Meeting Him

The One Thing


                The brown-haired man stood at the doorway of the restaurant. His eyes were scanning every person in the small building. His eyes landed on a certain blonde-haired boy sitting at the corner of the room. The blonde was sitting at a booth with a nervous smile plastered on his face. “Donghae!” and “Oppa!” were ringing through his ears and grimaced at the effects of his newly formed headache. He finally found some pep in his step when he noticed the blonde make his way to the restroom. Donghae, as the squealing girls called him, swiftly followed the blonde into the small bathroom. Once he opened the door, the blinding yellow wall color immediately caused the man to squint.

                He frowned upon noticing the boy wasn’t in a position to talk, as he was in the cubicle, doing... that. The brown haired boy waited outside of the restroom, keeping his ears open for any noises. When he heard the toilet flush and the faucet turn on, he got excited.

                The blonde opened the door to find a tall, tan, and handsome brown-haired boy. The latter simply smirked. “Like what you see?” He asked teasingly. The blonde’s face flushed at the realization of his staring. The blonde bowed his head in order to attempt at hiding his—now burning—cheeks. “Why are you ignoring someone who is talking to you?” Donghae teased further, “and that someone is your new… roommate?”

                “W-what?” the blonde stuttered out in utter shock, “how did y-you know?”

                “Don’t you think getting a roommate is something worth paying attention to?” Donghae questioned.

                “We-ll, my friend is waiting for me… and, uh, we’re by the bathroom,” Eunhyuk merely whispered. He moved past Donghae, who was—at that point, towering over him. “Uh, I’ll see you back at the, um, dorm?” The brown-haired boy simply nodded in response, yet he was disappointed his meeting with his new “roommate” was so short and awkward.

                Donghae shrugged with a sigh and walked out of the restroom area only to take a look at Eunhyuk again before he left. The squeals erupted again and he took that as a cue to leave the facility.

                Eunhyuk tried acting completely normal once he returned to the table. He couldn’t possibly think about his little “meeting” by the bathrooms or he’ll have to bury his head in sand to escape his self-embarrassment.

                “So I was going to—Eunhyuk? Are you listening to me?” Sungmin asked with his renowned pout forming on his disappointed face.

“A-ah, sorry about that, hyung,” Eunhyuk simply replied, “What were you talking about?” The blonde felt bad for ignoring his best friend like that, but his embarrassing scene from earlier seemed to echo through his head.

                “Aish, Hyukkie! What am I going to do with you? Anyways I was talking about….” Sungmin rambled on about a certain male of interest. Eunhyuk tried asking for his name and simply got, “I’ll show him to you!” as a response. The blonde talked with Sungmin until the drowsiness from waking up early caught up with him.

                The duo walked together back to the dorms and after Sungmin showed Eunhyuk where his dorm was located (the blonde forgot, again) the two bid goodbye.

                Forgetting about the happening from earlier, Eunhyuk opened the door to the room bravely and strode inside. He walked to his dresser and pulled out his pajamas.

                “I see you’re back, Hyukjae,” a familiar voice said resulting in the blond to nearly jump at the unexpected noise. The brunette simply smiled in response to Eunhyuk’s startled expression.

                “Mmmh. Don’t scare me like that. And don’t call me H-Hyukjae, I go by Eunhyuk.” Eunhyuk says with more confidence than before. His eyes locked with his roommate’s and they studied the other’s features silently—leaving a somewhat comfortable silence. “Can you tell me your name?” the blonde asked in a whisper.

                The brunette’s eyes flickered with excitement, “I’m Donghae. I’m a junior, so I believe you’re younger than me, right?” Even though Donghae knew the answer to his question, he wanted to hear the soft voice of the other.

                “Yeah, I guess you are. D-Don’t they normally place similar aged students together?” Eunhyuk asked with pure curiosity. The older smiled and scratched the nonexistent itch on the back of his head.

