Awing Beauty.

Falling For A Foreigner.


Emma's POV.

"You really want to cast me ?" I explained. "But of course!  You are more then perfect for the requirements of who we are looking for. I really hope you accept this opportunity. Please please consider it." The manager's heart seemed to be set on my participation. I dont know why. I was just walking down the road one day when suddenly a car stopped at the side of the curb. A guy hopped out of the  car and started talking to me about doing this reality show.  I was just new to Korea, I moved here a little while back by myself. I'm currently 19 years old here. Back home I would be 18, so its almost like I skipped a year.  I asked him earlier what the requirements were. He gave me this list.
 Requirements for Hello Foreigner.                                                            
1.) Must be a female age 18 - 28.
2.) Must speak English perfectly and speak some Korean. 
3.) Beautiful looks and personality. ( Not nessicary. But It would be nice. )
4.) Great attitude towards the show and who they will be meeting.
5.) Wants to have fun with this experience, and is comfortable living with all
     guys for a period of time. 

" You meet all of these requirements and more! We want SHINee to apear on this show. So they can learn some responsibility of what it would be like to take care of someone. Also to get their English speaking better. Through this experience your Korean should get exceptionally better aswell! What do you say? "  I thought about it carefully. " I'll try my best!" I said accepting his offer.  " I knew you would. You're a really good person you know that Emma?"
Minho's POV
The whole car was silent. We had no clue where we were heading, we didnt really know anything. There was a few exceptions to that though, we knew that were participating in a new reality show. We didnt know what it was called though. Also that this show would run over a 6 month span and we had to live some where different. Seriously what show is 6 months worth of episodes. I'm hoping that this will be a fun experience at least. 
We've been driving for over 2 hours now. I wonder when we will get there. Most of the other memebers seem to have fallen asleep like Taemin, Key and Onew. The only ones awake were Jonghyun and I. He had his earphones in listening to music on his mp3, and I was just letting my eyes wander the skyline looking out from the window. 
We finally arrived. We were at an old style Korean home in the woods not to far from a little town.  Its a good enough distance to walk from. I woke up the rest of the members and we all started walking into the old home. It was well kept and it was pretty cozy.

We arrived and after unpacking our stuff, it was time we found out what we were doing. 
" Hello everyone." The director said to us. " Nice to meet you. We are shining SHINee." And we bowed. We basically said that in unison, because we re say the same things everytime we meet a director or someone with authority. 

" So glad you accepted this offer. I think this show will be a great sucess." The director spoke to all of us when he said this. I liked that. Key spoke up and asked what everyone was wondering. " So what is the plot of this show and what will we be doing exactly? " He said nonchalntly trying not to sound rude or disinterested. The director looked at him with a smirk. " On this show. We are bringing in a foreigner, she speaks more English then Korean. So you will have to try and talk more English. Its going to be difficult, but soon you will be able to speak better. You will also help them out with their Korean. It will help you guys out a lot for your English speaking fans. So thats a plus. But back to the explaniation. You will be taking care of a Foreigner and getting used to all their accustoms while sharing yours. You will be living here for 6 months. Cameras will be placed around the house and a few camera guys are going to be here as well, they will follow you around if you leave. There will also be a translator person here aswell. Just to make sure if anything happens. And you cant understand them. " He chuckled. " Good luck."  He said walking off. I guess thats the last we will be seeing him  for a while. 

This was going to be a weird show. I wonder where this guy is going to be from. He speaks only a little bit of Korean. I hope hes a cool dude. 

Two hours have past and we were all just sitting in the old house waiting for this guy to show up. We are not supposed to speak to the camera crew. we basically have to not acknowlage their existence and just go about living. *Knocking* Everyone of us shot up out off the couch and ran to see who this guy was. We opened the door. Is this the wrong person? No I guess not. There was some other man behind her. She was a girl. I was expecting some middle aged foreigner from whereever to show up. But instead we got this beautiful and stunning young adult girl. I felt my heart thumping against my chest, and I have a feeling the rest of the members are the same. We stood there staring at her for a good minute. Just awing in her beauty.

[ So what did you all think? Let me know if anyone likes this so far. I'm trying for a different approach and I like the plot to this so far. Comment and Subscribe? <3 -Franciska~ ]
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