need for speed.


"Yah, Changmin! Where the hell do you think you're doing?!" cried a voice from down the corridor. Changmin quickly turned around and ran for it. "!" he shouted. Changmin bolted out onto the footsteps, trying to reach his black lamborghini. 

"Changmin!" It was too late. Changmin's Dad already got hold of his leather jacket. 

"Aiiya, let go Dad!" Changmin trying to squirm out of his Dad's reach. 

"Where do you think you're going? Are you aware that it's dangerous for you to be roaming out at night?" 

"Not this lecture again Dad.." 

"Changmin I'm only saying this for your sake, please don't go out to the streets anymore and race. It's dangerous and not to mention there's a lot of demon's roaming around this late at night. Who knows who wants to kill you?" 

"Appa I know what you're afraid of and you shouldn't be. I've matured enough and my powers has become stronger. It's been six months since Sulli has been missing and it's my job to find out who took her away from me and take revenge on them." 

"You'll never find this demon. You'll never find out who took Sulli away. You're too weak compared to the other demons. What's the point of taking revenge Changmin? It's not going to bring Sulli back! I know you love her and everything but it's time to move on." 

Changmin tears rolled down his cheeks.

"You wouldn't understand. You don't know how it feels when people say Sulli's dead when I know she's not. The news, the police and everyone believes she's dead! I know she's alive Dad, I know she's waiting for me to come and save her. Out of all people I thought you would at least believe in me and trust with what I'm doing. It doesn't seem so anymore. How do you expect me to move on? She just vanished out of my life, disappeared and you want me to move on?! NO." With that Changmin quickly bolted down the foot steps and hopped onto his lamborghini, having great urge to start the engine and drive off. 


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