Turning Around

Shine For Me

I could feel Mr. Suh's eyes boring into our backs as he led us to our plane. He looked through our pockets for passports. I silently cursed at myself for bringing it with me. Everyone around us cleared at the sight of our body 'guards'. Like they would do anything to protect us. 

My thoughts soon wandered to Taemin. He was so determined as he had chased after Ga In. He was fueled more than just friendship when he ran to her. I could see the intensity burning in his usually kind eyes. There was a glint of hate towards Mr. Suh. This startled me. 

Had he fallen for Ga In?

Taemin caught me looking at him and turned toward me to face me. I diverted my eyes, but I couldn't help but stare at him again. 

Finally, I looked away when the PA system called for the passengers to board. I put on my shades; I didn't want nosy fans to bother my sleep on the ride back to hell. Taemin had the same idea, but I coukd tell he also wanted to hide something from me.

We sat apart on the plane. Whatever privacy Taemin had wanted from me was granted. Mr. Suh went to board with the first class and sat a guard next to each of us. If one of us goofed, he wanted to know of it. 

I pretended to sleep, which is fairly easy in a crowded, loud plane with dark shades on. The guard seemed to relax himself. After about an hour into the flight, he was fast asleep. I woke up and scanned the area. Taemin and his guard were nowhere to be seen. I began to panic, then calmed down as i saw him come out of the bathroom. I realized that I was too tensed up to think clearly. I asked for a glass of water. I was deeply in need of sleep. I'd barely had any sleep last night and my eyes were drooping. 

I let myself succumb to the sweet calling of sleep.

While I did, though, I had nightmares. Terrible ones. I dreamed of Ga In and Jinhee. The kept threatening her and hurting Ga In, but I couldn't do anything to help. I had a sinking feeling that this was the case right now.

I looked over at Taemin. He was eating out of a tin plate, not even chewing. My stomach growled. The guard next to me kept snoring. 

Once I ordered some food and had gulped it down, I felt much better. I turned the TV on. The TV blared on about some plane crash. As the news reporter droned on about the survivers, I caught a name that sent shivers down my spine.

"--couldn't find-- named Katherine Park-- was travelling with-- two siblings--" I tried to turn the volume louder, but as I did, an anouncement came on the PA system, cutting off the TV sounds. I cursed and clenched my teeth together.

Was she hurt? What happened? 

Is she... dead?


I looked over at Taemin again. He was still eating the last remnant of the oddly shaped desert that I had turned down. I tried to get up, but Taemin's guard looked over at me and glared. I tried to get Taemin's attention, but to no avail. 

The announcement ended and I stared into the TV, but the reporter was gone. They had moved on to the next set of ads. The story was over.

I was agitated. Checking my watch, I noted that there was still 10 hours to get to Korea. It was too long. I vaguely recalled the reporter saying that it was a good thing the pilot was well-prepared because the airplane landed in the ocean, yet no one was hurt. No one except for.... her.

I shut my eyes and sent a quick prayer to the angels. There was nothing I could do. Unless...

Of course!

My eyes flew open. I quickly went to the screen of my television and clicked on the map that showed the path of the plane. I'd heard of a plane that had to detour because a man had been having a heart attack. Maybe if I could pull off a trick..... I looked around for something... Anything that would cause a diversion. 

Aha! I eyed the emergency exit. It had the simplest directions: push in and pull. I knew that the door wouldn't open because of cabin pressure, but it was worth a try. Hopefully it would set off some alarm.

I crept over, careful not to wake the guard. Taemin saw me. He shook his head violently, begging for me to stop. He didn't know about Ga In. Yet.

I rested my hand on the handle. No one around me noticed me. I closed my eyes gently and took a deep breath. 

Push and turn. Push and turn. Push and turn. Push and turn.

I opened my eyes and sighed. I couldn't do it. As I turned back to go to my seat again, I spotted Taemin walking out of his seat. He was headed for the gate that separated the economy class from the first class passengers. I followed him. 

"Hey." I whispered as quietly as I could.

Startled, he looked back at me with wide eyes. 

"Oh. You scared me."

"What are you doing?"

"Just.. Looking, I guess."

"Mhmm..." I hesitated. Did I want to tell him about Ga In?

"Did you see the news"

"No. Too busy eating."


"Why was there something on it?"

I paused. He had thrown the question out there offhandedly. He didn't seem to be too interested.

"Well, actually--"

I was interrupted by a sharp beeping noise. I jumped back, alarmed. I looked back at the guards, who were just beginning to wake up.

"Go back to your seat!" I hissed in his ear before sprinting to my seat. 

Just as I began to run back, an announcement came on the microphone.

"We apologize for the inconvenience, but a man has requested the plane to turn back. There has been an accident regarding a flight to Korea. We understand that this may alter many of our passengers' plans and will proceed to take off immediately after arrival. Will passengers sitting is Row -- seats -- and Row -- seats -- please prepare to get off? Thank you and we apologize deeply."

I could hear murmurs of unrest. I checked our seat number. 

"It's us, kiddo." My guard grumbled. My skin grew pale with anticipation. I looked over at Taemin. He looked alarmed. I could read his mind without even him saying anything.

His eyes asked Is it her? Is it Ga In?

All I could do was look at him mournfully. A slight nod escaped me and the last thing I saw before the guard barked at me to get down was a despaired look on his face. One full of love.

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Chapter 33: this is a good story!
Chapter 32: please update soon I want to know if she'll remember her or not
haha thanks guyss sorry i didnt update in like forever... but ill try to update soon! <3
Chapter 30: please update soon soomin99 i'm dying :'D
Chapter 30: please update soon soomin99 i'm dying :'D
Chapter 30: omfgjfhfj mr.suh is ga in's stepdad isnt he!? omfbjdfkjdh im gonna die! i need to know ahh.
Chapter 29: omg im going to die please update soon
Chapter 28: finally i updated! srry for the wait guys:) and you should check out my other story too! click here:http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/300299/picture-perfect-jonghyun-onew-romance-seohyun-shinee-snsd-tiffany
I love you all!:) <3
awwww thank you:) LOLOL dont die!! LOL