Must Have Been Fate

When It Rains

September 20, 1983


Today was the day when everything went wrong for college student, Ahn So Eun. She woke up late, missed the train to her university. She even failed a test she forgot to study for, and of course it just had to rain. Running with a newspaper over her head, she stepped under an awning. The rain still fell on her slightly, and she grew irritated. She sighed to herself and took a glance at her simple, silver watch. The big hand was on the five, she was late for her appointment with her friend at the library. She was supposed to be studying, but with the sudden downpour, it was obvious she couldn't. She didn't seem to notice the handsome man beside her who was slightly smiling at the amusing young woman.

"You look as though you were late for something." he asked with a twinkle in his eyes.

So Eun looked up in surprise and nodded. "Uhm, yes. Is it that obvious?" she asked with a embarrassed smile.

The man chuckled in response. "No, I just guessed." All of a sudden, his face lit up. "Hey, do you want to get a cup of tea together? I just noticed we were standing in front of a cafe."

"Okay, I don't see why not." she replied. After all, it was better than satnding here.

The pair entered the warm, inviting room and sat down at the closest vacant table. The cafe was small, but it had a feeling of home. The man was a perfect gentlemen as he pulled out the seat for So Eun. She smiled in gratitude, and he sat down right across from her. He also took the first initiative to start the conversation.

"My name is Woohyun, what about yours?"

"It's So Eun. It's a pleasure to meet you, Woohyun."

"Ah, such a pretty name for such a beautiful girl." he said while placing his hand underneath his chin.

She blushed slightly at the comment and replied, "Well, I'm guessing you say these things often because you seem unabashed about it."

Woohyun only laughed in amusement.

"You're a funny girl. Most girls would have blushed and said thank you. I like you already."

"W-What are you saying? You can't like me because of one comment."

"Ah, but you're different, I can tell."

She sighed, "Fine, fine, whatever you think."

"Great, glad you said so." he grinned. "So let's get to know each other better. What is a hobby of yours?"

"I suppose studying wouldn't count as one, would it?"

"That's really boring. Can't you think of anything else?" he asked, pouting a bit.

She furrowed her eyebrows and thought hard. "Well I guess I enjoy baking in my free time."

His face brightened up, similar to the way a child who received a new toy.

"Really? What's your favorite thing to bake? Maybe you can let me taste it next time we meet."

"I love to bake everything. Montblanc, macaroons, tarts, tiramisu, crepes, cakes..." she paused and covered . "Oh my, I'm sorry. I must be boring you with this. And did you say next time?"

"It's fine! Your face is so animated, and you look really happy when you talk about desserts. And yes, yes I did. We have to meet up here next week, okay?" he said with a large grin.

She flushed red in embarrassement. "Ah, it's so embarrassing. People say I'm strange when I talk about it... Okay, but you better hold this promise.."

"Ah, they're just jealous because you look a million times more beautiful." he chuckled. "Of course, So Eun. I will."

The two continued to chat away even after the rain stopped. It seemed as though the sun shone just for the two of them because it was by fate that these two met. They felt a connection neither of them felt before. Because of ten minutes, they knew that they were the one for them. Their soulmate was sitting right there. In only ten minutes, they fell in love. It must have been fate.


A u t h o r ' s L o n e l y C o r n e r •  •  • 
i'm a romantic, cheesy guy apparently. excuse my writing. i know it's not very smooth at some parts, but i'm still am trying. and some parts are rushed i know. orz
it does take in the 1980's. lol admittedly, love rain was my inspiration, but i only read the summary so i can't say anything? yeah, enough of my ramblings.

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