Part 2



You woke up and got ready for school. You felt disgusting and sick but you forced yourself to go. You opened the door and almost stepped on a purple daisy that was laying in your door step.

You picked it up and again there was a little post it. It read:

Keep smiling, I think it fits you better than frowns.

You smiled reading it and you were instantly ready for the day. You got to school happy, not even thinking about what happened yesterday.

"Hey are you feeling better?"

You turned around to see Gikwang biting his bottom lip, staring at you with concern.

You nodded, "Yeah and this super nice person...." you trailed off not finishing your sentence.

He blinked at you, "What about a super nice person?" He wanted you to finish your sentence to see if you liked the flowers and if you found out who it was.

"Uh nevermind I forgot what I was about to say." You quickly decided not to tell him because you notice over the years he got really protective of you.

'He might just hunt down whoever it is leaving these amazing little notes. Who knows what will happen if he finds the person leaving them....' you thought to yourself.

Just then you saw Joon walk by you caught a glimpse of his face and saw his black eye. Your eyes widened and then narrowed when you notice Joon flinch when he looked at Gikwang.

"Omg did you do that?!" you whisper screamed at Gikwang.

He smiled sheepishly, " Mianhae _____- ah I kinda lost it after I dropped you off at home."

"Its okay" you replied poking his nose, "Just don't do that again please?"

He nodded.

"Pinkie promise?" you asked holding up your pinkie to his face.

"I promise" he stated as he linked his pinkie with yours.

The two of you headed off to class.

The bell rang signaling that it was lunch already. You walked to your locker but when you got there, there was something on it.

Taped to your locker was another purple daisy. Seeing this made you feel special. It made you have hope that someone could actually love you and see you that way.

Again the beautiful flower was followed by a lovely little post it.

You're beautiful today, just like always.

You opened your locker and nicely placed the post it in your locker and the flower.

"Um ____...."

You turned around and your eyes widened as you saw a boy standing in front of you. It was Mir, one of Joon's friends.

He held up a purple daisy. You eyes grew rounder at the sight of the daisy.

'Is this the mysterious admirer?!' you thought.

"Will you go on a date with me?"

You blinked in surprise. He thought you were rejecting him so he turned away.

"Wait how did you know I like purple daisies?"

"Well I noticed you did when I would hang out with you when you were still dating Joon hyung...."

"Oh, and yes I'll go on a date with you."

He instantly brightened up and skipped away.

"What was that all about?" Gikwang came up behind you.

"I'm going on a date with Mir."

"But he's one of Joon's friends..."

"Yeah but he is the one that has been leaving me these cute little flowers and post it notes~" you smiled happily.

'OMG SHE THINKS IT IS MIR!!!!!!' He screamed in his thoughts.

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Chapter 4: Wow. Pretty :)
A nice short story(: