Because Of You

Because Of You


After wrapping up their most recent set of promotion, the boys of B1A4 were given a few weeks off to rest up and recharge before they started preparing for their next comeback. Sandeul couldn't be happier when he heard the news from WM's CEO. The lead vocalist was finally able to go back to Busan to visit his friends and family. But, he decided to head back to Seoul after a week in Busan to spend some long overdue time with the girl that captured his heart: you. So there he was, lounging on the couch, flipping through channels on the television, in the apartment that the two of you shared. 

'Ahhhh...This is the life,' Sandeul thought to himself, 'Two weeks with ______-ah, no stress, full nights of sleep, and the best part, no work!'

"Oppa!" you said as you collapsed on the couch next to him and rested your head on his shoulder.

"Yes, jagi-yah?" Sandeul responded with a content smile on his face. 

"Do you know what today is?"

"Mmmm, it's Wednesday!" he nodded, confirming his answer.


"Your day off from work?"

"And...?" you asked again, making a circular motion with your hand, telling him to keep trying.

Sandeul tried to think as hard as he could to figure out what was so special about this particular Wednesday. It wasn't your birthday, it wasn't his birthday, and it definitely wasn't your anniversary. Eventually, he just let out a sigh and gave up. 

"Sorry ______-ah, I don't know. What's today?"

"It's the Spring Equinox!" You took your head off his shoulder and gave him a bright smile.

"Eh?" Now Sandeul was confused. What's so special about the Spring Equinox?

You let out an exasperated sigh, "That means it's the first day of spring, oppa! And you know what that's means..."

You could just hear the little click your boyfriend's head as he realized why you were so happy about it being the first day of spring. 

Sandeul slowly turned his head toward you, eyes widened, "Oh no..."


You jumped off the couch and stood in front of him with your hands on your hips and, if possible, an even brighter smile of your face.  

"AHHHHH! JAGI-AH WAEEEEEEEE?!" Sandeul complained/yelled as he flailed his arms and legs in protest, a pained expression on his face.

Your hands slipped from your hips and your smilely expression turned into an accusing one as you pointed one finger at Sandeul, "Oppa, stop it! Last year you couldn't help me with spring cleaning because you were too busy with Baby I'm Sorry promotions and you promised that you would help me this year!"

"Ah, but jagi-ah," Sandeul's voice was muffled by the couch that he somehow ended up face down on.  

'I can't believe I have to do this.' You let out a huff and took a deep breath.

"Deullie, pleeeeeeaaaassseee~?" you asked, your voice filled with aegyo.

'Don't look at her, Junghwan. One glance and you're done for,' Sandeul chanted in head and buried his face deeper into the couch seat cushion.

After the apartment fell into silence for a couple minutes, Sandeul peeked up from the couch, only to see you on your knees with your hands clasped under your chin, face directly in front of his. But the thing that really broke him down was your wide eyes and pouted lips. 

He then his side, facing you, and cupped your face with his hands, "You are too cute."

"So does that mean that you'll help me?"

"I guess so," he said with a reluctant tone in his voice.

"Woohoo!" you laughed as you pulled him off the couch, "I'm still waiting for the day when my aegyo doesn't work on you." 

Sandeul held his head down in defeat as he followed you into the bedroom while you read out a list of things that the two of you had to do.

"Okay, so all we need to do is wash the bed sheets, sweep the floors, dust, vacuum the couch, wash the dishes and we're done!"

"That's it?" Sandeul asked as he took the list from your hand.

"Yup! That's it."

"This doesn't seem too bad," he mumbled as he read over the list one more time.

You and Sandeul spent the next hour cleaning the bedroom and bathroom. You removed the sheets from the bed and loaded them into the washing machine and you both swept the floor and dusted the nightstands near the bed as well as the bookshelf that leaned against the wall. The two of you then moved onto the living room after loading the wet bed sheet into the dryer. This time, you swept and dusted while he vacuumed.  

"_______-ah," you heard Sandeul's voice over the noise of the vacuum.

"Hmm?" you said as you swept all the dust and rubbish into a dust pan to empty into the trash can.

"Don't you think I should get some type of reward for helping you clean the apartment?"

"Why would you say that?"

"Because ... I could have just let you clean by yourself, but I decided not to."

Sighing, you leaned the broom against the wall and turned toward him, "Okay, okay. What do you want?"

"Kiss," he said as he pointed to his lips.

"Aigoo..." you shook your head but still got on your toes to give him his "reward".

Just as your lips were about to touch his, you head a sound coming from the laundry room.


"Oh! The laundry's done!"

You pulled away and bounced towards the laundry room leaving Sandeul with his jaw dropped, shocked that you just ditched him for bedding. After remaking the bed, the two of you headed into the kitchen and you pulled out the list from your pocket.

"All that's left to do is wash the dishes, so I wash and you dry?" 

Sandeul nodded and you filled up the sink with warm water and soap. You two had a pretty good system down, you would scrub and rinse the dishes and then hand them the Sandeul to dry and place in their respective cabinets. Everything was going smoothly until you felt a pair of arms snake themselves around your wait causing you to jump in surprise and almost drop a ceramic plate. 

"Aish! You almost made me drop one of the plates your mom gave us!" you scolded while you elbowed him lightly in the stomach, "And I don't think you can dry the dishes properly with your arm wrapped around me."

"Oh that, my dear ______-ah, is where you're wrong. Watch this."

You watched as Sandeul took the plate from your hands, expertly dried it, and placed it in the cabinet above your head. He then gave you a little smirk that seemed to say, 'I told you so'. 

Shaking your head, you turned back to the sink filled with warm, soapy water. As you continued to wash the remaining dishes, you heard a beautiful voice, that was all too familiar, start singing. 

"I'm like this every day, I'm like this because of you

Yes, it's because of you

On this cooled down night where the moonlight shines on me

I just can't wait no more

Again today, I hear about you and I hang my head

I keep thinking of you so I'm going crazy

On this cooled down night where the moonlight shines on me

I just can't wait no more"

You giggled when he started to sway the two of you side to side as he continued to sing while you finished the rinsing the last cup. When he finished drying the cup and placed a cabinet that held the rest of cups, you turned around in his arms and leaned back again the sink.

"Thanks for helping me today, oppa," you said, looking into his eyes, "I really do appreciate it."

Sandeul chuckled at your act of gratitude, "Does this mean I get my reward now?"

You smiled up at him as you wrapped your arms around his neck and got on your toes, giving him a sweet kiss on the lips. 

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DeullieSa34 #1
sweet sweet sweet:-*:-*:-*:-*:-* i love sandeul being the main character:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*
(: Sweet~ ^^
I love this. >///////<
Can't stop loving their closeness. Deullie finally got his reward. ^^
Aww!! It's really cute <3
Awh c':