
Tired of Waiting

"Sorry again for making you get detention, Dongwoon-ssi", Soojung blurted when they got to the door of the detention class. He just ignored her like usual. Mrs Jung opened the door and let them inside. "Students, there is to be no speaking in detention. You'll have to fill in these two pages, writing why you're here and now you can be a better person. You have to write this in English, when you're finished, you can go home", She handed them the sheets and went back to her seat. Some students groaned as not all of them were excelling in English. Lucky for Soojung, she was fluent in English and often spoke the language with her family. She was doing fine and already up to the second page in about ten minutes. On the other hand, Dongwoon was having trouble and only wrote half a page. A little growl broke the silence in the classroom and everyone turned to the front, it was Mrs Jung's stomach. 

"Students, I did not have lunch so I am going to get some and I'll be back. Do not make a sound. You'll get extra detention if I come back and catch you speaking", she said harshly. Yes! I can ask someone for help. Dongwoon thought and looked over to his right. Whoa, she's almost finished. What am I going to do? At this rate, I won't be able to go home. 

Soojung's tummy started to growl a little so she dug in her bag for some food. There was nothing but the box of chocolates she brought to school. She was going to share with her friends but forgot. Should I eat it? It's so weird, it's not Valentine's Day anymore. Everyone is going to think I'm showing off. Omo, I'm so hungry. I'm going to eat it anyway, I don't care. I rather embarrass myself then starve. Soojung took out the box of chocolates and it made some scrunchy plastic noise, it was the wrapping of the chocolates. She mentally slapped herself as everyone's eyes were on her desk. She gave them the, "What are you looking at?" face and continued with her work and eating. 

She was so immersed in her writing that she didn't feel the tap on her arm until it turned into a stab with a pen. "Argh! Yah, what do you want?" She looked to her left and saw that it was Dongwoon and continued, "Oh..Dongwoon-ssi". He gave her a pretend smile and pointed to his paper. 

"You owe me remember, help me with this. What do I write? Help and I'll forgive you", he said and handed her his sheet. Soojung told him what to write and even offered him some chocolates. Why? Because she felt guilty, she had injured him two times already. They both finished before Mrs Jung came back and packed up first. In about two minutes, Mrs Jung came in with full face and stomach, you could tell. She was usually fat and now she was even fatter. She was in a good mood now that she had filled her stomach. Soojung, Dongwoon and some other students left the room after completing their task. They made their way out of the class and went in the same direction towards the front gates of the school. 

"Soojung, who gave you those chocolates? They were nice. It's not even Valentine's Day anymore, why are you eating them? Did your boooooooyfriend give it to you late today? AHAHAH Or, did you bring it yourself because you had no Valentine?" He teased. "I do have a Valentine, loser! It's Ni.. you don't want to know. I don't know where these chocolates are from, some anonymous person gave it. Why? You like it? Take the box", she responded and throwing it to him to catch but it landed on his head. Ooops. There are some chocolate leftover and they're melted. Omo, run! Soojung ran for her life and Dongwoon chased her when he realised there was melted chocolate in his hair. "Yah! You, stay back here. Why did you throw it in my hair for? Are you some sort of pranker? Am I your target? Why do you keep bothering me? Or are you that clumsy?" he screamed while trying to get her back. 

When they reached the school yard at the back, Soojung got tired and stopped at a tall tree nearby. She hid behind it, hoping he wouldn't be able to see her. But with her luck, the wind came and blew her skirt which was revealed on the sides of the tree. She still did not realise and hoped he would go away. Dongwoon spotted her hiding place and crept silently towards the tall tree. He was so quiet that Soojung thought the coast was clear. Phew, I can go now. She thought and turned around to go home only to come face to face to Dongwoon. "AH! You scared the sugar honey ice tea out of.." and stopped when he smothered chocolate all over her face. "So you want to have a chocolate fight now, huh?" She declared and wipe the chocolate of her face to wipe it on his. 

