Can't Keep My Hands Off You

Can't Keep My Hands Off You

Oh oh oh let’s go
My Fender strat sits all alone
Collecting dust in the corner
I haven’t called any of my friends
I’ve been MIA since last December
My blackberry’s filled up with E-mail
My phone calls goes straight through to voicemail

“He's not picking up!” Himchan exclaimed in fury.

Jongup and Zelo exchanged a glance, then directed their attention back to their hyung. “Hyung, why don't you try again?” the dance machine suggested.

“But this is already the tenth time! And he hasn't replied to any texts or answered any calls the whole week!”

A laugh came from the eldest in the group. “I think I know what he's doing,” Yongguk said with a knowing smile.

Cuz on the street, or under the covers
We're stuck like two pieces of velcro
At the park, in the back of my car
It doesn’t matter what I do,
No, I can’t keep my hands off you
(can’t keep my, can’t keep my)
Can’t keep my hands off you
(can’t keep my, can’t keep my)

“Daehyun, I need to pee,” came Youngjae's voice from Daehyun's embrace.

“I'm sure it can wait,” mumbled the older, snuggling closer to the other.

“But I really need to pee!”

When he got no response, Youngjae started to hit Daehyun's arm. “Let go!”


There’s fungus growing in the icebox
All I got left are Fruit Roll-Ups
My clothes are six months old
But I don’t care, no no no I don’t notice
My bills pile is so high, it is shocking
The repo man just keeps on knocking

In this case, the "repo man" was Himchan, being the annoying umma that he was.

“Jung Daehyun, you open the door this instant!”

“Go away, Himchan hyung,” was Daehyun's reply, muffled by the door.

“What're you doing in there, anyway?”

However, instead of Daehyun replying, Youngjae did. “Himchan hyung! Daehyun won't let go of me! Help!”

This caused Himchan to pound on the door even harder.

“Daehyun, can't you let him in?”

Cuz on the street, or under the covers
We're stuck like two pieces of velcro
At the park, in the back of my car
It doesn’t matter what I do,
No, I can’t keep my hands off you
(can’t keep my, can’t keep my)
Can’t keep my hands off you
(can’t keep my, can’t keep my)
Can’t keep my hands off you

The next day, Youngjae finally convinced Daehyun to go out.

The couple ate lunch at a nearby cafe, then spent the afternoon in the park across the street. They sat on a bench facing a lake, its clear blue water sparkling at them.

The older of the two then proceeded to pull the younger towards him and nuzzle his neck.

“Hyung, we're in public,” Youngjae muttered worriedly.

“I don't care.”

Sorry to all my friends and to anyone I offend
But i can’t help, no i can’t help it
Can’t keep my, can’t keep my (can’t keep my hands off you)
Can’t keep my, can’t keep my (can’t keep my hands off you)
Can’t keep my, can’t keep my (can’t keep my hands off you)
Can’t keep my, can’t keep my (can’t keep my hands off you)

“People are looking at us weirdly,” the younger whispered.

“It's not our business, is it,” Daehyun answered calmly.

“It technically is—”

Daehyun cut him off. “At least they know you're mine.”

That lead a smile to cross the younger's lips. So, it's official.

Cuz on the street, or under the covers
We're stuck like two pieces of velcro
At the park, in the back of my car
It don’t matter what I do,
No, I can’t keep my hands off you
(can’t keep my, can’t keep my)
Can’t keep my hands off you
(can’t keep my, can’t keep my)
Can’t keep my hands off you

Daehyun is mine, and I'm his.



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Chapter 1: Well... being a huge fan of Simple Plan and being a shipper of DaeJae... well... well... my god... my feels...
mix_me1435 #2
Should I give a feedback of this too?


Anyway~ nice fic! yeah :D


I can't even

warriorbaby #3
Omg Youngjae's pee XD
omg lol how cute is that xD "i need to pee" xDDD lollll i cant omg xDDD
Daehyun srsly blinded by Youngjae's beauty~lol so cute keeping him as long as he can~
tks for the shot,love Daejae<3
Can't keep my hands off you~ ;w;
I like it! and phaha at Himchan being the "repo guy" and Yongguk saying he knows what they're doing XD