Kitty Cats


Changmin glared across the seemingly large room with his teeth grinding together. At the moment, he was in the lounge room of the other Super Junior members on the twelfth floor. None of the Super Junior members were here in the dorm at the moment, for they were all busy on a schedule. Well, except for his boyfriend, Cho Kyuhyun that is. Changmin sometimes wondered why Kyuhyun seemed to have the least schedule. But after thinking it through, he realised that Kyuhyun probably threatened the other manager hyungs with something to get out of work. After all, Changmin himself did the same thing. At the moment, only Kyuhyun and Changmin were here at the dorms.

At first, Changmin thought it would be good fun to be at the Super Junior dorms. He had called Kyuhyun and asked whether it would be okay to come over to visit. And as expected, Kyuhyun replied with a rather happy yes. Changmin expected it to be much more entertaining than this. But right now, he absolutely hated it. Why you ask? Simply because Changmin was jealous that Kyuhyun was playing with the cat.

Yes, that special and almost impossible day has come.

The day when the Great Changmin is finally jealous of a cat of all things.

Changmin watched in frustration and slight annoyance as Kyuhyun let out another high-pitched giggle. Kyuhyun laughed happily with a smile on his face as he played with the cat sitting in his lap. You see, it was actually Heechul's cat. And since nobody else would be at the dorms to look after the cat, Heechul made Kyuhyun take care of it for the day. And with a rather reluctant yet accepting sigh, Kyuhyun accepted the job of taking care of Heechul's cat. After all, Heechul would have put him through hell itself if he didn't. Besides, it was much better to be on Heechul's good side than his bad side.

Changmin never thought that in his entire life, that he would be jealous of a mere cat.

"...Can we do something?" Changmin asked as he sat on the couch. Kyuhyun smiled slightly at the cat before turning his gaze to see Changmin with a slight scowl on his face.

"Huh? What do you mean? We are doing something." Kyuhyun replied, not really understanding Changmin's words. Changmin simply sighed at his oblivious lover.

"What are we doing?" Changmin asked rhetorically.

"Well, taking care of Heechul's cat." Kyuhyun replied with a slightly bored expression.

"No, that's what you're doing. I'm just sitting here." Changmin corrected with a annoyed expression on his face.

"Then why don't you do something?" Kyuhyun questioned.

"Then why don't you stop playing with that cat?" Changmin asked back.

"Why should I?" Kyuhyun asked with a twisted expression.

"..." There was a sudden silence creeping under the door and entering the room. A silence in which Changmin was supposed to reply to Kyuhyun's question but didn't. Kyuhyun gave Changmin a rather questioning stare. Changmin bit the end of his tongue ever so slightly, he had way too much pride to just tell Kyuhyun why he should have stopped playing with the cat. There was absolutely no way on Earth that Changmin would tell Kyuhyun he was jealous of that stupid cat.

"Heechul hyung told me to take care of his cats. If he finds out I didn't, he'll kill me." Kyuhyun then continued on, not really caring or questioning the silence any longer.

"No he won't."Changmin retorted.

"He might not kill me but he'll definitely hurt me in my sleep." Kyuhyun muttered with a rather dark expression. Suddenly, there was a meowing noise coming from the cat. Kyuhyun looked down to see the cat rubbing it's head against Kyuhyun's shirt. Changmin glared.

"...Stupid cat..." Changmin whispered quietly, knowing Kyuhyun wouldn't hear him.

"So cute~" Kyuhyun smiled sweetly. Changmin hated the fact that the smile wasn't directed towards him. Kyuhyun gently caressed the cat's fur, the cat leaned in for more body contact.

"...I don't get why you like that thing so much." Changmin grumbled with a pouting face. Kyuhyun didn't seem to notice Changmin's sad look and kept on playing with the cat.

"Changmin-ah, it's not a thing. It's a cat. And it's so cute, maybe you'd like it more if you actually started playing with it." Kyuhyun replied as Changmin simply gave an unbelieving look.

"I'm not going to play with that thing." Changmin retorted.

"You're lucky Heechul isn't here right now. He would chase you down if you said that in front of him." Kyuhyun muttered, his hands and attention was still on the cat.

"I don't-" Changmin was cut off.

"I'M FINALLY BACK!" Someone shouted in a voice of great relief. The door quickly slammed open to reveal Heechul. Changmin, Kyuhyun and the cat all visibly winced at the sudden sound.

