For My Friend I'm Ready to...

For My Friend I'm Ready to...

- “ Hyung come on already, I want to eat” – Junsu pulled his friend on the sleeve.
- “ Here, “  - without looking Jaejoong pulled out already bitten hamburger from his bag and gave it to Junsu.  Junsu looked at his friend with discontent, then - on the hamburger and sighed. "It’s better than keep starving" - philosophically thought Junsu. After he eat the hamburger and unsuccessfully tried to wipe the ketchup from trousers with napkin, he started to talk:

- “ Why are you here to begin with? As I remember you are not the athletic one.”
- “Keep quiet, don’t disturb me watching.”
- “At whom? ”
- “At him.”
- “ At the couch Han? “

Jaejoong looked at Junsu as if he was complete idiot. Junsu stick his tongue out at him.

- “ With your level of eyesight one can only see coach Han from where we sit.”

Actually, coach Han really was an outstanding person, in many aspects. His appearance reminded the Sumo-fighter, but that, however, has not prevented him to gather for few months time a capable basketball team and win a medal in the last year city's school championship for the first time in forty years. Although the medal was bronze, after all it was still winning place. On the expectations of the new championship their gym for the first time for the same forty years was decided to repaint, and now team was training in the field. And personally Junsu couldn't see anything entertaining in all of this. He was still offended on that the soccer team wasn't created, and was unaffected by competitions. Jaejoong in general don't love sports, and his sudden interest seemed strange.

- “ I’m wearing lenses,” - Mumbled Jae. Junsu whistled. Jaejoong was fanatically devoted to his foolish thick glasses with an unfashionable gilded frame. Neither his parents pleading, nor teases of schoolmates, threats from his best friend could force stubborn Jaejoong to change them. Even the lenses he didn't favored too much and put them on only few times for special cases.

- “So whom are you gazing at?”

- “There, look” - on Jae's lips was plastered such dreamy smile that Junsu started to worry even more.  -  “That one, with the black hair.“
Now it was Junsu's turn to look at the friend as if he was complete idiot.

- “ We are still in Korea. Here almost everyone is with black hair.”

- “ He stands directly in front of us.”

- “ There are two guys In front of us.”

- He's from the left, the tall one.


Junsu skeptically inspected guys in front of him. Jaejoong had a feature to attribute to the objects of his affections nonexistent advantages. The math’s teacher who couldn't pronounce the letter "r" properly was "speaking with the French accent", and lean as a stick chemistry teacher has appeared "graceful, as the ballet dancer". Jae's present love interest at any objective view was half-head shorter than the friend standing beside him.


- " Go, talk to him ".

Jaejoong looked at him with such shocked look as if Junsu suggested to go and beat the puppies.

- “ Are crazy? He’s the star and so handsome; He probably has tons of fans. He won’t be interested in me anyway ”  - Jaejoong sadly concluded and hung his head low. Junsu mentally banged his head against the wall. It meant that the next month Jae will sigh, complain of injustice of the world and call him in the middle of night, telling, how amazing this basketball player is. All right, earlier he fell in love with teachers, and Jaejoong's unwillingness to show his liking was explainable. But now he liked the student, although their senior, and there weren't any difficulties in Junsu's point of view. But Jaejoong had his own logic.



Standing beside the locker room doors, Junsu nervously tugged his jacket sleeve. It all seemed much easier in the morning: wait till the end of basketball players training, approach Jaejoong's "tall & handsome guy", tell him about his friend and that's all, everyone is happy. But now, when seniors were about to to leave, from his confidence remained almost nothing.

