Make a wish

Ae Fond Kiss [On Hold] here is a new chapter...

OMG! Pls don't kill me for taking this long! I'm really sorry! >.<

I'll also try to update my other stories in the next few weeks, promise.

And also sorry that it's just a short chapter...I intended to make her whole birthday in one chapter...but yeah...thought it would be better to split it up if not I would have made you guys wait even longer...




It was the tenth February, a week after my birthday, six days after we got a couple and more importantly it was her birthday. But not just any birthday, that day she was going to turn 16, so Sooyoung was a little squirrelly since I came to pick her up to school. It was a special day so I didn't want her to take the bus like usually. Instead I took my bike and rode to her house early in the morning, a little box on the carrier.

When I arrived there it was still dim outside, the sun just started rising. I leaned my bike against the wall and took the box off the carrier, making my way to the front door. I tilted my head back and looked up, searching for the second window on the second floor. I saw a shadow walking through the room behind the curtain and smiled. It seemed like she had already woken up and was now getting ready for school.

I turned back to the door and rang the bell. A few seconds passed before it opened. I looked into a beaming face and returned the smile.

“Good morning, Soojin-noona.”

“Hey Kyu. You're early today.”

“I know...but I have a little surprise for Youngie so I decided to come earlier.”

Soojin-noona eyed the box in my hands and smiled before she stepped back from the door to let me in. I entered the huge house and closed the door behind my back.

“Have you eaten breakfast yet? Probably not right?”

I scratched the back of my head and smiled sheepishly.

“Noona knows me very well.”

“Of course I do, after all you were the best friend of my little sister before you guys went official.” She walked into the kitchen and gave me a sign to follow her. “Come, have breakfast with us, Kyu. Our parents will be happy to meet you too.”

“Uh...I don't know I eat a lot right?”

Soojin-noona rolled her eyes good naturedly and punched my arm playfully.

“Then I'll just have to make a little, no wait, a lot more. Just sit down Kyu. Youngie and my parents will be here soon.”

So I settled down on a chair at the kitchen table and placed the box in front of me. But watching Soojin-noona preparing made me feel a little uneasy so I got up again.

“Can I help you, noona? I don't want to just sit around...”

“Awww, what a good boy”, she laughed. “ can lay the table if you want.”


I nodded and walked over to the cupboard where I took 5 bowls out. I then walked back to the table where I arranged them neatly before I took out the eating irons. I concentrated on putting them down with always the same distance to the bowl, when suddenly I felt two thin arms wrapping around my waist.

“Morning, Kyu-oppa.”

I turned around and looked directly into two beautiful dark brown orbs which were twinkling like a million stars. The matching face was smiling cutely at me. I bent down to her and pecked her lips gently.

“Morning Youngie. Have you slept well?”

She nodded and smiled wider, exposing her dimples.

“How about you oppa?”

“Hmmm....” I tightened my grip around her waist and pulled her a little closer to me. “Since you appeared in my dreams I had a really good sleep.”

Sooyoung's cheeks turned light pink and she started giggling. Again I pulled her closer to me until our lips met for a long and sweet kiss. When suddenly someone cleared behind Sooyoung, I immediately let go of her and looked up, facing her sister who was making a face.

“I know you guys are really lovey dovey right now, but umma and appa are going to come down soon, so just let go of each other for a few seconds, ok? Kyu, you know they like you, but I doubt they would like THIS.”

“What would we not like?”, a deep voice asked from the door. The three of us turned around and saw their parents in front of us. I bowed and smiled at them.

“Good morning Mr. and Mrs Choi.”

“Morning Kyuhyun.”, the woman answered and smiled warmly at me. “Are you going to eat breakfast with us?”

“Neh.” I nodded. “I was just about to lay the table.”

“And let me guess. My daughter came down and disturbed you?” Her father laughed and patted my shoulder. “It's nice to see you here, boy. You haven't come lately.”

“Ah, neh. I was a little busy. But I think you will see me more often here from now on.”

“How nice.” Mrs. Choi smiled at me. “Please take good care of my daughter. She might be a little annoying at times, but she's a good girl.”


Sooyoung pouted and glared at her mother, signaling her to stop, but the elder woman just laughed her warm laugh and approached us, putting and arm around her younger daughter's waist and pulling her closer to herself.

“You know it's true, dear. But as he loves you the way you are you don't have to worry, right Kyuhyun?”

I nodded and smiled at my girlfriend who was still pouting but soon her lips curled into a beautiful and bright smile. She turned to her sister.

“Unnie. Can we eat now? I'm starving.”

Soojin-noona rolled her eyes and sighed.

“A shikshin at her best. Sure Youngie, just help me putting the dishes on the table and we can start. And Kyu...can you please put the box somewhere else for now?”

“Sure, noona.”

Now that Soojin-noona mentioned it, Sooyoung noticed the sky blue box on the table and eyed it curiously. Her eyes were glistening with excitement.

“What's in there oppa?”

“Something good”, I replied and laughed, knowing that she would love it. “Let's eat first, Youngie. But don't eat too much.”

So her whole family and me settled down at the dining table and started having breakfast. Being with them was always fun and for me it felt like I was already a part of the family. Sometimes Mrs. Choi would tease Youngie and me when we started getting lovey-dovey, asking us when our wedding would be. At those times Sooyoung would smile shyly, her cheeks turning pink while I just laughed awkwardly. For us, it was too early to think about such serious matters. Though I knew her for quite a time already and also loved her dearly, thinking about our future seemed so unreal, too far away as we were still in high school.


We finished eating and I carried the blue box over to the table, making Sooyoung have to close her eyes while I carefully took out the pink cake with whipped cream and strawberries, setting it up onto a plate and putting 16 candles in. I lit them up before telling Sooyoung that she could open her eyes now. Her eyes fluttered open and shone brightly when she saw her favourite cake in front of her.

“Awwwww, thank you oppa!” She wrapped her arms around my neck, pecking my cheek (since her family was here) and turned back to the cake. “You really know me best.”

“Of course I do. Now blow out the candles and make a wish.”

“Alright oppa.” She closed her eyes and blew out the candles, smiling brightly as she thought of her wish. “Okay. Can we eat now?”

“Sure.” I began cutting the cake into slices. Concentrated with my work as I carefully place the pieces onto plates without making them fall on the side.


“Hey...what did you wish for?”

“Nothing special unnie. Just that Kyu-oppa and I will be together forever.”


You can't tell anyone about the wish you make when blowing out birthday candles...because then that wish won't come true...never ever.


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Chapter 3: I'm really enjoying this so far, but all the foreshadowing is making me so nervous!!! Even if they split, I do hope they reunite much later for a happy reunion or something...
Chapter 3: Please let this be a happy ending :-( kyuyoung fighting! Author-nim fighting!
Chocolate_loves #3
Chapter 3: Plzzzz happy ending!!!!!!!
Update soon please
Chapter 3: Ehh? Why did you say it Soo?? :(
akxshi #5
Chapter 3: The last part omo i wish it didn't true ;A
Chapter 3: *You can't tell anyone about the wish you make when blowing out birthday candles...because then that wish won't come true...never ever.*

is that true ?
Chapter 2: yaaaaaaaayyyyy it's so cute....
i'm really melt with this kind of romantic way of them.
update soon..
i can't wait for the next update....
Chapter 2: yaaaaaaaayyyyy it's so cute....
i'm really melt with this kind of romantic way of them.
update soon..
i can't wait for the next update....
Chapter 2: Waaah that was so cute I was giggling the whole time reading this!! <3 looking forward to the next update and I'm wondering what will happen soon :))