The Lieutenant. [Male]

Paradise 『Interactive』


You blinked and stared at the question for a moment, writing down all your particulars. Why did you even stop to think about your gender? Of course you were male! You had the parts (and crotch) to prove otherwise; if anybody questions your manliness.
Anna starts to tap her feet and you look up at her. She furrows her eyebrows and gestures for you to hurry up with the forms. As soon as her eyes flickers to her wristwatch, you look down and continue your form filling.
Age. Race. Height. Weight. The basics. Though there were some strange questions...
You skipped those and moved on with the rest of the blanks.
The very moment you tapped the pen to complete your signature, Anna snatches the form from under your hand and curls her upper lip,  "Move to the left. Don't hold up the line behind you."
You flash your most charming smile at her and she rolls her eyes, averting her attention to the person behind you. You move over to the next counter; the male in front of you greets you in his most professional sounding voice. Also, with a smile.
His smiling face is rather pleasant to look at, you think, the uniform looks good.
"Welcome to ranks, Rookie." 
He hands you a small pouch which he took from under the counter, "Here, Paradise Coins." 
Your eyes shift to the pouch, then to him; your eyebrow raised.
 "Ah!" He starts to panic and gestures wildly with his arms, "This, didn't they write this on the information brochure or something?"
"The news spread around my place through word of mouth." You blink at him. You never did get any brochure, so you couldn't say what information went in it.
Your sister was a lieutenant though, THE Lieutenant. The only one in Paradise's Army with her own personal squad(s); you weren't sure if she had many, or just a single squad. 
She definitely did NOT tell you about any additional currency.
"You can't buy anything here using normal currency, " He purses his lips and gives you a weak smile, "Weapons and other things licensed for use by Paradise can only be bought with their own currency and every merc. recruit gets four hundred after recruitme-"
A drop of sweat rolls down his forehead and his posture goes rigid. 
Did he finally recognize the family resemblance?
"L-lieutenant!" His arm was bent in a formal salute and his gaze was directed behind you.
You turn around, stumbling on your feet and looked up at the face of your older brother. 
, she found you.


Your sister's sharp eyes pierce into your very soul, like a knife sinking it's cutting edge into butter and you feel a small shiver run up your back. It was terrifying enough to make you tremble.
Oh, how you loved dramatizing moments like these with your sister. Her glares didn't scare you.
"Yah, did you abandon our parents just to prance around in this blood-stained battlefield of doom and mayhem?!"
Her voice did.
You wince, peeling your hands off your ears once she stops shouting. You inwardly gagged at her choice of flowery vocabulary,
"I did it for them, noona." Your words were blunt and nonchalant, your gaze hard. There was no sign of affection towards your older sister. 
You truly believed that this was your calling, your time to contribute to the world, however little your abilities were. You wanted to do your best to protect those precious to you.
Her lips curls into an almost snarl and raises his hand to slap you buts he decides not to. The determination blazing in your eyes was enough do deter her from doing so. She lowers her arm and curses under a breath, a loud exasperated sigh accompanies it as she bends forward, massaging the bridge of her nose.
Silence fills the room and time passes by. One minute became two, and it easily became five.
You finally brought yourself to look away from your sister's hunched figure and start to examine her office.
Your brother's office was huge, but plain. White linoleum walls and white carpeting. White furniture. Everything was white. White and sterile, like a doctor's office.
 A barely furnished book shelf sits in the corner; it looks rarely used. A wide, plastic desk up front, visible from the doorway, and a large screen behind it, covering the walls. Was it his computer? There are the sofas, where you both were at, everything else was just empty, white space.
A small memento of your childhood times sits on her desk, its colour a deep contrast with the whiteness around. You didn't expect her to keep it.
Then the windows, overlooking a large portion of what used to be Seoul. It shocked you, even the buildings back where you lived didn't look so destroyed. You could spot chunks of concrete littered around the buildings at the very edge of your view. 
Hell on earth. That's what you thought it looks like. Hell.
Buildings outside Paradise's protection were decimated and fire rose from the debris. Red, hot fire. A tiny dark blob soared in the skyline beyond, and as fast as it appeared, it dissapeared. Was that a demon you saw?
You know why your sister didn't want you here, but you could take care of yourself. You didn't spend all this time training for nothing.
You heard your sister call out your name, her voice soft and shaky. You've never heard her so vulnerable before.
 "I need you to do something for me."
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Hazu-nyan #1
@Rexivyara; Eeeyep, and hetero and bi options, if you like some variety. I like to give my readers choices xD
And secret characters ;D
wait, if there is a GUY... then there's ...?
This is, like, the first Boyfriend interactive fanfiction! Well, finally. It's a really great story-line so far. Kwangmin-biased, so, hopefully he appears soon. UPDATE SOON B) !!!
Identical faces?
The Jo twins! :)
Lolol but i'm Minwoo biased ^-^
Anyways update soon!