Chapter 2

Time After Time

Minho's POV

Why can't I say no to Gyuri? And why does Hara have to in? She is such a party pooper. I swear. Urgh! I guess I have no choice but to go with it.

"Fine", I said.

We all decided to meet up at my place at 7pm. It'll just give me enough time to get things done.

Alcohol? Check. I know I'm still a minor but let's just say I know some people. haha.

6:35 pm

"Minho-ah!", oh..someone's early.

I opened the door and saw Hara stepping into the house making herself feel comfortable.

"Why are you here early?", I asked. She's not really the type of person who gets all hyped up for a party.

"I was......", she stopped; probably thinking of a logical answer.

"Bored", or not.

'Oh' was all I could respond. I talk to Hara the least out of the group. We simply have nothing in common, but compared to the other girls, she's the safest one. 

Safest meaning..she's the farthest from my ideal type. I'm confident that I'll never like someone like her. You see, I promised myself to not date my friends. If things end badly between us, everyone in the group will be affected. 

"Ehem", I turned to face her.


"What are you doing just standing there?", I was lost in my thoughts. I almost forgot that I was to shower before she showed up.

"Oh nothing. I'll go freshen up first. Help yourself okay?", I smiled as I excused myself leaving her alone in the living room.

Hara's POV

I had another fight with my dad about which school I'm gonna be applying for college. I told him I wanted to go to an art school but he just had to yell at me about how stupid and unrealistic I am.


"Photography?", my dad is turning red. This is not good.

"Yes dad, I want to be a photographer", I gulped.

"That's gonna take you nowhere. There is no guarantee of being successful on that field. Why don't you follow your brother's footsteps and be a doctor or a lawyer like you sister?"

end of flashback

I am so fed up with him always comparing me to my perfect siblings. And with that, I walked out on him and ended up here at Minho's place. My dad must be pissed right now. Gosh, I don't want to go home.

My watch read 6:35pm. I've come to realize that I was a tad bit early but I knew Minho won't mind. 

I gave him an excuse of being bored for barging in on his house. He is so damn lucky that I came early. His house is so messy. I can't stand the sight of it so I decided to tidy things up. I dusted the windows, straightened out the books on the shelf and washed his dishes from this morning.

"What are you doing?" 

I turned around and splashed some water on me in the process; then I saw Minho with only a towel around his waist. Are those..abs? Wow. I've never seen one up close before. I blushed and burried my face with my hands. So embarassing.

"Yah! Cover up!", I yelled at him.

"Why? I know you like it", he teased while walking towards me.

"Don't come any closer or else I'll stab you with this fork", I quickly grabbed one from the sink.

"Geeesh. Calm down. I was just playing with you", he backed away defensely. 

"Sorry, you startled me", I said.

"Huh. But what the hell are you doing?", he gave me a puzzled look. 

"I'm cleaning. Duh!", does he have eyes at all? 

"I can see that...but why?"

"Because this whole place is a mess and I don't want to hear Key's nagging once he get here.", I gave him a knowing smile.

He laughed and walked off to his room.

/ding dong/ I heard the doorbell rang. Oh it must be them.

Taemin's POV

I really need to pee. What's taking Minho Hyung so long? Seriously. 

Everyone except Hara and my Gyuri noona are waiting outside Minho hyung's condo. We've been pressing the doorbell for 3 minutes now and still no response. Maybe it's broken? 

The door suddenly oppened and revealed a semi wet Hara noona.

Uhmmm. What's going on?

"Hara! What happened?" I heard Seungyeon noona ask. As curious as I was, I rushed to the toilet and couldn't hear her answer. Oh well, I can always ask her later.

We all sat in hyung's huge couch waiting for my favorite noona in the world to come in with the birthday cake. After a few minutes she came in wearing a white strapless dress with her hair in a messy bun. So perfect and pretty. 

I approached and grabbed the box from her and placed it on the table where the rest of food was. 

"Let's get this party started!", Key exclaimed. 

Gyuri's POV


Everyone was getting bored when Minho decided to play a game called 'Truth or Drink'. I didn't like the idea at first because nothing good ever comes from drinking alcohol. Eventually, I agreed to it since it's just the 10 of us. Nothing could possible go wrong.....right? 

That's me and my lack of judgement. 


"Hara, truth or drink?", Nicole asked as the bottle stopped at the doll-like girl.


This girl is insane. This must be her 7th shot of tequila already. She didn't back out once. What happened to our innocent little Hara who hates alcohol? 

end of flashback


The game ended and most of us had enough drinks, except for Jiyoung who refused to join because of her beliefs. 

Before the clock ticked midnight, Nicole, Key, Taemin, Jiyoung and I got picked up by butler Kim. He dropped us off at our respected houses while the rest decided to spend the night at Minho's. 

Hara passed out and Seungyeon simply didn't want to leave her there, so Jonghyun and Onew decided to stay as well. 

Jonghyun's POV

Aissh. This girl really. Using her puppy dog eyes again. How can I say no to that face?

"Pretty please jjongieeee~?", Seungyeon is trying to convince me to stay with her to take care of the drunken Hara. 

"Fine", I finally gave in. 

"Then I'll stay too...", I heard Onew say. 

He is so obvious. I can tell that he really likes Seungyeon. Hmm...This is going to be interesting. 

Suddenly, we heard a huge bang on the floor. It was Minho. He was so wasted so Onew and I dragged him to his bedroom.

"What about Hara?", Seungyeon asked. Oh right. I saw her sitting lifelessly on the carpet.

"Maybe we can put her on the bed too? I think it's big enough for two", I suggested. 

"You think it's okay? I mean......", what is she worried about? 

"It's okay. They're friends. I'm sure they won't mind." I assured her.


I lifted Hara bridal style and put her beside Minho.

The three of us left the two of them alone and settled in the couch.

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danmicana #1
oh i love it....MinRa!!!!!<br />
waiting for your update.<br />
KaiserKawaii #2
whoo... i two drunk teens in one bed.