Where do you go at night when your pants go missing?

Super Junior One Shots.

Ryeowook was freaking out. Literally freaking out, good thing Yesung was a very, very deep sleeper. What has he done? How could he have? The eternal maknae pulled at the short brown strands falling in front of his face. His eyes frantically searched the dark room. It's not like he could turn on the light, he couldn't risk waking the other. Why? How had he been convinced? He wanted to scream. His pants were missing for god's sake! Clad in boxers and and tank he fumbled to the door. He'd just have to get pants later. Right now he needed Teukie umma. He tripped and banged his way down the hall towards the elder's room. He just hoped Kangin was asleep as well. He knocked softly once, then again. Finally a burly figure appeared in the doorway. Shoot, Kangin was awake.
"Wook? Did you need something? It's 3 in the morning." he asked concerned, well as concerned as one could be when half asleep.
"Is Leeteuk hyung awake?" The little one asked nervously.
"No, he just got back from filming. Can I possibly help?" Ryeowook resisted the urge to run around screaming like a banshee. He couldn't deal with Kangin! It was too awkward! He needed his umma! There would be no way Kangin could possibly fix this situation! He was doomed, and he might never find his pants. Ever. Which brings him back to his other problem, he was tainted! He will never be innocent ever again. A completely devastating tragedy! He hadn't noticed but he had started to hyperventilate.
"Whoa, whoa Wook calm down!" A strong hand on his shoulder. He flinched. Breathe, in out, in out. "Come on, we'll have something to drink and talk about it. Does it have something to do with Yesung?" RIght on the button. Ryeowook let out a girly squeak before hurrying down the hall, Kangin sighing and following at a more sedated pace.
After getting the needed beverage the two were seated on the couch in silence. Ryeowook contemplating how to go about talking to Kangin of all people about this, Kangin about how many precious minutes of sleep he was missing out on. Kangin decides to break the ice, "You wanna talk about it?" Ryewook was glad that it was pitch dark in the living room or Kangin would've been able to see the scarlet rushing across his cheeks.
"I-I I can't believe I did it Kangin hyung! How could I?" And thus the rambling begins and Kangin starts to space, "Yesing just convinced me saying nothing bad would happen! But something bad did happen! I'm not like that! I don't DO things like this! Omo! Do you think Heechul hyung i rubbing off on me? That's not good Hyung, not good at all! Oh no! What will my mother think?" Kangin slaps a hand on the younger's mouth effectively shutting him up. He sighs.
"Wookie, it's natural. When two people love each other very much" Ryeowook's eyes widen and he rips the offending hand off his mouth effectively cutting his hyung off.
"Hyung!" he almost shouts scandalized, "why are you giving me the talk?" Kangin's face melts into one of confusion.
"You mean, you and Yesung didn't?" He trails implying very bad things that children should not talk about.
"No! Why would you even think that?"
"You're acting like it!" Kangin whisper shouts, he knows that even though he's losing sleep there's no need to piss off the rest of the band. "Not to mention your pants are missing!" Ryeowook quickly grabs a pillow to place over his lap and flushes again.
"No! My pants are missing because I lost that round! Then Donghae ran in screaming about aliens and took them! Now I'll probably never know where they're at!" Kangin slaps his forehead.
"Wait, you're telling me that you lost a round of something, took off your pants, and got them stolen? That's why you're freaking out? What is this about your innocence then?" Cue head scratching in confusion. Ryeowook looks down.
"I was coerced into playing strip poker with Yesung hyung and I beat him, and he stripped all the way." Kangin shot him a glare.
"This is ridiculous." With that he got up and headed back to bed. Ryeowook huffed.
"See if I ever come to you again when I lose my pants during the night!" He knew he should've waited to talk to his Teukie umma.

~Crackish I know, but it's late and I was bored and this was fun :) ~ComeAtMeBro

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401 streak #1
Chapter 1: Well, I have to agree with BubbleTeaRulez, I want Yesung as a bottom XDD;;
luv da first one, hope u write more yesung fanfics, but make him the botom one (if you are gonna write TwT) it's wierd when he's the top cuz he's so small and cute >w<. hope u update more ^w^