Capture, Escape.

The SHINee Escape. Dun dun duuuuuuuunn.

"Where are we?" Taemin asked the other members. 

"I don't know, Minnie. But, keep your voice low. We don't want another incedent." Minho said cooing the maknae. 

Jonghyun was in the corner sobbing with Key. They were the scardest of all. 

Onew was just standing there. Thinking. He knew what the capturer was up to. He knew his plans. He had been through this before by his father. 


"Open," the voice boomed. The small metal door opened slowly. In came the masked capturer. 


"What are you gonna do with us?" Taemin said curled into Minho. 

"Oh, you'll see. You'll all see." the voice said with an evil laugh. 


Later on to what seemed like never the members were all asleep. 

Except Onew. 


He had an idea. 

"The window. These bars seem a little loose. HOLY. IT'S OPEN!"  Onew thought. 


As Onew was working on the window, Minho managed to wake up. 

"Hyung, what the hell do you think you're doing?" Minho said walking up to the window.

"Shhh, I'm getting us out of here." Onew said as he continued working on the window.

"I'm almost done, hyung. Wake the rest of the members, please." Onew said with action. 


Minho woke up the rest of SHINee and helped everyone out. 

Onew was forcing everyone to leave before him.


"Onew hyung!" Taemin cried. "Please, hurry." 


"I will be out soon Minnie," Onew assured him. 


Onew carefully picked up the bars of the window. "Minhossi, help me out please." he said reaching his hand out. 


Minho helped the leader out as he fixed the window so it looked like they were let out. 

They all ran to help.




------POLICE STATION------

"Oh, officer." Key said crying. 


"We were captured by an evil man and we don't know who he was. He had a black mask and was about this tall. We could show you where we came from." Taemin said pleading eyes. 


The members showed the police the place where the man was arrested and unmasked. 



Onew became a hero. He was hired on the police force as a side job. 










Then a sleeping Taemin woke up. 

"Oh, it was just a bad dream," 


A/N So sorry I haven't been on lately. I don't really know what to write about. Uhhhhhh but this wasn't half bad. kdjglkafjglajkdlkfjad 


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haha...what the shock arr.
hehe my onew a hero meyy,i love you~~