First Love

Cyber Love (HIATUS)

I couldn’t help but look at Joon dumbfounded. ‘Me too?’, is he telling me he’s gay? The same Joon who flirts with endless amount of women daily? The Joon who is constantly going on about how he has a date with the hottest chick around? THAT LEE JOON!?


Braking out of my trance I realised I was still sitting on my bed staring at Joon on the opposite side of the room; Joon was looking at me with an almost worried kind of look. Clearing my throat I stood up and slowly made my way to his bed keeping eye contact the whole time. I slowly sat myself down on the bed and gently placed my hand on his shoulder, in doing so I soft shade of pink spread across his face and soon after he turned his gaze towards the ground.

“Hyung..” Should I just ask him? What if he gets angry with me? I’ve never hesitated like this before when it comes to asking Joon something so out there before, but this is different. I don’t want to offend him in anyway, especially about a subject as touchy as this. Oh just do it Cheondung!!!

“Hyung when you say….me too, do you mean-“

“Yes” My eyes widened with shock. I can’t believe it. I...I don’t know what to say, I don’t even know what to think! Say something Cheondung! But what the hell do I say!? ......! While I was having an internal battle with myself, Joon turned his gaze upward and looked me dead in the eye.


“Huh? No? But you just said-“

“Yes and no” My face must have clearly had a look of confusion on it because he started laughing.

“I’m Bi Cheondung”

“Bi as in you like..”

“Girls….and…Boys” He once again turned his head and looked at the ground. “Look Cheondung-“

“How long?”


“How long have you liked guys for?” I didn’t want to sound demanding but I honestly wanted to know…maybe if I hear how and when he started liking guys it might help me work out when I started liking men.

“I don’t really know….I guess since high school. My first crush was a guy in my gym class..”

“Did you…you know ever tell him?”

“Yeah I did”

“What!? Seriously!? What happened after that?”

“Well after that…we started dating” I looked at him in anticipation, waiting for him to continue. For some reason I was really curious.

“It lasted 4 months… know…was my first” He started blushing an even darker shade of pink while a small smile appeared on his lips.

“You’re first? You mean your first-“

“Omo, Cheondung you’re so slow!” he took a deep breath before continuing “He was my first crush, my first boyfriend, my first...lover”

“Oh! What happened to you two?” The small smile on his face slowly disappeared.

“He moved..”


“Well, he was the basketball captain at our school and it was the final game of the season. I went of course and luckily enough he won. That night his parents where away so we went back to his place to…ah ‘celebrate’ and well we had just finished up our 3rd round-“

“3rd round!?”

“Yes Cheondung now let me finish. We just finished our 3rd round and we were both really tired and didn’t hear the front door open, next thing you know his parents come into the room to find us laying in their sons bed. As you can guess his parents flipped out and started screaming, so I gathered my things and got dressed as fast as I could and bolted out of there. I remember I just kept running and running until I came across a bench in a park and just broke down crying…I was so scared. The next day I went to school and he wasn’t in class, I didn’t know what happened to him and I didn’t want to ask anyone because people were already suspicious about us so I left it. A week went by and he still didn’t show up for school, I tried calling him countless times and left him so many messages but he never replied. I started to get worried so I decided to go over to his house just to check if he was okay, I rang the bell and got no answer so I stood outside his apartment for hours but no one ever came. I was still sitting on the steps outside when I little old women came out and asked why I had been sitting there for so long so I told her I was waiting for my friend to come home, and that’s when she told me that..” a few tears escaped his watery eyes, he quickly wiping them away in an attempt to keep me from noticing.

 It hurt seeing him like this, I pulled him into my embrace and started drawing little circles on his back while muttering soothing words in his ear as he softly cried in my arms. After a few minutes he stopped crying, he tried pulling away but I wouldn’t let him. It didn’t take long for him to give up and lean back into my arms.

He softly cleared his throat before continuing “He moved…”

“Hyung..” I held him tighter when I felt more of his tears seeping into my shirt.

“He moved Cheondung!” he yelled into my shoulder “And he didn’t have the decency to tell me! He moved and he couldn’t even send me a stupid text or anything to tell me!” Joon started trembling in my arms; I could tell that he had wanted to let this out for a long time. The only thing I could do was sit there listening while holding him.

“He said he loved me Cheondung…He said he loved me! If he loved me how could he leave me like that!? I know I should get over it, it’s been 7 years already but…but I...I loved him. He was my first love Cheondung..” His grip loosed from around me and he slowly sat up, he wiped his watery eyes and started laughing?

“Hyung?” Why is he laughing? “Hyung… are you..okay?”

“You know what’s Ironic?”

“What hyung?” I am so confused what is he trying to say now?

“I have to see his face…every….single…day”

“Wh-what do you mean hyung?”

“I met him again about four years ago now…and he just acts like nothing ever happened between us…like I meant nothing to him. Not once has he wanted to talk about what happened all those years ago… I guess I don’t blame him though…he’s under a lot of stress lately and he’s always busy…well that’s always what he says to me anyway..”

“Wait hyung…what do you mean you have to see his face every day? Who is he hyung?” I could sense the hesitation in his voice. He took a deep breath and uttered the word..








Another chapter done! Woot! Thankyou for the comments and thankyou to those who have subbed :3


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No new chappie, just new poster and BG :3


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rouleauxlang #1
Chapter 4: I don't know why but I laughed at the revelations. Cheundoong being confused is cute. Everything, it's funny. I am sorry.But it is rather amusing. Please continue :D
MelonCandy #2
Chapter 3: Asgjfllwjeoopfj!! Agdhdj, ajdjooolldlfnevjjjk, jdjsjkqmekfoocb NAHFOEOSBDKQKAHDJK!!! :D


LucesG #3
Chapter 3: OMG... Joon and SeungHo? Wow... And SeungHo ignoring the past... I´m so curious about his behaviour XD XD
LucesG #4
OMG! Joon too? I'm so curious now... Fighting!
LucesG #5
Interesting chapter... I like the way you describes the chat (I remember long time ago I used to chat with random people...old times *sighs*). Fighting!