"Oh, Heechul hyung. Hello." Changmin greeted.

"Changmin, hi. I didn't know you were here too." Heechul muttered, suspiciously eyeing both maknaes before brushing it off.

"I-" Changmin was once again cut off.

"How is it?" Heechul asked, looking around the room.

"Heechul hyung, don't worry. It's here." Kyuhyun reassured Heechul quickly. Heechul rushed to Kyuhyun, picking up his cat with both hands and thoroughly expecting it.

"Hmm... seems like its not hurt... good job. For once, you made me happy." Heechul muttered with a slight smile on his lips. For once, Heechul was praising Kyuhyun instead of yelling at him.

"Yeah, but don't count on me continuing like this. There are only a minimum amount of times I can be good." Kyuhyun retorted with a unnoticeable smile on his lips, happy to be praised by Heechul.

"... I'm not counting on it either. I'm going to take it to the vet just in case." Heechul quickly spoke.

"Why?" Kyuhyun asked.

"Because you guys are both evil maknaes. Who knows what you did to it while I was gone." Heechul muttered with a slightly worried look in his eyes.

"Hyung, you're just as evil as us." Changmin retorted/

"I know." Heechul quickly muttered.

"Bye bye." The maknaes said in union as Heechul raced out the door. Soon, the 2 maknaes were left in another silence. Changmin let out a sigh as he approached Kyuhyun.

"What's with your expression lately?" Kyuhyun asked. Changmin simply shrugged.

"Don't know." Changmin muttered. He then at down and leaned his head on Kyuhyun's shoulder.

"You know what? The cat and you are almost the same." Kyuhyun let out a laugh.

"Are you really comparing me, Shim (Max) Changmin, the maknae of the boy group DBSK (TVXQ), king of the hallyu wave, to a stupid cat?" Changmin asked rhetorically.

"...Maybe." Kyuhyun smirked. Changmin let out a little smile.

"If I were a cat, then maybe you would treat me better." Changmin muttered, Kyuhyun laughed.

"Changmin, you're not a cat though. And even if you were a cat, there's no way I'd treat you any different from the way I treat you now." Kyuhyun said with a slight smirk. Changmin moved his head off from Kyuhyun's shoulder and laid it on Kyuhyun's lap.

"Meow. Like me any better now?" Changmin asked rhetorically, looking into Kyuhyun's eyes. Kyuhyun laughed once again, thinking how silly Changmin was currently acting.

"What's with you, Changmin-ah? It's as if you were jealous of that cat or something." Kyuhyun laughed slightly.

"..." Changmin didn't reply.

"Hey, don't tell me... you were jea-" Kyuhyun was cut off.

"Definitely not." Changmin muttered quietly, Kyuhyun's eyes widened.

"You were jealous!" Kyuhyun exclaimed.

"Didn't I just say I wasn't? I'm not jealous." Changmin spoke.

"Liar. If you were jealous, why didn't you just say so?" Kyuhyun asked.

"...Do you really think I would admit that?" Changmin asked rhetorically.

"Perhaps." Kyuhyun muttered, his hands beginning to thread through Changmin's hair.

"Are you beginning to treat me like a cat?" Changmin asked rhetorically.

"Are you saying you don't want me to?" Kyuhyun asked back.

Changmin bit his lower lip.


"Do what you want."


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ohmysuperjunior #1
Chapter 1: "meow. like me better any better now?" omfg that line was adorable xD
ilovekorea #2
Chapter 1: *giggles~*
Cutie Changminnie~~
maedeh #3
Chapter 1: hi
jealous mini was real cute!!!!
akxshi #4
Awww cute <3333
CupcakeChoi93 #5
Awwww "Meow do you like me better?"
That's soo cute. Even if I like more cats than (some) people.
I understand Minnie but I know I would do the same what Kyu xD
And Heechul really believe than Kyu would do something to his cute (precious) Hebummie? :D
that's a cute story , I like it very much
KYEOPTA!!!! <3333
4everkyuhyun #9
Thank you for the update!! Changmin 4ever jealous haha. The last sentence made me laugh. Changmin wants to be Kyuhyun's cat only. This is so cute!! I'm gonna read this again. This is my 4ever fav fic!
I like jealous changmin update soon please