After having a long run around the whole school, Soojung was exhausted and sat under the same tree. "Geumanhae, I'm really tired. Do you know how bad at sports I am? No more running, jebal. Sit down, aren't you tired?" She asked him, motioning him to sit down with her hands. "You deserved it. Why are you so clumsy? Is there something wrong with you? There's always trouble when you're around, don't your friends and family get annoyed? You're so different to other girls too, you don't act like a lady. Are you a man?" He asked and took and deep breath. "I'm not going to answer all those questions but I'm pretty sure the answer to most questions would be no." She replied and attempted to storm off but tripped on a rock. 

"What did you do this time? Tripped on your feet or on air? So clumsy", Dongwoon laughed and got up to walk away. Soojung replied under her breath, "No, I tripped on a rock for your information, not on my feet. And mind your own business, jerk". She got up to leave quickly but fell again. "Argh! Why does it hurt so much? Stupid ankle", Soojung whimpered. What bad timing. My ankle had to sprain when this loser is here and no one else. Otteoke? I know, I'll call Daddy to pick me up! She took out her phone and realised it was out of battery. She was so unlucky these days.

Meanwhile, Dongwoon was almost out of the yard and noticed that he was walking alone. He turned around and saw that she was still sitting there where she tripped. "Yah! You're not going home? What are you doing sitting there?" he questioned without realising that her leg was sprained and she was in pain. "Hellooooooo?" He asked, waiting for her reply. He finally heard her yell, "Dongwoon-ssi, will you help me? I sprained my ankle". What is this girl up to now? So many tricks up her sleeve. Does she expect me to believe her so easily? He thought and walked towards her.

"Yah, do you have anything better to do than fake to be in pain? You just tripped a little, how can you not walk?" He smirked and pulled her up so she could stand but she couldn't walk. "I'm not lying, I was so tired that when I tripped on the rock I sprained my ankle. If I weren't in pain, I would have kicked your balls, no joke. Seriously, my legs are going to fall off. Take me to the school nurse", she requested. 

"Most of the school is home already, babo. We'll go sit on the bench and I'll check your leg", Dongwoon insisted and took off her shoe. "Argh, it hurts! Don't touch that part!" she hissed and tried to kick him but failed. 

"Calm down, I'll just massage it a little. Stay still, do you want to walk?!" he raised his voice. Soojung just stayed silent and let him squish her feet or whatever. "Is it any better?" Dongwoon asked and she shook her head.

"Well, a little.." She said.

"There's nothing I can do about it then. Hop on my back, I'll piggyback you home", He commanded. Soojung just sat there, she didn't want to get on his back. It was weird. What would people think?

"Do you want to get on or not? I'm going to leave if you don't. I don't have much time. Get on or stay here", he said so she hopped on with her back straight up, not touching his back. 

"Relax, do you want to sit like that for the whole time? You're going to hurt your back", Dongwoon exclaimed. He started to walk out of the school and Soojung gave him directions to her house.

Where has she gone today? Yesterday, Nichkhun took her home. Today, she got a piggyback ride from a new kid. Soojung, what are you doing? Did you already forget about Oppa? Changmin stood at his window and watched what was happening outside.

"Thanks for the uhh.. ride", Soojung smiled to Dongwoon.

"No problem, I didn't have a choice", He replied coldly and walked away.

Sorry for the slow chapter! I need to write faster! Nothing's happening yet. Laters! :D


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update soon unnie. i saranghae dis sit-tory
omg update please unni i lub u~ ^^
notgoingtotell #3
new reader!.. are you still continuing this?
foundationgirl #4
LeePeppers #5
So no updates in moths ? T^T
LeePeppers #6
LOL no more ChangMin pro stalker XD ~<br />
The akward moment with DongWoon i like it xD <br />
update soon!
HEHEHEHEHHEHEHEHEHEHEHHEHE :) You said your feet were going to cameo! I didn't read no feet! AWESOME UPDATE LOSER!
Eunchae stood there wondering where Yunho would be. Why couldn't I see Yunho-oppa here? It had to be Changmin-sunbae. Just my luck. - BEST LINE EVER HAHAHAHAHA. Good chapter! Update soon :) :) :)