
Loyalty and Death


          Seunghyun turned around at the familiar sound, but what he saw surprise him. Jiyong, in the wedding dress he bought, along with other accessories. His hair was styled so exquisitely, highlighted, decorated with white roses and diamonds. For once Seunghyun didn't think his as unique or cool, but simply a perfection, faultless pulchritude. His lovely form, however, was the lead into destruction.

          "So the day has come… The day that you kill me for real."

          Jiyong was silent. Was it because he held his tears, or because he just didn't feel like answering, Seunghyun couldn't tell. But his statement was clear and true, he knew.

          "You can survive this, you know," he said, his voice getting softer each word. "Just kill me, though I won't be too willing for that, but your skills are beyond me."

          Seunghyun looked at him. His eyes were big and glowing as it stared back at him, a stare that always felt like he was looking into his soul, discovering the smallest, most complex part of him. Just as when Seunghyun met him for the first time, he was stunning. He was beautiful, more than anything in the world. The white pale soft face of the most beautiful person, smiling with pink insipid lips that everyone would like to kiss. His hair, black and curled stylishly, covered a bit go his dark moist eyes, swayed by the gentle breeze of wind. The only thing that differ the moments was the soulless part in his eyes, that significance anything but happiness.

          "To die I'm not willing, but much more than that… To lose you I can't maintain."

          Jiyong didn't answer though. No, he wouldn't want to answer such selfish statement, nor even hear it. But Seunghyun had to say it, right?

          He sighed heavily, faking a smile. "Can you grant me a wish?"

          "You know I don't do wishes," the younger one answered. Though the voice sound firm, Seunghyun could detect a small waver. That was all that he need to feel extremely at fault, and he was blaming himself to the edge of tears.

          "Just one," he said softly. "You know it will be the last."

          A pause. Jiyong wasn't moving from his position, in fact he wasn't moving at all. Frozen as the exact word, and Seunghyun could feel the dreadful atmosphere all over them. He answered though. Short.

          "…One wish."


          Seunghyun wasn't scared of dying. No. He dealt with it all the time, he wasn't scared of dying. What he was scared of instead was this man's destruction. Destroying other's life Seunghyun didn't care, but Jiyong was everything. No matter dead or alive, Jiyong was his number one priority.

          People said to him, one time and another, and he may love Jiyong, but not to fall in love with him. Most of them knew, 'in love' was declaration of obsession, and Jiyong wasn't fair in simply anything. Seunghyun knew that from the start, but that didn't stop him from fighting his way to become Jiyong’s partner, or bringing the younger one on random dates and definitely not on making him his possession. Seunghyun love him and was in love with him, and for him nothing else matters. Not loving Jiyong, for Seunghyun, was a crazy idea he would never consider in his life.

          "Can you hug me?" he asked.

          "Don't make this hard for me, you moron," the younger one snapped, all of sudden his voice was not as firm.

          Angry. Seunghyun knew. He said it once, being angry was enough to cover everything, everything at all. So he walked forward, without any word, and wrapped Jiyong into a warm hug.

          Silence. Just a scary silence, one that he could only get when he was asleep. But Jiyong was not, and that was depressing for Seunghyun, bringing his world down with him. He made him sad, and he was seriously considering killing himself right then. He tightened his hug, and slowly he could feel his shirt soaking wet.

          He cried. Jiyong cried!

          Everything inside Seunghyun scream. Screaming, yelling in pity for miracle. Not to live, but simply to stop his everything from crying. Just for that, pain was all over him. Seunghyun wanted to cry but he can't, not in front of he younger one, and probably not ever. Just no, because his life will definitely end here.

          But then his thoughts were cut, his senses back to reality when a hand sneaked behind his back, hugging him close. And suddenly, all scary thoughts were gone.

          He was ready. Seunghyun was really ready.

          "I love you too," Seunghyun whispered.

          And he felt something cold against his stomach, the loud pounding in his ears registered in his mind before the pain. And gray city, frozen traffic, this scene he noticed began to disappear. He felt wobbly then, and Jiyong help him to lay down the church's floor. His cold finger traced his face, slowly, all trembling, and for one moment he wished that he could return the favor. He felt the chill that creep down his spine, somewhere between his vague senses and soon upcoming death.

          Inside he was praying. "Please god, please. Grant me one wish, once and for all. Allow Ji a better life, one full of happiness. And allow him access into heaven, whatever it cost even in exchange of mine. For Ji had enough taste of hell on earth, and I love him for what he was."

          Seunghyun stared into those eyes once more, ones only reflecting his pitiful figure and pain.

          Then Jiyong leaned in to kiss him, and that was all Seunghyun need to feel once more. But he felt no more, never the lips pressed to his and he couldn't even make sure it ever did, cause he was blanking out right then. Well, that didn't matter right?

          He love Jiyong in the past, he love him now and he'll love him later. Didn't matter, Seunghyun love him always. Did Jiyong love him back? He'll never know. But Jiyong stayed beside him until the end, and that was enough.

          Jiyong… I love you.

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baperfectsj #1
Chapter 1: that was really nice I actually cried I- omg if only jiyong told seunghyun he loved him
Chapter 1: I'm crying... so sad, but so beautiful
Oh gosh that sad & full of love in the same time... You're always the best for making me cry!! Love this too
Let Me Hear Your Voice reference! "To lose you, I can't maintain". Loved this. Great job!
It was so beautiful! I almost cried, almost.. Maybe that called a true love ne? He just wanted his belove to be happy :)
Great job! Keep writing :)
cilokenak #6
hyunnie is so sweet...
thank for sharing...
nightempress #7
Oh my poor Seunghyun! May the heavens grant your wish for Jiyong's happiness!! You have not died in vain!!
Thank you for the wonderful fic,,, I'm wishing there was a prequel to this but I'm happy with the way it was.. Thank you so much!!