave you great joy just to hear them. Was it pride? Being able to be proud of the boys for showing your talent? Or because you were a fan?

                Whatever it was, you were grateful for the feeling. After all, they were your bias idols who you’ve watched grow up since their debut. Being a fan from them starting from the very beginning.



Late half of 2010

                You stood in line patently as you bounced in your seat for the appearance of your idols. They were new and only debuted a few months ago but they were already having their first fan-signing! When you first found out about the event, you purchased your ticket right away and left your entire schedule for the day empty.

                Well actually, you didn’t have a schedule except clean the house all day. With your uncle being away on business trips, you were quite lonely and all you could do was either clean the house or go out. But you had no one to go out with since your ‘friends’ all abandoned you because of your family crisis.

                *Why did I make such stupid friends?* you asked yourself and mentally smacked your forehead. There were signs that they weren’t the nicest people in school, but did that stop you? No, it didn’t. Instead you took the risk of going further only to become their lacky. The sad thing was. . .this was middle school. Third year. But what could you expect with all the bully-crisis going up in South Korea especially to students who were losing their parents.

                But setting aside your remorse, your happiness began to explode once you saw the six idols come up on stage. They were one of the youngest groups you knew yet they were able to gain so much attention so quickly. It amazed you actually, who would have thought that these six young teenage boys would’ve gained so many fans from years younger and older?

                Truth be told. You didn’t think they’d gain so much attention that fast; so you decided to join their fanclub. It’s not that you didn’t believe in them, but rather didn’t expect them to be popular from such a young age. Especially the maknae line.

                You began to become giddy just about talking to the members as well. *Just thinking about them makes my life a bit better* you thought as you held their debut single album close to your chest with a smile upon your features. *And I hope they like these.*

                After what seemed to be forever of waiting and waiting in the long line which you were joined in near the end, you finally caught up to the stage and was facing the leader of Teen Top himself, CAP.

                “Anneyong-haseyo,” he said as he returned your bow with his own. You smiled at him and fidgeted a little on how to act around him since he was the first celebrity ever that you were coming to face-to-face with. “Shall I sign that for you?”

                “Oh! Yes please!” you answered as you held it out for him with two hands and began to crouch down on your knees as it is tradition to do so during a fansigning event.

                “What’s your name?”

                “Eunmi. Sung Eunmi.”

                “What a pretty name.”

                “Thank you,” you blushed with your arms horizontal with the table as you put your chin on your fists and smiled up at him. “Oh! Here you go,” you said as you set a small red gift bag in front of his eyes.

                “What’s this?” he asked as he looked in the bag with a smile. “Wow! All these candy for me? Thank you. Oh! There’s even a small plush that looks just like me! Did you make this?” He looked up at you and you gave a small nod with a satisfactory smile. “Thank you! I adore it!”

                "I’m glad you like it!”

                “Oh, Eunmi-yang[1], how old are you?” he asked as he looked up from writing your surname.

                “I just turned 15. A few weeks after you guys debuted,” you stated.

                “Ahh. I see. Here you go. Thank you,” he said as you took back your album and saw what he wrote, ‘To Sung Eunmi-yang ^^ Keep smiling!’. You smiled at him once more and bowed moving onto the next person in line.

                Looking up from your position you saw Teen Top’s visual looking down at you with twinkling eyes, Chunji. He returned your small bow with his own and you couldn’t help but giggle at him. He looked a bit shocked but smiled at your actions.“What’s so funny?”

                “Nothing!” you quickly replied as you handed him the album and propped yourself the way you had done in front of CAP. You tilted your head a bit and gave a bright smile at him which he couldn’t help but return to a fan that adored him.

                “Alright then,” he said with a small smile. “What’s your name?”

                “It’s Sung Eunmi!” you replied with enthusiasm.

                “I’m guessing you are younger since you told CAP-hyung you were just 15, am I right?”

                “Uh-huh! You sure are perceptive!”

                “Why thank you, Eunmi-yang,” he said with a smile which was quickly replaced with a gasp as you placed the small navy gift bag in front of your face. “Omo! For me? Thank you!”

                “I hope you like candy,” you whispered with a small glint in your eyes.

                “Of course! Omona! There’s a small doll here too! Looks like me! Did you. . .You did! Thank you!”

                “You are very well welcome,” you replied as your head bobbed form your chin being on your fists. “Oh thank you as well, Chunji-oppa!” you said as you received back your album and saw what he wrote, ‘To Eunmi-yang <3 Stay sweet!’. You blushed a lit

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YoongiholicAnonymous #1
Chapter 3: Yay you updated^^
Haha Ricky :D
Please update soon
And a happy new year^^
kimae09 #2
Chapter 2: it's really interesting~! i love it~! please update soon~!
YoongiholicAnonymous #3
Chapter 2: yes you continued^^
I'm so happy right now
aww I wished I was Eunmi and met Teen Top :)
take your time and don't rush
like I said before I have no prob with waiting^^
nalgaewings #4
Chapter 2: Thank you for continuing! :D I'm so happy ^^ I'm okay with waiting cause I understand how hard it can be to update sometimes... :b Hwaiting author-nim! ^^
YoongiholicAnonymous #5
Chapter 2: please continue this story!
i just found it and i really liked the first chap
and i don't care if you would rarely update!
please continue *puppy eyes*
Love It Please Update sooon!^^
patricia03XD #7
NICE... please update soon.. XD
Interesting~~~~ update soon. ^^d
I agree Chunji is just that type of person. At least from Chunji's side I can tell that he's interested.