-“I’m really sorry”

-"I'm really sorry"// -"Lo siento"


Woohyun knew everything about that man. He found out every single thing that his personality hided by going to the cafe day by day. He spent hours there, only looking cautiously at that brown-haired young man that used to serve him the best coffee he had ever tasted. Maybe that deliciousness was not only to do with the quality of what was inside the cup.

From his usual couch in the farthest corner of the local, next to the window, he could perfectly appreciate every movement the boy did, his raised eyebrows every time he made a question, his mouth that turned in a pout when he received a bad new, or his hobby for all kind of literature and action films. Also that obsession he had, that he himself probably unknown, to put the little spoon on the left and the napkin on the right of his latte every time he had some break and decided to read a book while drinking a cup of coffee. Latte. He always drank latte. The same Woohyun asked every day since he met him. Somehow, it made him think he was a little closer to him if they drank the same kind of coffee. Like a fool.

He also knew that he would be in a rock band if his parents had supported him. And that he made auditions to became some kind of artist, maybe an idol. That was the reason why he started working there, to earn money to pay for music classes. And also the reason why he wore and treasured that thin bracelet he always kept on his wrist. It seemed like he wore it like an oath, an amulet that symbolized one day his dreams would come true.

He could swear that if someone asked him about that boy, he could know much more than everyone else who was around or worked with him every day. Even more than that girl that used to give him a shy smile, and blushed every time he told her a polite “good afternoon”.  

And as his discoveries were progressing, the crush he had on him was doing it as well.  However, they never exchanged other words which weren’t those to ask and answer for what kind of coffee he wanted to drink.

Sometimes Woohyun could feel the other boy’s warm smile on him, his small eyes looking at his face with the same inkling of interest Woohyun used to stare at him with. But obviously, “this can’t be possible. That was my mind”, he always said to himself after all. He conformed with seeing him from afar a few hours a day, to see him working, smiling with all his heart to the people who entered the cafe even if he was tired to death; to wipe the sweat of his forehead with the back of his hand in summer, and rubbing his hands from the cold in winter…he admired him.  He treasured the moments he approached to ask him with a big smile what it would be his order, despite he knew the answer, that was always the same. That moment of the day Woohyun knew they were at the smallest distance at which they would ever be able to be.  He loved it so much that if one day the boy was busy with a client and another waiter or waitress came to attend him, he became extremely disappointed that he felt that day of his life was a bit waste of time.

However, little by little that crush was turning to love, and Woohyun started to feel alone.

He started to feel a growing pressure on his chest every time the boy approached to him as usual, which was gone when he disappeared instants later. He started to imagine how it would be to hug him, have him between his arms, to caress his apparently smooth brown hair with his own fingers while kissing those colored lips. How it would feel to taste the fair skin of his neck, then kissing down to his collarbone, that beautiful area that was shown by his V-neck shirt, that made Woohyun go crazy.  How it would be the sensation to touch his entire body, to feel the boy’s hands in his own skin, how it would be to… He stopped his thoughts as he entered the cafe one more time. And there was him, into whose eyes he seemed to appreciate some kind of momentary brightness that appeared as he turned to receive the client immediately, and their eyes met. But for the first time there was something more. Woohyun couldn’t exactly explain what it was, but it looked like sadness. Woohyun hadn’t even got a seat when he found the boy walking directly to him. At that moment he feel the necessity to explode, to tell him he loved him, to let him know all the feelings that were been growing within him during that whole time. To let out all he ever wanted to tell him, but he wasn’t able to find the words.  Instead of that, the only words which escaped from their mouth were the same as always. However, it seemed as their eyes were having their own conversation. Something had changed, and not for good, he could tell. It didn’t feel comfortable at all.


The next day, he spent twenty more minutes to go from university to the cafe. He walked through the door as always, and the first thing he did was to look at everywhere inside the place, only to find the boy wasn’t there. It could be a free day for him, he told to himself, but deep down he knew that wasn’t a possibility. He was gone and he knew that they weren’t going to see each other again. One more time, he felt the vacuum his life had always had until he met him. An emptiness that boy was been filling day by day, little by little, to make Woohyun’s life almost complete.  And the vacuum appeared again. But that time it broke him completely.

 The cafe was full of people, but the place wasn’t the same anymore, it seemed it had been filled with sadness, and so did Woohyun’s heart. Sadness and pain. He fake-smiled one of the waitress and without a word he approached the couch he used to seat in, noticing there was something on the table. The tears began to form in his eyes as he understood it.

He took the little stuff from the table, and held it strongly into his hand as he took a seat, looking directly to the window. Like a normal day, he spent there a couple of hours, until he went out and never came again. For the first time he could experiment the greatest sadness, but also happiness of his whole life.


The boy who served him the best coffee of the entire world, the boy who had never looked at him as more than a client, who had been the focus of all his attentions and sufferings, the boy whose simple existence gave sense to Woohyun’s life…had left something. To him.

Kim Sunggyu had left leaving him his treasured thin bracelet. And a plastic little label with his name in it. The one he used to wear on his uniform. The one which accidentally fell down into Woohyun’s coffee at his first day of work, that Sunggyu picked up with a blushed face and a smile of embarrassment, after saying to him a sincere “I’m really sorry” before Woohyun replied with a warm smile. Those were the only different words they exchanged during the two years they knew each other. 

And Sunggyu remembered it too, as he chose them to be their first and last words.


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Chapter 2: Ay que no me acordaba de esta historia ;___; Como vuelvas a decir que no sabes escribir, te reviento E_E...
Ha sido tan angst que me llora el kokoro OTL
Omg heartbreaking
omg the last line made me cry, whyyyyyy Sungyyu?!!
/bawling madly
shedding-dream #4
why sunggyu leave? ;A;