- “ Junsu, you are doing this for your friend. It’s not that they are going to beat you. “
"And Je will cease to annoy you with his whimpering," - Junsu mentally added, but was ashamed of this thought. He is the good friend.
At last, when Junsu has decided that he will rather bear the suffering Jaejoong, the door has swung open and first left “that one” senior.
- “ Sunbae,” - Junsu called him respectfully. The sportsman turned back and looked at the junior student with inquiring look. – “Sunbae, please devote some of your minutes to me. I need to talk to you. ”

- “ Yoochun, are you coming? “ - the guy who was standing near the Jaejoong's object og affections few days ago, approached them.
- “Yea-yeah, wait for me few minutes, all right?” - His friend nodded and stood away from them, glancing with curiosity at Junsu. – “What do you want to talk about? “

-“ My friend likes you “ - Junsu blurted out and blushed. He only now realized that if Jaejoong will find out he probably will kill him. It would be better if he wrote the anonymous letter.

- Aha, - Yoochun became interested and turned to his friend. – Yunho go, don’t wait for me.
- " Well that's all " - Junsu murmured and stepped aside.

- " Wait. You think, now I'll let you go so easy? " 

Junsu looked at him with some fright, and Yoochun

burst out laughing.

- " Don't be afraid. I just want you..." - He grabbed Junsu by the hand and dragged towards the school building, - "to question."

Junsu was so indignant of his personal space's rough violation, that at first has not understood meaning under this phrase. And after he did, he abruptly pulled out his hand and stopped.

- " Where are you dragging me? "

- " The coach exhausted us today, so I need to relax a little” - Yoochun winked and pushed the guy in the bushes.
- “ What..?” - Junsu clearly imagined what could happen right now and pushing away Yoochun escaped from him.  Or to be more exact, he tried to. He was once again grabbed by an elbow. Desperately wanting to break off, he pushed Yoochun in the chest and in result Yoochun fell on the ground, dragging Junsu along.
- "Calm down, will you?!" - but words have not rendered any influence on scared Junsu. Yoochun hardly caught Junsu's hands, turned over, sprawling Junsu on the ground and sat on top of him.

- " I will scream " - hissed Junsu, without leaving attempts to throw Yoochun from him.

- "I don't know what you have thought about" - started Yoochun holding younger boy's wrists owith one hand and with another got into the pocket. Junsu has got nervous even more, - " but I just wanted to smoke." – Yoochun took out from his pocket rumpled pack of cigarettes and lighter.


Junsu calmed down.
- "I do not smoke" - he warned.

- " I would not offer to you anyway. I hope, your friend isn't nutty like you are” - Yoochun lit the ciggaret, still sitting on top of Junsu.

- " Can you at last get off of me? “
- “ And will you not pounce on me anymore?” - Sportsman grinned. Junsu forgot what he wanted to tell from such impudence and kicked him off himself. He pretended that he hasn't noticed stretched hand and begun dust off his form. Nooo, he will tell Jaejoong today with what an idiot and moron he has fallen in love this time. Better it was the same math's teacher.
- " You didn't go to home? Waited, while we will finish training?"

- " I had a music after classes."

- " Do you want to eat? " - Yoochun friendly took an interest.

Junsu wanted to say proud "no", but the grumbling of stomach beat him to it.

-“  I see. Come on, let's have a snack. I treat.”

Who in his right mind will refuse such offer?


Junsu needed to eat all of his portion and nearly half of Yoochun's portion before coming to the conclusion that Jaejoong's new prince charming is not too bad. It was fun to be with him, Junsu sincerely laughed loudly at his jokes, even if they sometimes were ambiguous; and he didn't say anything, when found out that his dinner has disappeared twice as faster as it had to be. One can't say than he was distinguished with a particular beauty, though Junsu liked the dimples appearing on his face from the smile. And a smile too, but Jaejoong's taste as strange, as his logic.

Yoochun went for a cup of tea long time ago and just now Junsu has noticed that the reason of his sluggishness became nice cashier girl, with whom Yoochun impudently flirted. Junsu became bothered by looking at all these smiles and laughs and dropped the spoon on the tiled floor. In the near-empty cafe it sounded especially loudly. Junsu apologized and bowed his head, observing from the corner of his eye how Yoochun took a tray with tea cups and teapot and headed to his direction.

