If Only...

From Dusk till Dawn

Something was wrong, horribly wrong. He wasn’t moving. He was standing under the one somewhat functioning street light where the vague light flickered. I recognized his coat, his hair blowing in the wind. Yes, it was definitely him, though the fog was thick, I was sure it was him. He was standing like a statue with his head hung low, the cold wind caressing his dark locks. I wanted to walk closer, but my body wouldn’t let me. My legs were glued to the ground and my eyes were glued to him. His small frame, making him seem somewhat… fragile. I yelped when he suddenly took one step forward, startling me, his foot landing harshly on the ground. He took another step. He sped up and in four long strides, he was standing right in front of me, the only light coming from my store. My blood froze in my veins when he looked up, eyes peering straight into mine. His breath came out in the form of smoke, due to the cold weather. He was breathing heavily, as if he had been running a marathon, his chest heaving. I stared into his eyes and immediately, I was captivated by his brown orbs.
Due to the vague light, I could only see half his face, but it was more than enough. I could see his pale skin, hit pointed nose. His doe like eyes and pouty lips. He was… beautiful. Can you call a man beautiful? Because this one was. I felt my heart skip a beat when he leaned closer, nearly nuzzling his nose with mine. My arms were still wrapped tightly around myself, as if I was afraid to let go. As if I was afraid I would get into his world if I did. He cocked his head to the side and blinked several times. It was like he had never seen another human being before. He cocked his head to the other side, his eyes still peering into mine. I grew increasingly nervous, not sure about what to do. It was as if my vocal cords had been ripped out. I could not speak, I could not move. I was captivated by him. Just as the rain started to pour, he leaned closer and whispered in my ear, “Stop following me,” before he pulled away.
He was so soft spoken, it was merely a whisper. He turned around and walked down to the dock. I tried to register what he’d said as I watched his graceful walk, gently swaying his hips from side to side. Suddenly, he stopped and turned around. His eyes darkened and his lips curved into a smirk. The way he looked at me through his wet strands of hair, sent chills down my spine. Seeing it as my only option, I rushed back inside and upstairs into my apartment. When I closed the door, I leaned against it and released a breath I didn’t even know I was holding. I went into the bathroom, knowing I could see the dock from the small window. Holding onto the sink for support, I climbed on top of the toilet. The rain was abusing the streets, lighting occasionally striking. I gasped when I saw that he hadn’t moved. He was standing in the exact same position I left him in. This time however… something was different about him. His shoulders were shaking. Was he crying? He suddenly looked up, his eyes met mine instantly. I wanted to pull away, not wanting him to know that I was looking at him. 
He dropped to his knees, his hands covering his face. He was crying and for some reason, something in my heart woke up. His state of pain tugged at my heartstrings. Yes, it was painful to see him cry. I didn’t know his name, I knew nothing about him. All I knew was that I didn’t want to see him cry. No, not him. For the months I had wondered about him, he had always seemed invincible. Like something… untouchable. Why, I did not know. Why I felt this… connection, I did not know. The thunder abused the skies and the lightning lit up the tragic state the streets were in. It was like the battle of the skies. Like the thunder and lightning wanted to bring out all the sadness, and the rain tried to wash it away. A knot formed in my stomach as I continued to watch him. Continued to observe his obvious pain. Continued to wonder who had caused it. Unknown to me, I clenched my fists. I wanted to wrap my arms around him, because I too had felt pain. I knew what it was like, wanting to cry your heart out, in hopes that it might erase the scars on your heart. The deep cuts and bruises caused by pain, sadness, disappointment and perhaps… love? No. Not love.
I took a deep breath before I hopped off of the toiled and went downstairs. I opened the front door, he was still kneeling on the ground. I could see the raindrops dancing off of his dark coat, the lighting illuminating his pain, the thunder growling louder than his sobs. I walked up to him and placed my hand on his shoulder. He looked up and scowled at me, causing me to take a few steps back. He forced his body to stand up straight. The rain caused his skin to glisten, making him look like he was made out of diamonds. Making him look angelic. Making him look like he was chiseled from the finest stars. I had to resist the urge to reach out and touch his cheek, just to feel… if he was even real.
A single tear drop slid down his already wet cheek. My body reacted on its own when I reached out and wiped the tear away with my thumb. I quickly regretted my actions when his eyes narrowed, lips forming into a thin line. He was soaking wet and obviously shivering. The thunder slowly quieted down, the two of us still just… staring at each other. I sighed and swallowed a few times, before I asked, “D-Do you want to come inside? It’s freezing out here and you’re shivering.”
He silently followed me back to the store, stopping in front of the door. I tugged at his sleeve to attract his attention. He swatted my hand away and turned around, staring at the dock. I wanted to ask, I wanted to ask so badly. You have no idea. I opened my mouth but no words were emitted, just a tiny gasp as he slowly walked towards the dock once again. “I’m sorry,” He whispered, “I have to wait.. for them..”

“W-Who?” I asked, suddenly feeling slightly bolder.

“Them,” he whispered.

I ran my fingers through my wet hair, feeling insecure about what to do next.

“You’ll get sick. Please come inside. I can—”

“No!” he hissed coldly under his breath.

Not knowing what else to say, I asked, “C-Can I… at least know your name?”

He changed. Just like that. He was no longer soft spoken, no longer crying. His voice was cold to the point where I was shivering due to the tone of it rather than the cold air. He quickly made his way down to the dock. I questioned whether or not I should follow him. I decided the least thing I could do, was to bring him some warm clothes. A jacket perhaps. I ran into my store, heading for my apartment. I grabbed the warmest and most comfortable jacket I owned, before I dashed outside.
“No..” I whispered when I could no longer see him. I went down to the dock and surely enough, I found a single white rose petal. I picked it up, only this time, I clutched on to it, not allowing it to escape from my strong hold. I turned my head in every direction, looking for him. I saw a shadow disappearing into the fog.

I wish I had followed you that day. If only I knew.

… if only I hadn’t let you go.

..I’m sorry.

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waaaaaaaaaahh i love this
plz update soon
bloodykiller #2
Chapter 4: WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW,, you are a real artist !! i cant wait to see what will happen next!!!! please update soon!! thank you
this is so mysterious, i cant help my self but to curious..i want to know more about jaejoong and why is he so ..mmm...mystical?
great chapter author-nim..next chapter please..
waa... sounds so cool

so update soon okay
can't wait for another chappie XD
hwaiting dear author-nim! me like this..update soon please..
assassin #6
Yaaaay~ Can't wait !!

Hwaiting !!