                “Normally, yes, but you are special. Since you transferred in the middle of the semester, they had to put with a big, bad junior instead of another sophomore,” Donghae replied, placing emphasis on the words ‘special’ and ‘bad.’ Eunhyuk hummed in response as he walked to his side of the room.

                The blonde rummaged through his dresser drawer until he found the articles of clothing he was looking for. He scooped them in his arms and walked to the shared bathroom. He changed quickly into his pajamas and walked out of the bathroom with the clothing he wore to school that day. Eunhyuk shoved the uniform into the crevice of his suitcase—now a makeshift hamper.

                “Getting ready for bed? I think I’ll do the same,” the older mumbled. Eunhyuk climbed into his twin-sized bed and pulled the comforter to his nose. The click of the bathroom redirected the attention of the blonde as he looked to the topless man staring back at him.

                “Are you going to sleep in your boxers?” the blonde asked in utter bewilderment, which complimented the way he almost choked on his own saliva.

                “It’s comfortable. Anyways, we’re both guys, right?” Donghae teased. He flicked off the lights and also crashed into his bed. The springs groaned and the sound dissipated in the silent room.

                The younger simply scoffs and rolls on his other side on his bed. “Whatever. Goodnight, Donghae.”

                “Goodnight, Eunhyuk.”


A/N: I've been a horrible author! I can't belive I haven't updated in 6 months! I promise I will update more often, and this time, I can keep that promise! I missed you! 

Did you miss me? XD 

Thank you, my 61 amazing subscribers for not unsubscribing and keeping faith in me! :D

Here are these amazing people:

atikcimohikaruvirgosatsumaeunhyuk4ever619FishyloverdyingSmileyFlamingMvpsihaebiasedTenougabyeastcandle90SakuraBellasalad92Minneastrawberrynemosmaaprilriibyahiccupschaiiiiihaewl1395goldfischelynnnajewElf_13HyukkieLoverFanaehthecutiesgurlzkathluvluvkpopcouplesheheShin_Ha_Nirdnovakyuhyun88leehyosonnanayuliNoofSJhyukpyonp2BlueJewelsMidnightConcerto12_sung_iAlexsmile101KorarinMistiriSuper_HyukniorLollZipopZolady_nathemasochistic1308MaliciousBeingsHyuk_862Hforeverkiochienick_0813iloverabbitshyukbbhyukjaeshiMyeolchi86leia100fallforyou415Ucant-stop-lovingmehopegrl18brookluvsrenkoolgyMahh-chan, and JustAqilla!

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Okay, so... I had a long hiatus, but I'm back! I PROMISE I will update on my birthday, January 17! Look forward to (A VERY long) chapter 3! :D


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257471 #1
Chapter 3: woah it's interesting, exciting. Can't wait for the next chaps... :)
update soon please...
ELFhyukhae #2
Chapter 3: et haaaaaaaaaae~ i like it kkkk i cant wait until they fall for each other kkkk :3 update soon
muchLove #3
Chapter 3: New Reader, this sounds interesting.
Cant wait to read more updates to come
Allinit #4
Chapter 3: ohh~I liked your story so much it's really interesting ><
and it seems that Donghae is kinda likes Hyukkie xD , I am so excited to read more of it :D
oh and I think Hyukkie doesn't have a good memories in his old school and I wonder if Donghae is really bad like he said !!!
Chapter 3: Too bad they don't sleep on the same bed,, *3rt mode :: on*
Can't wait for the next chappie,,
atikcimo #6
Chapter 3: What's next?? What's next?? I dont have to wait that long for the next chapter right?? I mean...6 month? Keke~ but I will wait patiently like before..fighting author-nim...^-^v
Tenougaby #7
Chapter 3: Yay! An update!^^ Hahhaha! Why is Eunhyuk so suprised by seeing Donghae sleeping topless? xD Update soon!^^
Chapter 3: i wonder,,is any of them (eunhyuk & donghae) gay?
eunhyuk seems uncomfortable with topless hae
besides that,,i wanna know what kind of bad things donghae did
since he mentioned about himself being bad..hehehe