- “Are you going to tell me about your friend? " - He interested pouring fragrant hot tea.

- " No, " - answered Junsu with a challenge. - " I'm not sure that you are worthy of him."

Yoochun raised an eyebrow with amusment.
- " Even so? "

- " Yes. You’re impudent, you smoke and flirt with everyone."

- " And I thought that I don't have any fault," - Yoochun burst out laughing. - " Does it mean I don't have any chances?"

- " No "

- “ Absolutely-absolutely not any?" - Yoochun looked at him with sad eyes. - "You've just broke my heart. And I'm so good guy.

- " All right. I will think about it."

- " Perfect " - older boy exclaimed happily - " What time does your classes end tomorrow?

- " At four; something important? " - Junsu carefully answered.

- " So tomorrow at a quarter past four we'll meet at school's gate and we'll go... - Yoochun aimlessly waved a hand in air - " somewhere."

- " Why? "

- " You should know me better and make sure that I suit your friend," - older boy winked.

Junsu blinked in embarrassment. He didn’t plan this.


"Unpunctual", - Junsu added one more point in the list of Park Yoochun's faults. Watch showed half of the fifth and this blockhead still didn't appear. He hasn't told Jaejoong that he met his beloved, thinking that Jae will make him go insane faster with his infinite questions, than with sad sighs. It will be better to talk with Yoochun a little more, and then hand him over to the unfortunate lover.

- “Are you tired of waiting for me?” - said the familiar deep voice over his ear and Junsu almost jumped up from surprise. Basketball team passed near them avidly discussing something. Junsu noticed Yunho who winked to him. It angered him even more.

- “I waited for you to tell you that I'm going home."

- “Don’t be mad.”

Junsu snorted.


- "They brought a new form, and we had to try it on. And I don't know your number, therefore I couldn't warn you. Tell me and I will write down it in my phone, so that there won't such misunderstanding."

Junsu looked at Yoochun with doubt, and hesitantly dictated his number. If Yoochun suddenly decides to call or write to him, He can give his number to Jaejoong. Let him be happy.


- "Perfect. And now we go."

- "Where?" - interested Junsu, lifting a bag from the ground.

- "It's surprise" - smiled Yoochun.


- “Music store? ” – Junsu asked with suspicion.
- “ Yeah. Friend let me listen to several songs of one group and now I want to buy CD “ - Yoochun confidently walked between racks. - " I think, it's here."

- “Indie-rock? Do you listen to such music? "

- " I listen to rock generally. Today I may like one group, tomorrow - another " - He went through the CD's with fingers. "His hands are beautiful" - noted to himself Junsu and immediately kicked himself mentally for this thought. - " Aha, here's the Muse. Do you want to listen? "
Junsu nodded and took headphones from Yoochun. The vocal was quite... interesting, he told, but music wasn't to his liking. And they sang in English, and he understood, at the best, one word from ten. About what he too told Yoochun.

- " I will start another song. It's a cover. You should know the original."

The original was really well-known that it was impossible not to know it. But performance was absolutely another, and at first Junsu couldn't realize which song was it. But after he realized it he blushed to his surprise. Mysterious smile from carefully looking at him Yoochun forced his cheeks to redden even more.

- " Sinatra's version was better " - Junsu declared with disparage removing headphones. - " And actually I like other music; R&B, for example."

- " And your friend? "- The idiotic smile wasn't disappearing from Yoochun's face and angry Junsu decided to lie.

- "He likes it too. Take the CD and let's go."

- "So it means I once again earned a minus. Then choose me a CD with music you and your friend like. Maybe I'll like it and thus we'll have the common interest."

- “Okay, though I doubt it."

Junsu took Black Eyed Peas CD and wanted to insert it into a CD player, but Yoochun took the CD away.

- " I will listen at home. I won't understand anything if I'll go through songs with haste."

