
If you stay



Kai stared at the short boy walking in and out of the alse putting books here and there. Kai didn't really know where this sudden stalker like feelings had come from but he knew that either way, he had to get the shorter boys attention. 

Maybe it started six months ago.


Kai was walking back from a long and quite borring day, flipping through his papers he needed to remember for his next test that following week. "I should go to the libray, grab some books on WWII" Kai said out loud before looking up to see he was infront of his local library, chuckling slightly to himself he walked in without a second thought, then he saw the most actrative pair of lips he has ever seen (beside his owns) probably the same size as his own or smaller. "Woah" Kai breathed as he looked up and see an adorable expression from the onwer of thoes lips. "I'm Do kyungsoo but you can call me D.O. I'm the librarian" the boy said flashing an million dollor smile that any high school girl would swoon over "If you need anything, just let me know Mr?" Kai was lost in thought for a while before replying "K-Kim Jongin but please I prefer Kai" he bowed D.O doing the same "It's a pleasure to meet you Kai, well I better go. I hope I'll see you again sometime" D.O flashed a huge smile causing Kai's heart to beat and an unhealthy pace "Ye-yeah, you to" was all Kai could say before the shorter boy dissapeared behinde closed doors 'I really do hope we meet again' Kai thought, a slight smile playing upon his lips.

*end of flash back*

Now here Kai is again, sitting in the back row near the big window gawking at D.O. Kai always found his way back to the library most time then not was just to stare at the shorter male he never had a real reason to come here he just did. Sometimes the shorter male would come over towards Kai, with the same dazzling smile that made Kai's heart beat uncontrolably. "Kai-ssi, third time this week I've seen you" D.O said sitting himself next to Kai as close as possible "Don't tell me you failed that test again" he said making Kai smile knowing he wasn't forgotten "Ani hyung, I just like comming here.. the veiw... is very beautiful" Kai pointed out the window towards the park where the sun hits before hiding away for another day. But this was only a lie, it was the perfect spot to see the librarian working away at his desk, scanning books, talking to the locals. "and heres me thinking it was because you came to see me" D.O pouted playfully before laughing at Kai's face looking like an over cook peach "maybe it was" Kai mumbles before face palming himself, luckily D.O didn't here those words since he got to leave "I hope I'll see you again sometime" Kai nodded knowing that he'll be here again but he never knew why the older male always said it before he left.

It's funny because little did Kai know, while he was day dreaming over D.O the shorter male would sneek a glance at him hopping he was looking at him and everytime he was. It made D.O smile everytime he'd see the university student come in and sit near the window which gave D.O a perfect veiw of him, or whenever he'd look over at the younger boy staring of into space a playful smile on his lips. D.O would never think ever that someone he has only meet a few times would always be the highlight of his day.

One day Kai walked into the library looking for the shorter boy but only seen a middle aged woman smiling warmly at him "Good afternoon" the woman said in a kind matter "uh- hello, uh.. Do you mind me asking where the other librarian is? Short boy, big eyes, looks like a deer caught in headlights?" Kai asked he hadn't gone to the library for a week since everything started to stack with his school work and he was looking forward to seeing D.O "oh Kyungsoo, he had a day of today saying something about feeling unwell" the woman replied. This made Kai start to panick why is he unwell?, did something happen?  The woman could see the panick in Kai's eyes "Are you a friend of Kyungsoo's?" Kai looked up at her with a confused look, what was he to D.O? "Uh, yes I am" Kai said even though he was unsure of where he really stood with D.O "Tell you what, you seem like a nice boy and I don't always do this trust me but here's his number call him" Kai bowed after she passed me the peice of paper and left.

Kai walked to the park and dailed his number instantly, after a few rings someone picked up.

-"Kyungsoo's phone, Suho speaking"

Kai's chest tightened hearing some else with D.O

-"uh, hi is D-Kyungsoo there?"

-"Yeah hold o- who is this? your number didn't come up"

-"I-it's Jo-Kai, say it's Kai"

Kai could here this so called suho give D.O the phone D.O yelling at him in the process

-"Yah, what did I tell about picking up my phone! aish hello *cough*"

-"Hyung, he-hello"

-"Kai-ssi? how'd you get my number?"

-"the librarian, sorry I should h-"

-"Oh that was my mother, she gave it to you?"

Kai's face redden at the thought of meeting his mother

-"Yeah, said I was a nice boy?"

-"Yep, sounds like her YAH Suho go home"

-"You okay I heard you were sick"

-"Yeah just a bit, but I'll be better tomorrow come see me then?"

-"Of course"


Kai sat on the bench smiling like an idiot he was glad he heard D.O's voice and tomorrow he'll be able to see him too.


Kai ran to the library he couldn't wait to see D.O he missed him, as he ran up the stairs he could see D.O playing with a pen making it shoot up from the desk, it was the cutest thing ever "Hyung" Kai said panting slightly which in turn scare the living day lights out of D.O "Kai-ssi your ea-" D.O was cut off with a pair of soft lips crashed against his, D.O deepened the kiss by throwing his arms around Kai's neck. They parted and smiled at each other "Don't ever scare me like that ever again" D.O tried to sound angry but only smiled more "I won't" Kai said "Just promise me that you'll stay 


Man that took me longer then I thought >_> anyway here you go I hope it was up to fluffy standers and sorry for the typo's I kinder rushed it T_T but I hope you enjoyed it ^_^



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Chapter 1: Aww. So adorable.
Chapter 1: Ngeee (⌒o⌒) so cuteeee
Iminthezone #4
InvisibleGurl21 #7
Chapter 1: Dont have a sequel?? I hope u have it.. bcz is lovely story ?! Lol.. xoxo author nim
Umm... maybe it's just me but the ending of the story didn't show... Was there supposed to be more after "Just promise me that you'll stay"? Because it doesn't sound complete to me and there is no period or a " at the end so... T^T
Sooo cute *o*