Junsu shrugged.

- "As you wish."

They paid and leaved the store. Junsu noticed that Yoochun didn’t bought the CDs he wanted before but decided to ignore it. In the evening he got a message: “Sorry, but it’s not to my type. But I liked ‘Missing You’. I’m listening to it right now and think about you”.  Junsu smiled against his will and replied: “Stop flirting with me. It’s my friend who fell in love with you, not me.” After one minute he got another message: “I’ve never seen him before, so how can I flirt with him? (._.) ”. Junsu’s mood sharply deteriorated and he decided to answer with contemptuous silence.  After five minutes he got message: “Don’t be mad ^^. Listen to Sinatra, he spreads positive. I love you baby and etc. (^_^)

 - “ Babo ” –  said Junsu, slipped phone under the pillow and opened  window : It suddenly somehow became hot in the room.


Persistent ring roughly disturbed his dream; Finding his phone blindly, with his eyes still colsed Junsu couldn't restrain and yawned in the phone instead 'hello'.

- " Good morning to you too" - greeted him disgustingly cheerful voice.

- " Yoochun? "

- " Yeah, that one. What plans do you have for today? "

- " To sleep. Were. But because of someone, I have to forget about it now."

- " Don't be sulky in such a fine day. Let's have a walk."

- "Okay" - agreed Junsu - " But I'll come with a dog" - he warned. Yoochun laughed.

- " Are you afraid of me so much? "

- " In your dreams " - Junsu snort – “I have to take Xiahki for a walk." 

- " Okay , then I won't come alone either. At eleven in park. Bye "

Junsu didn't manage to ask with whom he was going to come as Yoochun already hanged up.



This time Yoochun came earlier. He stood near the main entrance of park, black-and-white dog circled near him, obviously why his owner stood without moving.

- "Hi", - Junsu waved. – “Here we are."

Dogs have managed to see each other earlier and now they were sniffing each other.

- "This is Harang" - Yoochun hardly held the dog on a lead and by miracle avoided crash with baby-carriage. - "Listen, let's go somewhere where isn't so many children."

While walking Junsu thought that Yoochun will begin to ask him about Jae, but Yoochun started to talk about Harang, then Junsu spoke about Xiahki, and noone remembered Jaejoong.
- " I think here we can release them already " - Yoochun has offered, and Junsu has looked around. In this part of park was deserted, only one couple in quiet distance from them fed ducks in a pond.

He reached to Xiahki's collar, but right at that moment dog decided to run and Yoochun grabbed Junsu by the waist to keep him from falling. Several seconds they looked in each other's eyes. Junsu didn't noticed when Yoochun managed to come so close to him and their lips touched. For an instant Junsu remembered his friend, that he is kissing with the guy Jae likes, but the feeling from the kiss was so fantastic he forgot about everything. He timidly put a hand on Yoochun's neck, playing with short locks of his hair and older boy, delighted by his initiative, slightly bit his lower lip. Junsu moaned allowing Yoochun's tongue to slip in his mouth.
- “ You are sweeter than I thought “ - smiled Yoochun and leaned to kiss him again. Junsu held him putting hand on his chest.

- “You... we should not! It's Jaejoong who likes you, not me“ - Junsu accusingly looked at him.

- " You think I believed in existence of your so-called friend even for a second? It's classical excuse."

- " He really exists, so let's forget what has just happened " - Junsu pulled his dog – “ Don’t call me and don't write anymore, okay? "

Junsu left, leaving Yoochun looking at his back with confusion.


During remained weekend Junsu suffered from guilt. He has to introduce Jae to Yoochun as soon as possible and forget about this guy forever. Yoochun called him and wrote messages, but Junsu didn't approach phone. Every time he closed his eyes his mind persistently showed memoirs: laughing Yoochun, frowned Yoochun, Yoochun kissing him. In the morning of Monday he looked so exhausted that his mom decided that he was sick and has suggested him to stay at home. The idea sounded seductive, but coward and Junsu determinedly went to school.

- " Jae, wait for me after classes behind the school, okay? I need to talk to you.

- " I wanted to go to library..."

- " Even better" - Junsu interrupted him.

"Now the most difficult part," - Junsu sighed. - "I need to find Yoochun."

He didn't have to look for him for a long time. Yoochun was waiting for younger boy beside the classroom. Junsu grabbed his hand and dragged to library. He had to intorduce to him Jae as soon as possible, before Junsu made up his mind.

- " Where are you dragging me? And why have you not answered my calls? I was worried" - Yoochun reproached him, but Junsu asked him to shut up.

- " So, where can he be? " - Entering library Junsu has started turning his head. He noticed some movement at distant shelves and headed there with Yoochun on a tow. His friend really was there, but not alone.

- " Jae? "

- " Yunho? "

The couple kissing between book racks has not paid attention to the surprised cries. Only when Junsu pulled Jae by the sleeve he tore himself off Yunho.

- " Oh, Junsu!" - Jae smiled shyly. – “What are you doing here?”

- " We have agreed to meet, remember? I wanted to introduce you to that basketball player you like. "

- " So it means your friend - isn't lie? " - Yoochun asked confusedly.

- " What does he mean by "like"? - Yunho narrowed his eyes looking at Jae.

- " I do not know why Junsu decided that I like him" - Jaejoong widened his eyes.

- " Wait, - Junsu lost patience. - " You said that you liked the one who was from the left. He was standing form at the left " - he pointed a finger at Yoochun's stomach and impatiently waved away when Yoochun tried to take his hand.
- " No, from the left was Yunho " - Jae rolled up eyes. - " Look "

He took a step back to Junsu and moved Yoochun beside Yunho.

- " See, Yunho now stands from the left. "

There was a moment of silence typical to library.

- " It's "from the right", Jae " - Yunho broke the silence.

- " Idiot " - Sighed Junsu under the sound of Yoochun's laughing. Yunho hugged reddened from shame Jaejoong.

- " Don't mock my Jae. "

Jae reddened again, but already for other reason.

- " See, you worried for nothing! " - After finishing his laughing Yoochun winked at Junsu, but he turned away. - " By the way, I know what you will be doing tonight " - he whispered when he embraced Junsu.

- " What? " - Junsu asked with the trembled voice.

- " Answering  my messages. It hurts, when on such display of your feelings you don't receive any reaction."


Hello my dear readers and's the one-shot...I'm really tired now..translating is really difficult and it takes too much time..It would have been faster, if I wrote the fic myself... I have to delay for some days translation of my other fic Substitute. Although I wanted to update this weekend, I can't because I've only translated 1/6 part of the chapter and the chapeter is really big.


So It's my birthday today..I'm 19 now...But I don't feel anything special about my B-day, coz I'm ing tired and all I want is to return to my appartment in capital and bury myself in studying and books..Spending summer in hometown can be so bothersome sometimes...


I hope you liked the one-shot...comments, comments & comments are very much appreciated ^v^




p.s. if there's any mistake please inform me about it

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Chapter 1: lmao. babo jaejoong. innocent junsu hahaha
I love how this fic works
Chapter 1: Cute,,yoosu
Chapter 1: Wow... I love the story
So beautiful <3
Chapter 1: this is so adorable ! Yoosu is soo lovely ! Pabo jae kekeke
Chapter 1: Absolutely adorable <3 I just have to suprise, gosh.
Chapter 1: This was so cute ;a; Jae's is... jae as always. Lol YOOSU ;aaaaaa; Can you give me the link to the bg please? ;aaaa;
Chapter 1: Woowww so cutee!!! I loved it! Good work~!
BettySu #8
Thank you for your hard work. :)
aaawwww so sweet yoosu ^^ pabo jae fufufufu...